
Active member
What is a possible valid legal argument that could be used to force a pastor to marry a gay couple? Please cite the law and precedent being used. I won't hold my breath.

There is a world of difference between actually being able to come up with a possible valid legal argument and just making something up based on empty fear.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
A waste of time and money.
I don't find defending rights a waste of either.

People should be free,
You mean some people.

but the homos use the courts to further their agenda, wasting people's time and money.
I don't know how to put this gently...but the point of having a court is using it for redress.

And the homos use it to advance their agenda.
Everyone who uses the court uses it for redress and everyone has an agenda.

A waste of time and money.
That's what the opposing side thinks.

That people do something does not make it right.
Of course it doesn't. But using the court for redress is right.

Sure, we do. Homos make a song and dance, people have to spend time and money on legal defenses.
Substitute blacks and go back about fifty years and bingo. Same complaint. Most majorities who have to alter a discriminatory practice feel that way about any action against it.

You think because someone got a few donations, that makes it OK that people are put out of business.
He wasn't put out of business. He made a decision. Do I think it's okay that someone violating the law is penalized for it? I do.


New member
I don't know who you quoted just above. I don't accept any of the statements that person made.

Meanwhile, I would like to agree with one thing you said. We are trying to keep the state from 'establishing a religion' and so the state should not have a hand in this. It should be the various churches. Obviously there are churches out there that have a very weak view of Scripture, and they are the ones that (were already) approving SS marriages.

If this is done, the SS crowd will then 'find the weak spot' in the argument which is the word 'weak' (in reference to Scripture), and who knows what they will do with that, but by putting the debate on that ground, the real issues that matter come to clarity:

1, whether we are going to have a high view of Scripture, including the early chapters of Genesis, like Christ.
2, whether Christ in fact did
3, whether genders are a divine-created distinction, which is the true loss due to SCOTUS last week

Therefore, I'm working toward making a petition in my US county, which I hope others will follow, and which should be able to get 'followed' by conservative churches.

Petition: to further prevent the state from 'establishing a religion' (the 1st Amendment), churches will have the authority to marry couples according to a church's own doctrines and practices. Therefore: (this county) will no longer have authority to grant marriages.

Marriage is a legal contract between two adults that bind them together as a social and family unit. A wedding is (usually) a religious or cultural ceremony marking the establishment of a marriage.

The two are not the same thing


New member
I know some people here use the term homo to try and denigrate homosexuals.

Well in Canada we didn't just drink the Kool Aid, we sell and drink the milk. Guess what?

97% of us are still hetrosexual.



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I don't find defending rights a waste of either.
It's your courts' rulings in favor of homos that emboldens them to challenge people's liberty.

It is insane to think it is sensible that people must defend themselves against demands that they bow to the homo agenda.

People should be free. Having to waste time and money on legal proceedings because the courts like homos is not conducive to liberty.

I don't know how to put this gently...but the point of having a court is using it for redress.
Your court system is perverted. It is a tool of the wicked.

Substitute blacks and go back about fifty years and bingo. Same complaint. Most majorities who have to alter a discriminatory practice feel that way about any action against it.
Being black isn't against the law. Being a homo is against God's standards. Your courts have bowed to the homo agenda. Anything they once did that was right does not excuse them from their current perversion.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It's your courts' rulings in favor of homos that emboldens them to challenge people's liberty.
The impact of achieving liberty isn't an inherent challenge to liberty but if some in that camp learn the wrong lesson then the Court can and will educate them.

It is insane to think it is sensible that people must defend themselves against demands that they bow to the homo agenda.
It's the way republics work. Everyone and every group has an agenda. And they pursue them through courts and the legislative process.

People should be free.
You mean some people, the people you approve of should be free. That's not how it works here.

Your court system is perverted. It is a tool of the wicked.
No, it isn't, but I understand why you feel that way.
Last edited:


Yep. Christianity arose 2,000 years ago. Marriage was instituted by God about 6,000 years ago.
Marriage predates 6000 years ago, the pagans joined couples together.

The words refers to the lifelong, monogamous relationship between one man and one woman. This was perverted by the Supreme Court's ruling.
Nope you're wrong. Christians defined it as that, no one else did that's why the law had to step in and tell you you're wrong.

