Synagogue shooting and antisemitism


""What has antisemitism to do with socialism? I’m asking in turn: what has the Jew to do with socialism? Socialism is the doctrine of work. Who ever saw a Jew work and not plunder, steal, sponge and profit from the sweat of another man’s brow? As socialists we are enemies of the Jews, because we see in the Hebrew the incarnation of capitalism, i.e. the abuse of the goods belonging to the people" (Joseph Goebbels).


Well-known member
Further question [MENTION=5868]chair[/MENTION]:

Why do you suppose Jews have been so disproportionately successful compared to everyone else?

You think that Jews are better than everyone else? Are they just naturally superior to the other races?

We have a culture that encourages education, hard work, creativity, and supporting each other.


We have a culture that encourages education, hard work, creativity, and supporting each other.

"Each other," indeed.

But not the goyim, right?

If one of the goyim owes less than a dollar, Jewish culture says that her house is forfeit.


We have a culture that encourages education, hard work, creativity, and supporting each other.

Furthermore, this is such nonsense.

You don't think that East Asians have such a similar culture?

Persons of European ancestry don't have such a similar culture?

"It's all the culture."

You sound like a right winger trying to persuade people about why African Americans are to blame for their own problems.


To be clear, [MENTION=5868]chair[/MENTION], I certainly don't deny that at least some Jews deserve their fame, money, etc.

But the idea that Jews are uniquely exceptional and that it somehow makes sense that Jews should be massively overrepresented in the world of money, power, influence, media, etc., is, quite frankly, a racist idea.


Well-known member
"Each other," indeed.

But not the goyim, right?

If one of the goyim owes less than a dollar, Jewish culture says that her house is forfeit.

Sticking together does mean that you are closer with your own group than with others. I don't think this is somehow evil, the way you are trying to paint it. And sorry, bringing an example of a Jew (or his company, to be more precise) who did something immoral doesn't imply that there is something wrong with the entire group- any more than a few Catholic priests means that all Catholics are pedophiles.


Well-known member

But the idea that Jews are uniquely exceptional and that it somehow makes sense that Jews should be massively overrepresented in the world of money, power, influence, media, etc., is, quite frankly, a racist idea.

Have I said anything of the sort?


Sticking together does mean that you are closer with your own group than with others. I don't think this is somehow evil

You don't think that if a tiny group of people somehow manage to gain exceptional power, wealth, influence, etc., and they have a strong sense of in-group preference, that is generally going to (and should) stir up a fair deal of antipathy/resentment from everyone else?


Further point, [MENTION=5868]chair[/MENTION]:

"There's nothing evil about it"?

In the US, East Asians outnumber Jews 3 to 1.

Why don't popular East Asian comedians outnumber Jews 3 to 1 on television?


And sorry, bringing an example of a Jew (or his company, to be more precise) who did something immoral doesn't imply that there is something wrong with the entire group

If these sorts of things weren't perfectly commonplace (and, more generally, if Jews weren't bankers/capitalists), do you think that Jews would still be universally hated?


Well-known member
If these sorts of things weren't perfectly commonplace (and, more generally, if Jews weren't bankers/capitalists), do you think that Jews would still be universally hated?

This is the "where there's smoke there's fire" explanation. since everybody hates the Jews, they must be evil.

I gather you are a Jew-hater, and not embarrassed about it in the least.


Well-known member
Further point, [MENTION=5868]chair[/MENTION]:

"There's nothing evil about it"?

In the US, East Asians outnumber Jews 3 to 1.

Why don't popular East Asian comedians outnumber Jews 3 to 1 on television?

Have you noticed how well Asians are doing in the US? They are even suing Harvard for not accepting more of them.
"Asian-Americans — about 6% of the U.S. population — made up nearly 23% of Harvard’s most recent class of admitted students, "

I guess they are Evil too.


To be clear, I am perfectly aware of the fact that many Jews are not bankers/capitalists. As I said, I don't begrudge at least some Jews of their fame, etc. The fact that in-group preference obviously accounts for the fact that East Asians don't outnumber Jews 3 to 1 on television doesn't take away from the fact that Lewis Black is hilarious.


Have you noticed how well Asians are doing in the US? They are even suing Harvard for not accepting more of them.
"Asian-Americans — about 6% of the U.S. population — made up nearly 23% of Harvard’s most recent class of admitted students, "

I guess they are Evil too.

That is massive overrepresentation. It's not nearly the overrepresentation enjoyed by the Jews.

When it comes to the Jews, we're not talking 4 to 1. We're talking 10 to 1 or greater.


Not to mention, of course, that the US isn't peculiarly beholden to East Asian interests. Meanwhile, when it comes to Israel...


Well-known member
Trad- you have an irrational hatred of Jews. If they succeed- it is for some undefined nefarious reason. If they help each other- it's because they despise others. If they're hated- it's for some good reason- which we won't spell out.

If Korean Americans succeed- that's OK (as long as they don't overdo it).
If Italian Americans help each other out- well, that's OK. It's only natural that they would.

But the Jews?


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Not to mention, of course, that the US isn't peculiarly beholden to East Asian interests. Meanwhile, when it comes to Israel...
Traditio, I took a glance at your profile real quick and noticed that you were Catholic, so you should be able to answer this question (or, I hope so, at least):

Trad, did God cut off the Jews forever? or is their being cut off as His people only temporary?