Study: European Muslim population can only grow

The Berean

Well-known member
The Real History of the Crusades
the Crusades to the East were in every way defensive wars. They were a direct response to Muslim aggression—an attempt to turn back or defend against Muslim conquests of Christian lands.​

Maybe it is time for Europe to defend themselves against the same enemy one more time.

Does Europe that have that in them anymore? I don't live in Europe so I really don't have any idea what young Europeans really believe. Whatever we may think of Muslims and their radicalized brethren they believe in their cause. They will die for their beliefs. How many Europeans (or any Westerners) will die for their beliefs? This writer make this very point.

No one wants to go toe to toe with ISIS, it seems. Everyone is hoping that they will dry up and blow away if we just “cut off their funding” or “provide more training” to the Iraqi military. People who say such things do not fully understand the power of a fanatical, militant ideology. The only way to inspire men to confront ISIS will be to equip them with an ideology of equal conviction and strength.

But where will such an ideology be found? Western leaders and populations are apparently incapable of dying for their beliefs. People in the West find it bizarre that someone would die for his religious beliefs because they themselves are craven, effete cowards who have no convictions themselves. Even the Vatican is too craven to call things by their true names, and to attempt to inspire a military response to the fanaticism that wishes to destroy it. Instead, we are treated to lectures on peace, love, and exhortations to “understand” the grievances of others.

Even nationalism in the West has evidently lost its luster. Who today can imagine battalions of young Spaniards, Frenchmen, Italians, or Germans willing to sacrifice themselves in combat for an ideal? Why do men fight to the death? For consumerism? For feminism? For the “rights of gender equality”? No.

These are not the ideals that inspire militancy in men. And no one is being honest about this. Decades of enervating propaganda by the Western media has hollowed out and destroyed the fighting spirit of the European male.
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Well-known member

The Barbarian

Barbarian, regarding Musty's imagination:
Who would be dumb enough to cite what someone wrote on Facebook as evidence for the nature of Islam?

Well, other than him, I mean.

What's the difference in taking Facebook as evidence and taking Tweets as evidence?

They don't call them twits for nothing. Tweets are evidence for the mental states of people making them. Not much else, as far as I can see.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Barbarian, regarding Musty's imagination:
Who would be dumb enough to cite what someone wrote on Facebook as evidence for the nature of Islam?

Well, other than him, I mean.

They don't call them twits for nothing. Tweets are evidence for the mental states of people making them. Not much else, as far as I can see.
Sooooo, the info in the tweet should never be regarded as evidence of a truth?


Well-known member
More SJWs, liberals and Democrats have committed acts of violence and murder in recent years for purely political reasons than conservatives have. It is they who more closely resemble jihadists.

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
They don't call them twits for nothing. Tweets are evidence for the mental states of people making them. Not much else, as far as I can see.

Sooooo, the info in the tweet should never be regarded as evidence of a truth?

Can you think of anything else?

The Barbarian

More SJWs, liberals and Democrats have committed acts of violence and murder in recent years for purely political reasons than conservatives have.

Well, let's take a look...

From January 2008 to the end of 2016, we identified 63 cases of Islamist domestic terrorism, meaning incidents motivated by a theocratic political ideology espoused by such groups as the Islamic State. The vast majority of these (76 percent) were foiled plots, meaning no attack took place.
During the same period, we found that right-wing extremists were behind nearly twice as many incidents: 115. Just over a third of these incidents (35 percent) were foiled plots. The majority were acts of terrorist violence that involved deaths, injuries or damaged property.
Right-wing extremist terrorism was more often deadly: Nearly a third of incidents involved fatalities, for a total of 79 deaths, while 13 percent of Islamist cases caused fatalities. (The total deaths associated with Islamist incidents were higher, however, reaching 90, largely due to the 2009 mass shooting at Fort Hood in Texas.)
Incidents related to left-wing ideologies, including ecoterrorism and animal rights, were comparatively rare, with 19 incidents causing seven fatalities – making the shooting attack on Republican members of Congress earlier this month somewhat of an anomaly.
Nearly half (48 percent) of Islamist incidents in our database were sting operations, more than four times the rate for far-right (12 percent) or far-left (10.5 percent) incidents.

The right wing has become the major source of terroristic attacks in the United States.

It is they who more closely resemble jihadists.