It was Christians at the forefront of the abolitionist movement, you retard.
Firstly Stipe don't call me a retard, you're the religious one, that word belongs to you. To be retarded and held back is the very result of being bound by a 2000 year old book of Jewish fables.

Secondly, a lot of people identified themselves as Christians, so not only were Christians at the forefront of the abolitionist movement, they were also at the fore front of slavery. Not least the bible it'self condoning and ruling on the ownership of other human beings. So you have no high horse to mount here. Infact whenever you see the word slavery you should burn that page of the bible for it NEVER speaks out against it in a single line.

Fortunately, we do not need to look to the feelings you imagine for random groups in response to liberty being advanced; we can just look to the bible to see what it says.
The bible is no reference to anything these days stipe, it's just plain wrong on just about everything. Hanging on to it to justify your own hatred and fear is just sad.
The bible says slavery and homosexuality are wrong.
Again... really so what ? Harry Potter says wizards exists... it has about as much weight as the bible in what is and isn't real.

You're too stupid to comment on the Bible.
The bible is too stupid to comment on really, just that if you guys use it to justify youselves it's a worth while tool to show you how wrong you are.
Nothing you say is accurate.
Nothing you say is relevant.

The bad guys also have names: Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot.
Ha ha Hitler was a christian you moron. He believed he was doing christs work. He hated and hunted down athiests much like you right wing nut jobs would like to do. Sorry stipe but Hitler was firmly in your camp.
HITLER said:
My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders.
SAID NO ATHIEST EVER... what do they teach you at your schools ?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Marriage predates 6000 years ago, the pagans joined couples together.

Nope you're wrong. Christians defined it as that, no one else did that's why the law had to step in and tell you you're wrong.

Firstly Stipe don't call me a retard, you're the religious one, that word belongs to you. To be retarded and held back is the very result of being bound by a 2000 year old book of Jewish fables.

Secondly, a lot of people identified themselves as Christians, so not only were Christians at the forefront of the abolitionist movement, they were also at the fore front of slavery. Not least the bible it'self condoning and ruling on the ownership of other human beings. So you have no high horse to mount here. Infact whenever you see the word slavery you should burn that page of the bible for it NEVER speaks out against it in a single line.

The bible is no reference to anything these days stipe, it's just plain wrong on just about everything. Hanging on to it to justify your own hatred and fear is just sad.
Again... really so what ? Harry Potter says wizards exists... it has about as much weight as the bible in what is and isn't real.

The bible is too stupid to comment on really, just that if you guys use it to justify youselves it's a worth while tool to show you how wrong you are.
Nothing you say is relevant.

Ha ha Hitler was a christian you moron. He believed he was doing christs work. He hated and hunted down athiests much like you right wing nut jobs would like to do. Sorry stipe but Hitler was firmly in your camp.
SAID NO ATHIEST EVER... what do they teach you at your schools ?

You haven't really thought things through enough, have you?


Active member
It's your courts' rulings in favor of homos that emboldens them to challenge people's liberty.

It is insane to think it is sensible that people must defend themselves against demands that they bow to the homo agenda.

People should be free. Having to waste time and money on legal proceedings because the courts like homos is not conducive to liberty.

The courts are open to all. It is tyranny and oppression to deny anyone's right to access the court system to redress a perceived or actual grievance.

Your court system is perverted. It is a tool of the wicked.

So says any tyrant.

Being black isn't against the law. Being a homo is against God's standards.

But not against the United States' legal standards, the only standards that are relevant in day to day life in the US.

Your courts have bowed to the homo agenda.


Anything they once did that was right does not excuse them from their current perversion.

In your opinion. Everything you've written throughout this thread is just one Taiwanese person's opinion.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
The impact of achieving liberty isn't an inherent challenge to liberty but if some in that camp learn the wrong lesson then the Court can and will educate them.
Meanwhile, the homo agenda is advanced.

It's the way Republic's work. Everyone and every group has an agenda. And they pursue them through courts and the legislative process.
Are all your excuses for evil composed of "this is how it is"?

You mean some people, the people you approve of should be free. That's not how it works here.
Nope. But your track record of making things up for me to believe is well established.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Hitler was a christian you moron. He believed he was doing christs work. He hated and hunted down athiests much like you right wing nut jobs would like to do. Sorry stipe but Hitler was firmly in your camp.

