Star Trek


New member
I realize that this may be 'out there', but lets use warp speed into the possibly near future. *Could Satan use 'our' fascination with E.T. creatures to give us super intelligent beings, *(IE. demons) who perform "signs and wonders"? Could these 'aliens' create the illusion of *world peace? Could one of these beings become the worlds leader? Would the world revere / worship such a 'good' being?

We know that Satan already uses alien abductions (imaginary or real) as a form of demon possesion. So..... is it possible Satan is using "space....the final fronteir," preparing the world for 'extra teresstials'?

Matthew 24:24 - For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

patrick jane

I realize that this may be 'out there', but lets use warp speed into the possibly near future. *Could Satan use 'our' fascination with E.T. creatures to give us super intelligent beings, *(IE. demons) who perform "signs and wonders"? Could these 'aliens' create the illusion of *world peace? Could one of these beings become the worlds leader? Would the world revere / worship such a 'good' being?

We know that Satan already uses alien abductions (imaginary or real) as a form of demon possesion. So..... is it possible Satan is using "space....the final fronteir," preparing the world for 'extra teresstials'?

Matthew 24:24 - For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

I said this long ago, that if aliens or supreme beings come to earth it's satan, the prince of the air who appears as an angel of light. People will be fooled and swept up in excitement.


New member
Joe Jordan was a fellow who used to be investigating UFO sightings and abductions. During the course of his research, Joe realized that there was a spiritual aspect to this. (As Christians, we shouldn't dismiss all the stories... there does seem to be some credibility to some 'abductions') Joe became a Christian and now works with people who suffer from repeated 'alien abductions'. These abductions general stop completely when a person commits their life to Christ.


New member
Joe Jordan was a fellow who used to be investigating UFO sightings and abductions. During the course of his research, Joe realized that there was a spiritual aspect to this. (As Christians, we shouldn't dismiss all the stories... there does seem to be some credibility to some 'abductions') Joe became a Christian and now works with people who suffer from repeated 'alien abductions'. These abductions general stop completely when a person commits their life to Christ.

There may well be a spiritual aspect to this, but it is not the Holy Spirit. He is the Spirit of truth and not deceit.


Satan was a celestial administrator who never had the kinds of superstitious powers attributed to him. The rebels were given time to repent, most did not. They were finally defeated in truth and taken away when the incarnate God was on the earth.

Satan is gone as well as the rebel angels.

This "faith" in Satan that some Christians have leads to paranoid delusions, anti intellectualism, anti science and fear of boogeymen everywhere.


There may well be a spiritual aspect to this, but it is not the Holy Spirit. He is the Spirit of truth and not deceit.

The Bible teaches that God creates evil and puts lying spirits into people, yet another reason tis obviously man made.


And Star Wars and Star Trek are just stories, a story like the parable of Job or Jonah and the whale.
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New member
And Star Wars and Star Trek are just stories, a story like the parable of Job or Jonah and the whale.
uh.... sorry Caino but it seems you think George Lucas snd God are just story tellers.
God's Word is the true historical account of how we are seperated from a Holy God. It is a love story of God Himself humbling Himself and going to Calvary redeem me.
Amazing love how can it be, that thou my God should die for me?


Well-known member
I realize that this may be 'out there', but lets use warp speed into the possibly near future. *Could Satan use 'our' fascination with E.T. creatures to give us super intelligent beings, *(IE. demons) who perform "signs and wonders"? Could these 'aliens' create the illusion of *world peace? Could one of these beings become the worlds leader? Would the world revere / worship such a 'good' being?
You've answered your own questions. It's all in how you choose to perceive them. I have no doubt that if any alien life forms were to come here, that there will be a lot of frightened people calling them "demons" and "spawn of satan" and all that. Because that's how they react to the unknown. It's why they believe in magic books and bizarre religious depictions of gods and demons as if they were part of reality.

But most people aren't that absorbed in their own fears, and so will be able to deal more reasonably with whatever shows up. At the moment, any beings that could get here from anywhere else in space will be so far ahead of us technologically that they will decide how the encounter will go. And there won't be much we can do about it, regardless of what we imagine them to be.


uh.... sorry Caino but it seems you think George Lucas snd God are just story tellers.
God's Word is the true historical account of how we are seperated from a Holy God. It is a love story of God Himself humbling Himself and going to Calvary redeem me.
Amazing love how can it be, that thou my God should die for me?

That's the self centered remix of the original Gospel, the original gospel which the Jews would be teaching from Jerusalem today if they had not rejected the gospel of the kingdom and killed the Son.

The creator Son did humble himself by coming down and Living a God revealing human life for the cause of salvation, not dying for the cause of Sin.

......and the Bible is man made, full of exaggerations and inaccurate historical claims.


Gabriel was an alien life form.

The celestials that met with Abraham at the trees of Mamre were alien life forms.

Adam and Eve were not indigenous to the planet either. While their material bodies were comprised of genetic material from human stocks of that age, they also had alien components that allowed them to partake of the "tree of life" up until Eve decided to mate with Cain's real father that she found "pleasing to the eye."


New member
Gabriel was an alien life form.

The celestials that met with Abraham at the trees of Mamre were alien life forms.

Adam and Eve were not indigenous to the planet. While their material bodies were comprised of genetic material from human stocks of that age, they also had alien components that allowed them to partake of the "tree of life" up until Eve decided to mate with Cain's real father that she found "pleasing to the eye."

Thanks for that are bonkers.