New member
Well, let's take a look...

From January 2008 to the end of 2016, we identified 63 cases of Islamist domestic terrorism, meaning incidents motivated by a theocratic political ideology espoused by such groups as the Islamic State. The vast majority of these (76 percent) were foiled plots, meaning no attack took place.
During the same period, we found that right-wing extremists were behind nearly twice as many incidents: 115. Just over a third of these incidents (35 percent) were foiled plots. The majority were acts of terrorist violence that involved deaths, injuries or damaged property.
Right-wing extremist terrorism was more often deadly: Nearly a third of incidents involved fatalities, for a total of 79 deaths, while 13 percent of Islamist cases caused fatalities. (The total deaths associated with Islamist incidents were higher, however, reaching 90, largely due to the 2009 mass shooting at Fort Hood in Texas.)
Incidents related to left-wing ideologies, including ecoterrorism and animal rights, were comparatively rare, with 19 incidents causing seven fatalities – making the shooting attack on Republican members of Congress earlier this month somewhat of an anomaly.
Nearly half (48 percent) of Islamist incidents in our database were sting operations, more than four times the rate for far-right (12 percent) or far-left (10.5 percent) incidents.

The right wing has become the major source of terroristic attacks in the United States.

It is they who more closely resemble jihadists.
Your source forgot to include the acts of BLM and Antifa.

The Barbarian

Your source forgot to include the acts of BLM and Antifa.

Antifa, or at least one of their followers is on the list. As you know, BLM opposes violence and has not committed any acts of violence or terrorism.

You need to remember that it's not terrorism to disagree with you.

patrick jane

Antifa, or at least one of their followers is on the list. As you know, BLM opposes violence and has not committed any acts of violence or terrorism.

You need to remember that it's not terrorism to disagree with you.
Except the five Dallas Police officers murdered by a BLM sniper at a Black Lives Matter protest.

After the news of Castile and Sterling’s deaths hit the nation, BLM held a protest in Dallas, Texas. Although that protest started out peacefully, it ended in bloodshed when a gunman who had a vendetta against white cops murdered five and injured several other on-duty officers.

Last week, a police officer and a college safety agent in Georgia were mowed down while checking out a reported domestic incident at a housing complex, taken from this life by a creature who then shot himself to death.The slayings brought to at least 62 the number of law enforcement personnel nationwide who have lost their lives on the wrong end of assailants’ firearms so far this year. That’s up sharply from the 41 gunpoint killings tabulated in 2015 by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund.
The deadly shootings, which occur, on average, more than once a week, raise a disturbing question: Is Black Lives Matter at least partly to blame?
Some in law enforcement, as well as civilians, believe, with justification, that the marked uptick in the killings of police, after years of decline, is the result of an energized Black Lives Matter movement.
“While we mourn and grieve and commit ourselves to supporting the survivors, we must also stand up and speak out against the senseless agitators and gutless politicians who helped bring about these murders,” according to a July statement put out by the National Association of Police Organizations.
BLM, whose adherents protest the deaths of African-Americans at the hands of police, has won support from President Obama, Mayor Bill de Blasio, the Rev. Al Sharpton and celebrities including Beyoncé and Jay Z, filmmaker Quentin Tarantino and San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Their anger is understandable.
But the taking of cop lives should enrage every good human being.

Not to mention BLM's favorite slogans - "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now." and "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon"

I'm realizing nobody can believe a word you say, barbarian.


The Barbarian

Except the five Dallas Police officers murdered by a BLM sniper at a Black Lives Matter protest.

Dallas police say he had no connection to BLM.

On Thursday night, 12 police officers were shot and five killed after a #BlackLivesMatter protest in Dallas. 2 civilians were also shot. Some on the internet are jumping to blame protesters, though the event was well-documented as peaceful in nature. It was so peaceful, in fact, that police officers were posing for smiling photos with protesters.

Unfortunately, people were quick to blame the protesters for the shootings, despite reports that the shooting was carried out by snipers separate from the protest.

"Tonight it appears that two snipers shot 10 police officers from elevated positions during the protest/rally," Dallas Police Chief David Brown said in a statement.

But perhaps you will claim that the Dallas police are lying as well. So why not just show us that the shooter was a member of BLM?

Not to mention BLM's favorite slogans - "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now." and "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon"

Ah, the faked video. That wasn't a BLM march. Would you like me to show you?

And yet, evidence shows the group that engaged in the death chant against police weren’t part of Millions March NYC. And if they did indeed march on Dec. 13, they did so long after the larger protest had moved downtown. They were not part of the main group.

For one thing, according to the video, which was posted to Youtube the same day as the protest, the “dead cops” chant took place after sunset. You can see from the video that city lights are already on. The group starts by chanting “hands up, shoot back,” before switching to the death chant, and then an unintelligible chant at the end of the approximately 2 minute clip.

A story posted by the New York NBC affiliate says the marchers were proceeding “down Fifth Avenue at 32nd Street” at 4:30 p.m. The Millions March NYC protest kicked off at 2 p.m. as thousands gathered in Washington Square Park near New York University on 5th Avenue and 8th Street. After turning west on 14th Street the march, which stretched across all lanes and down more than ten city blocks, proceeded up 6th Avenue as far as Herald Square (home to the famed Macy’s flagship store) at 32nd and Broadway. It then proceeded downtown on Broadway, to One Police Plaza.

By the time it reached Herald Square, which is on the west side of the city at least a mile from Murray Hill, it was still daylight. My photos from Herald Square are time stamped at around 3:30 p.m.

Again, if you can show us that these other protesters were BLM members, now is the time to do it. You can retreat to "they are all lying, if they don't agree with me", but reality stays the same.

It's not going to help you, if you accuse others of lying, whenever you get caught in a falsehood.

patrick jane

Dallas police say he had no connection to BLM.

On Thursday night, 12 police officers were shot and five killed after a #BlackLivesMatter protest in Dallas. 2 civilians were also shot. Some on the internet are jumping to blame protesters, though the event was well-documented as peaceful in nature. It was so peaceful, in fact, that police officers were posing for smiling photos with protesters.

Unfortunately, people were quick to blame the protesters for the shootings, despite reports that the shooting was carried out by snipers separate from the protest.

"Tonight it appears that two snipers shot 10 police officers from elevated positions during the protest/rally," Dallas Police Chief David Brown said in a statement.

But perhaps you will claim that the Dallas police are lying as well. So why not just show us that the shooter was a member of BLM?

Ah, the faked video. That wasn't a BLM march. Would you like me to show you?

And yet, evidence shows the group that engaged in the death chant against police weren’t part of Millions March NYC. And if they did indeed march on Dec. 13, they did so long after the larger protest had moved downtown. They were not part of the main group.

For one thing, according to the video, which was posted to Youtube the same day as the protest, the “dead cops” chant took place after sunset. You can see from the video that city lights are already on. The group starts by chanting “hands up, shoot back,” before switching to the death chant, and then an unintelligible chant at the end of the approximately 2 minute clip.

A story posted by the New York NBC affiliate says the marchers were proceeding “down Fifth Avenue at 32nd Street” at 4:30 p.m. The Millions March NYC protest kicked off at 2 p.m. as thousands gathered in Washington Square Park near New York University on 5th Avenue and 8th Street. After turning west on 14th Street the march, which stretched across all lanes and down more than ten city blocks, proceeded up 6th Avenue as far as Herald Square (home to the famed Macy’s flagship store) at 32nd and Broadway. It then proceeded downtown on Broadway, to One Police Plaza.

By the time it reached Herald Square, which is on the west side of the city at least a mile from Murray Hill, it was still daylight. My photos from Herald Square are time stamped at around 3:30 p.m.

Again, if you can show us that these other protesters were BLM members, now is the time to do it. You can retreat to "they are all lying, if they don't agree with me", but reality stays the same.

It's not going to help you, if you accuse others of lying, whenever you get caught in a falsehood.
You're a liar for claiming BLM has no violence. No connection to BLM, just a black man who hated white cops and killing 5 of them at a BLM protest. I also know for a fact they chant Dead Cops NOW and Pigs Fry 'Em Like Bacon, liar. You act like they only chanted these thing once and it's been "proven" it wasn't BLM. Lies. No connection, just like the radical liberal terrorist that shot up a baseball field of Republicans isn't really a liberal. It's funny how your posts ALWAYS "show" Republicans and conservatives as hate filled violent racists yet you lie and pretend any negative information about liberals, Antifa, BLM etc. are all fabricated. They're all peaceful law abiding citizens who care about the American people and the rights of the down trodden. People said the same about the KKK.