Typical evolutionist; cares about what a man says or believes to categorize him rather than judging him according to his actions.

Hitler was a bad guy.

His religious affiliation does nothing to change the facts.


like marbles on glass
That's not happening in Canada, and we've had same sex marriage for 10 years now. It used to be of concern, but practice shows that it is no concern.

Nor will it be in the United States. It is fear mongering to think otherwise.

So Canada hasn't yet been consumed by a giant fireball?

When American fundamental Christianity aligns with conservative leadership (whether political, cultural or religious, and usually all three), then fear-mongering in various forms of apocalypticism, messianism, nationalism, you-name-it, is the invariable result. But that's no surprise, since fear is one of the foundational supports for both fundamental Christianity and conservatism. Fear has always been the way that people in power keep the underlings in line.


New member
So Canada hasn't yet been consumed by a giant fireball?

When American fundamental Christianity aligns with conservative leadership (whether political, cultural or religious, and usually all three), then fear-mongering in various forms of apocalypticism, messianism, nationalism, you-name-it, is the invariable result. But that's no surprise, since fear is one of the foundational supports for both fundamental Christianity and conservatism. Fear has always been the way that people in power keep the underlings in line.

Except for a few wingnut extreme fundies, most right wing conservatives in Canada have embraced the fact that same sex marriage is about love, and hate should not be part of the picture.

I'm a conservative atheist. Yeah, we're a rare breed, but slowly rational thought is filtering through here in our bible belt. I've got a creation science museum only four blocks from my home. Or as my neighbor calls it, the creative science museum.

Even those evangelicals who fussed and mussed a decade ago when same sex marriage was made legal Canada-wide, no longer are concerned about it as they saw that it didn't affect them, and it didn't affect society.

Hopefully your church goers will see the light also.



New member
Except for a few wingnut extreme fundies, most right wing conservatives in Canada have embraced the fact that same sex marriage is about love, and hate should not be part of the picture.

I'm a conservative atheist. Yeah, we're a rare breed, but slowly rational thought is filtering through here in our bible belt. I've got a creation science museum only four blocks from my home. Or as my neighbor calls it, the creative science museum.

Even those evangelicals who fussed and mussed a decade ago when same sex marriage was made legal Canada-wide, no longer are concerned about it as they saw that it didn't affect them, and it didn't affect society.

Hopefully your church goers will see the light also.


I don't care what consenting adults do in private. I believe that civil unions ought to be legal because the law is to be applied equally to all citizens.
I do not like the abrasiveness with which the pc crowd goes about their business.
But, hey, it's a free country, right?


New member
I don't care what consenting adults do in private. I believe that civil unions ought to be legal because the law is to be applied equally to all citizens.
I do not like the abrasiveness with which the pc crowd goes about their business.
But, hey, it's a free country, right?
If I understand the situation correctly, civil unions still did not allow for all the privileges that a marriage does. Nor all the obligations for that matter.

Again if I'm not mistaken one of the issues would certainly be the way either the IRS or in Canada CRA view such unions from a tax perspective.

It would mean or have meant a massive change in laws both at the Federal and state or provincial levels for that to occur, & I can just imagine the mess that would end up in.

Having one rule for all makes it the easiest to be all inclusive.


New member
TownHeretic said:
Your court system is perverted. It is a tool of the wicked.
No, it isn't, but I understand why you feel that way.

Can you defend this incredible claim, i.e.,
that the court system is NOT perverted and corrupt?

And why haven't you commented on Kent Hovind and "structuring" and the IRS?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Meanwhile, the homo agenda is advanced.
If by agenda you mean civil status and equality before the law, yes. That's the process. You make your case, legislatively or before the courts and something gets clarified, one way or the other.

I wrote: It's the way Republic's work. Everyone and every group has an agenda. And they pursue them through courts and the legislative process.
Are all your excuses for evil composed of "this is how it is"?
Let me know if you come to an honest question instead of another polemic with peculiar punctuation at the end.

Nope. But your track record of making things up for me to believe is well established.
Well, no, but it's so like you to say it. :)

And I see you're still not lining up those clear points for even answers.

Because that's not really your complaint, is it. (rhetorical)