Strange Ideas about Homo Politics

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
One of my extended family members is gay. I like him a lot. I like his husband, and I wish I could see them more often, but they live far away. They're far more kind and charitable than those Christians here who are homophobic. (Not all Christians here are homophobic.)

You do them an injustice by including them in the category of murderers and embezzlers.

do they realize that their perversion makes them abominations in God's eyes?

do you care that they're going to burn in hell for all eternity unless they accept Christ and turn from their wicked ways?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
No, I don't have any reservations about you Kat, I like you too and it's not easy for me to disagree with people I like.

I understand, although this is by title a 'strange ideas' thread, not really a debate.

Personally, I gave my last serious post on ASC's thread stating I think talk gets us nowhere. :idunno: I never had anyone tell me they were homosexual, although I have seen some act what i would call gender discordant.


like marbles on glass
I understand, although this is by title a 'strange ideas' thread, not really a debate.

Personally, I gave my last serious post on ASC's thread stating I think talk gets us nowhere. :idunno: I never had anyone tell me they were homosexual, although I have seen some act what i would call gender discordant.

I guess I don't really understand the purpose of this thread then. I believe it's wrong to treat homosexuals the way they're treated here by some who call themselves Christian, but there are other threads (when are there not threads about homosexuals here?) so I'll take the discussion elsewhere. Take care.

(As for aCW, he's actually been very helpful in helping me understand how crucially important it is to maintain separation of church and state.)

The Horn

Ktoyou, comparing homosexuals to murderers and embezzlers is not only grossly unfair, it's disgustingly bigoted .
How do two gays having consensual sex in private harm others ?
Oh come on now. No such thing as homophobia ? It doesn't just mean fear of gay people, it also means hatred of them, and both are rampant all over America and the world .
No such thing as homophobia ? Well, I guess there's also no such thing as racism . The KKK aren't racists; they're just a bunch of good old boys who don't like black people .
Hitler and the Nazis weren't Anti- Semites , just a group of principled Germans and Austrians who didn't like Jews .
Give me a break !!!!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
All homos wish to importune those so called 'minorities' for divine favour! Speak not y homo of those who protest you! They might smite you!

The Horn

Gay people are not trying to hurt others . They are not trying to "impose" their homosexuality on anyone . They are not out to "recruit " and "seduce" children and teenagers, because nothing can make you gay if you are not .
They are not trying to interfere with the rights of others , and they are not asking for "special rights ". All they are asking for is to be treated decently by society , not to be persecuted by the government , and not to be denied the rights which every American should have .
Is this too much to ask for ? Of course not .
The overwhelming majority of gays are just ordinary people who mind their own business and bother or threaten no one . They are NOT a "threat" to society or the world .
There are some bad eggs among the gay population, but there are bad eggs in every group of people and in every religion .

The Horn

Judging by ME ? I'm 100 % heterosexual . I just believe in gay rights . I also believe in animal rights, so I guess this makes me an elephant . And civil rights for blacks, which must make me black, even though I'm of Ukrainian Jewish descent and my grandparents came from there .


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
That is what they all say. No buzz off buzzard and take your animals attitude with you.


(As for aCW, he's actually been very helpful in helping me understand how crucially important it is to maintain separation of church and state.)

Most Christians or churches are deeply involved in politics even though Jesus says His followers are not of the world.

Politics are of the world.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The day comes where animals enter into a contract with humans, i will consider, but when humans make claims, then no. Look what people have done to wolves, turned them into Yorkies and Pugs!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Most Christians or churches are deeply involved in politics even though Jesus says His followers are not of the world.

Politics are of the world.
Yes, and there should not be any homo churches.


Yes, and there should not be any homo churches.

They are protesting to the world about it. The world is for gay marriages.

Christians should not try to control the world's value system.

Jesus says let the dead bury their own dead.


New member
I understand, although this is by title a 'strange ideas' thread, not really a debate.

Personally, I gave my last serious post on ASC's thread stating I think talk gets us nowhere. :idunno: I never had anyone tell me they were homosexual, although I have seen some act what i would call gender discordant.

homosexuality is not the same thing as gender discordant


New member
It would be better to point out the logical flaw. This thread is not much of a debate thread.

I do not wish to argue with you. I like you. You may have reservations about me, however, there is no way I am going to change being near three quarters of a century old. I cannot imagine a man having a husband"
Then you've got some ten years on me but I seem to have had rather more time to gain some tolerance and understanding than you since the time when I too was a homophobic bigot in my ignorance.:plain: