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Grosnick Marowbe

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There's way too much 'Unpatriotic hatred' being spewed about our President, these days. He has to contend with the far-left media, assorted Hollywood morons, obstructionist politicians, and people like AB, Barbarian, and some of the other liberal leftists here on TOL and everywhere else. It was a 'Cake-walk' for Obama, after all, some were calling him, 'the messiah' (Small m) when he first came into office. He didn't have the media, Hollywood, antifa/Black Lives Matter, the obstructionists, both Democrat and Republican, or half of the entire country as his enemy.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Now, we'll return to the original purpose for this thread. Stuu, sort of got us off in a different path with his unpatriotic and disrespectful political rant.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
I don't mind discussing subjects with posters who are respectful, civil and thought provoking. I just cannot abide with those who are here to disrupt and Troll. Good conversations are few and far between these days. I even enjoy a good round of 'Verbal Fisticuffs' now and then. However, I'm smart enough to know when I'm being played.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Disruption doesn't make for good communication. Debate is fine. Discussion is fine. Desiring to opine is fine. Hatred and disruption are not fine.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
As I've stated earlier, hopefully, Steven Hawking came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ in the 11th hour of the end of his life on planet earth? I haven't heard that he did, so, it appears to me that he's now facing eternity separated from God. Which means it doesn't look good for him. I really don't think, in this day and age we hear a lot of 'Hell, fire, and brimstone type of preaching. Joel Osteen and his ilk have preached 'positive thinking' and other flowers and pretty skies above sermons for a number of years now, yet, it doesn't appear as if they desire to talk about the 'Dark side' of rejecting God's Grace through Christ. After all, according to the Bible, God only has one offer for the forgiveness of all sins, and the inheritance of eternal life and that's by hearing the Gospel and placing one's TOTAL faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. If someone rejects that message (Gospel) they are doomed and without hope throughout eternity. The Lake of Fire will be horrendous in its monumental torment and agony. For one thing, at some point during the 'final judgement' Satan and his ilk will be cast into the 'Lake of Fire' subsequently, those people who God has Judged will be cast into that same 'Lake of Fire.' That "END" shouldn't be taken lightly. Eternity lasts forever and ever. The agony and torment will never cease.

I remember when I was about 12-years-old and it was an extremely hot day in Southern California, my family were in transition, moving from one place to another and in the interim we were staying at a cheap Motel with only a small fan to give us a minute amount of comfort. Back then, in 1962, not only was it extremely hot in the summertime, it was also Smoggy which made it hard to breathe. My Family weren't exactly churchgoers, per se. We went to church on Easter Day and maybe Christmas at that time. The heat from that summer day along with the smog and the lack of any relief made me wonder about Hell and if my family was going to end up there? So, I asked my Mom; "Are we gonna go to Hell?" She said; "Probably." That wasn't exactly comforting, however, I was only 12 and just let it go at that.

As miserable as that summer day in Southern California was, the mere thought of spending eternity in a place of torment, fire, heat, and anguish leaves one with a terrifying feeling and truth that a myriad of human beings WILL end up in that situation and there will be NO relief and no escape, possible. It won't just be a couple of days of agony, then we can go home, it will be forever.


Well-known member
As I've stated earlier, hopefully, Steven Hawking came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ in the 11th hour of the end of his life on planet earth? I haven't heard that he did, so, it appears to me that he's now facing eternity separated from God. Which means it doesn't look good for him. I really don't think, in this day and age we hear a lot of 'Hell, fire, and brimstone type of preaching. Joel Osteen and his ilk have preached 'positive thinking' and other flowers and pretty skies above sermons for a number of years now, yet, it doesn't appear as if they desire to talk about the 'Dark side' of rejecting God's Grace through Christ. After all, according to the Bible, God only has one offer for the forgiveness of all sins, and the inheritance of eternal life and that's by hearing the Gospel and placing one's TOTAL faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. If someone rejects that message (Gospel) they are doomed and without hope throughout eternity. The Lake of Fire will be horrendous in its monumental torment and agony. For one thing, at some point during the 'final judgement' Satan and his ilk will be cast into the 'Lake of Fire' subsequently, those people who God has Judged will be cast into that same 'Lake of Fire.' That "END" shouldn't be taken lightly. Eternity lasts forever and ever. The agony and torment will never cease.

I remember when I was about 12-years-old and it was an extremely hot day in Southern California, my family were in transition, moving from one place to another and in the interim we were staying at a cheap Motel with only a small fan to give us a minute amount of comfort. Back then, in 1962, not only was it extremely hot in the summertime, it was also Smoggy which made it hard to breathe. My Family weren't exactly churchgoers, per se. We went to church on Easter Day and maybe Christmas at that time. The heat from that summer day along with the smog and the lack of any relief made me wonder about Hell and if my family was going to end up there? So, I asked my Mom; "Are we gonna go to Hell?" She said; "Probably." That wasn't exactly comforting, however, I was only 12 and just let it go at that.

As miserable as that summer day in Southern California was, the mere thought of spending eternity in a place of torment, fire, heat, and anguish leaves one with a terrifying feeling and truth that a myriad of human beings WILL end up in that situation and there will be NO relief and no escape, possible. It won't just be a couple of days of agony, then we can go home, it will be forever.

Gosh, that must have been hard to hear when your mom said, "Maybe". Twelve years old! You were quite the thinker even back then. I would never have thought of asking such a thing. As I recall, I didn't think much past the upcoming weekend. :chuckle:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I may have been only 12-years-old back in 1963 and my family weren't regular church goers, however, for some reason, I instinctively knew there was such a thing, as Hell. The second part of the story I started above is, after our family left that 'cheap motel' we moved into a new apartment in Garden Grove, California and that's where the story gets interesting. My Sister happen to befriend a neighbor girl whose Father happen to be an assistant Pastor of a neighborhood community church. The 'church' at that time were meeting at 'The Church of Reflexions'church that was built on the property of Knott's Berry Farm in Buena Park, California.

Walter Knott, the owner of 'Knott's Berry Farm' was kind enough to let the small congregation meet there for a number of years until they found their own church property. Anyway, our family began to attend the 'Church of reflections' and through the witnessing of the family of the girl my sister had befriended, my entire family became 'True Christians.' The Bible says in Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:" That 'cheap, uncomfortable motel we stayed in before we moved to that apartment in Garden Grove, was where I first started 'SEEKING.' I was seeking by asking my Mom; "Are we going to Hell?" My family received the answer to that question shortly after we left that motel and moved to Garden Grove.

The Bible says, if we seek we'll find and that's what I was doing; seeking. I believe that, God answered that 12-year-olds question by leading my family to the Grace that God offers to all. My Mom and Dad left this world, years ago, however, they now reside with God, in Heaven. Even if you're not religious and even if you don't believe in God, why not ask a similar question, I asked back in 1963; "Am I going to Hell?" You might be surprised what happens next? After all, my faith began with a simple question.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I only wish a poster with a higher degree of education/learning would happen by one of my threads? I grow weary of involving myself in 'verbal fisticuffs' with those who cannot go the distance.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There are different types/forms of intelligence to be expressed on planet earth. The one area of such expression, although, it's actually a 'gift,' is that of a 'Rapier Wit.' I especially appreciate that type of 'expressed intelligence.'


New member
It looks like the ATHEISTS on TOL are here to pay their respects to Stephen Hawking. That's fair. I hold them no grudge.
I believe science community have just agreed that our existence shows signs of design, therefore, there must be a designer.

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