You are the one caught in falsehoods, plural, and sure enough, you're accusing others of lying. He may not have been a "registered member" of BLM but he has "connections" to the Black Panthers.

Officials said they had found no evidence that the gunman, Micah Johnson, 25, had direct ties to any protest or political group, either peaceful or violent, but his Facebook page showed that he supported the New Black Panther Party, a group that has advocated violence against whites, and Jews in particular.

Try to stick to the thread OP and title if you can manage that.
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The Barbarian

(Barbarian suggests that Patrick come up with some evidence for claim that BLM engages in violence)

You're a liar for claiming BLM has no violence.

Calling people liars, when they ask you for evidence, is a dead giveaway, Patrick.

No connection to BLM, just a black man who hated white cops and killing 5 of them at a BLM protest.

I get what you're trying to say. "He's black, so of course BLM is responsible for whatever he does." You're validating what the shooter was saying, that if any cop is a criminal, then all of them are criminals. The shooter was on your side, Patrick.

I also know for a fact they chant Dead Cops NOW and Pigs Fry 'Em Like Bacon, liar.

Nope. As you just learned that hoax has been debunked. The BLM march in Dallas gives lie to that one:


You act like they only chanted these thing once and it's been "proven" it wasn't BLM.

So far, you haven't shown us that they did it even once. And since you responded to a request for evidence by calling me a liar, everyone knows you know that.

Lies. No connection, just like the radical liberal terrorist that shot up a baseball field of Republicans isn't really a liberal.

Like all those conservative terrorists aren't really conservative? As you read in that FBI report, there are still left-wing terrorists in America; they just aren't as numerous as right-wing terrorists.

It's funny how your posts ALWAYS "show" Republicans and conservatives as hate filled violent racists.

You're still stuck in the mode of thinking that if some conservatives are violent and hate-filled, then they all must be. In fact, most of them are decent Americans, too.

yet you lie and pretend any negative information about liberals, Antifa, BLM etc. are all fabricated.

I just mentioned that at least some Antifa members qualified as terrorists. Your ideology has blinded you to anything that doesn't fit your narrative.

They're all peaceful law abiding citizens who care about the American people and the rights of the down trodden. People said the same about the KKK.

Trump didn't say that all KKK members were good people. He just thinks that there are good people among them.

You are the one caught in falsehoods, plural, and sure enough, you're accusing others of lying.

You made a false accusation. You got caught. Learn from it and go on.

He may not have been a "registered member" of BLM

He wasn't a member at all. He despised their idea of peaceful protest.

but he has "connections" to the Black Panthers.

And all those black people are alike, um? You're not doing yourself any good, Patrick.

patrick jane

(Barbarian suggests that Patrick come up with some evidence for claim that BLM engages in violence)

Calling people liars, when they ask you for evidence, is a dead giveaway, Patrick.

I get what you're trying to say. "He's black, so of course BLM is responsible for whatever he does." You're validating what the shooter was saying, that if any cop is a criminal, then all of them are criminals. The shooter was on your side, Patrick.

Nope. As you just learned that hoax has been debunked. The BLM march in Dallas gives lie to that one:

So far, you haven't shown us that they did it even once. And since you responded to a request for evidence by calling me a liar, everyone knows you know that.

Like all those conservative terrorists aren't really conservative? As you read in that FBI report, there are still left-wing terrorists in America; they just aren't as numerous as right-wing terrorists.

You're still stuck in the mode of thinking that if some conservatives are violent and hate-filled, then they all must be. In fact, most of them are decent Americans, too.

I just mentioned that at least some Antifa members qualified as terrorists. Your ideology has blinded you to anything that doesn't fit your narrative.

Trump didn't say that all KKK members were good people. He just thinks that there are good people among them.

You made a false accusation. You got caught. Learn from it and go on.

He wasn't a member at all. He despised their idea of peaceful protest.

And all those black people are alike, um? You're not doing yourself any good, Patrick.
You're lying again and putting words in my mouth, liar.
You lie when you imply that I think "all blacks are the same" - it's your deceptive style, you may not realize you do it.

You're not doing yourself any good by attempting to discredit my credibility by lying about me, liar. I heard the BLM chants live on air during the Ferguson RIOTS, liar. There's your evidence, liar.

You got caught lying and deceiving, you do it everyday here. Learn from it and move on. I gave you evidence of violence from BLM and evidence of the Dead Cops Now chants, as you "suggested" I do. You lied when you claimed they have no history of violence and you lied about the chants not existing. What was it that I lied about again, liar?

The Barbarian

You're lying again and putting words in my mouth, liar.
You lie when you imply that I think "all blacks are the same" - it's your deceptive style, you may not realize you do it.

You're not doing yourself any good by attempting to discredit my credibility by lying about me, liar. I heard the BLM chants live on air during the Ferguson RIOTS, liar. There's your evidence, liar.
Barbarian observes:
You got caught lying and deceiving, you do it everyday here. Learn from it and move on.

I gave you evidence of violence from BLM

As you now realize, the shooter in Dallas was not associated with BLM. So, to save your narrative you claimed (without evidence) that he was somehow connected to the Black Panthers. It seems that to you, all black people are alike.

Do you not see what this looks like to everyone else?

and evidence of the Dead Cops Now chants, as you "suggested" I do.

And a witness to the event noted that the people doing it were not associated with BLM.

You lied when you claimed they have no history of violence

You've apparently confused the Black Panthers with BLM. Different organizations, even if all those people look alike to you.

and you lied about the chants not existing.

Nice try. I showed you that the people doing the chant weren't BLM people. No matter how much trouble you're in, you can only make it worse for yourself by lying again.

patrick jane

You're lying again and putting words in my mouth, liar.
You lie when you imply that I think "all blacks are the same" - it's your deceptive style, you may not realize you do it.

You're not doing yourself any good by attempting to discredit my credibility by lying about me, liar. I heard the BLM chants live on air during the Ferguson RIOTS, liar. There's your evidence, liar.
Barbarian observes:
You got caught lying and deceiving, you do it everyday here. Learn from it and move on.

Barbie can't quote a post correctly but HE says:
As you now realize, the shooter in Dallas was not associated with BLM. So, to save your narrative you claimed (without evidence) that he was somehow connected to the Black Panthers. It seems that to you, all black people are alike.

Do you not see what this looks like to everyone else?

And a witness to the event noted that the people doing it were not associated with BLM.

You've apparently confused the Black Panthers with BLM. Different organizations, even if all those people look alike to you.

Nice try. I showed you that the people doing the chant weren't BLM people. No matter how much trouble you're in, you can only make it worse for yourself by lying again.
I showed you that BLM committed violence, you lied. I told you what I heard during an on-air BLM riot, you lied again. You keep implying that I think all blacks are the same, which is deception aka, a lie.

You wanna keep lying go ahead. I'm done talking about this with a liar like you. I like how you mentioned Trump in your previous post because he actually said that there were good people mixed in with white nationalists in Charlottesville. God forbid that there might be good people within their ranks, that's impossible to you because you think all white's are the same. See how that works?

I know the root of your problem is your President, Donald J. Trump. That's probably what drove you to come back to TOL more than anything else, after a long hiatus. You're frustrated and angry and it's OK to feel that way. I can't take away your deep hurt or soothe your liberal feelings.

Do I see what this looks like to everyone else? You mean the liberals on your side? Of course, I know exactly how things look to liberals and I take pleasure in knowing that your lies and deceptive techniques won't change one mind on TOL. That's the "everyone else" you speak of. Everyone that knows your style has known it for years here and sees right through it. It didn't take me long to notice. I'm here to speak the truth about politics from my limited perspective, a perspective that is shared by millions of Americans.

Fortunately for you, there's a logjam of pro-liberal Fake Facts available at your fingertips. Keep on truckin' barbie, 7 more years.

EDIT (Sarcasm) On that note, I will add this, I searched far and wide on the liberal internet and I can't find even one crime, not one act of violence and very little if any negative data about BLM. I can only find pages and pages explaining how good they are That convinces me that BLM is nothing but peaceful, loving, caring people that only fights for justice and equality. It's too bad they show no interest in blacks killing blacks nationwide at a staggering rate.The Police and the FBI agree, but we should trust the BLM rioters.

Data from FBI crime report contradicts BLM narrative
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