
New member
The Law is written on the hearts of the believer.

The faithful have faith in the Word of GOD, and as such, do faithfully follow the direction and Way shown by the Spirit and reafirmed through the written Holy Word of GOD.

Double speak and back biting are a sure sign for all to see. Contention, spite, envying, strife, recompense of what is known to be wrong for like kind one receives are others.

Equitable humility and mercy is the call at this time; now.


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Everything you accuse me of doing, you do. You follow me around like a homeless, hungry puppy. I notice you don't start threads you just troll and make inane remarks.


New member
I'm afraid you have no credibility on the matter. Using the text you did to make the statement you did is sophomoric and trite.

Your once saved always saved error sent you out of the room a long time ago. God loves me so much that I can believe lies and he will just look the other way.


New member
The REFORMED add law to the evangelism and that is something I would never do. You do the same and thus lock out grace from you miserable existence.

No the Reformed deny Christ by slicing and dicing the atonement just like you.


New member
The Law is written on the hearts of the believer.

The faithful have faith in the Word of GOD, and as such, do faithfully follow the direction and Way shown by the Spirit and reafirmed through the written Holy Word of GOD.

Double speak and back biting are a sure sign for all to see. Contention, spite, envying, strife, recompense of what is known to be wrong for like kind one receives are others.

Equitable humility and mercy is the call at this time; now.


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Amen. The law is written in the heart. It's called conversion and this is only the beginning of our walk with Christ. Those who aren't converted haven't even begun.


New member
Amen. The law is written in the heart. It's called conversion and this is only the beginning of our walk with Christ. Those who aren't converted haven't even begun.

Talking about conversion, but unable to give an account of conversion or render the meaning of the word. Parrot fashion theology.


New member
I was walking with Christ into battle when you were shooting spit balls at little Susie.

You were just believing what you family and pastor told you. They were passing on what they'd been told. None of you have ever stopped to think. You said that you're a Lutheran. You have never read the Bondage of the Will though have you?


New member
Everything you accuse me of doing, you do. You follow me around like a homeless, hungry puppy. I notice you don't start threads you just troll and make inane remarks.
I'm sorry; why do you have a problem with me posting on a public forum?

Not that I care.

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New member
Talking about conversion, but unable to give an account of conversion or render the meaning of the word. Parrot fashion theology.
We aren't to proudly promote our own selves as saved or recount our experiences as Holy testimony, but are to be tested and affirmed through the written Word.

Only a self-centered person would claim what you have here. Self centered being wholly opposed to the plain teachings of the Christ of GOD and the inclinations and persuasions of the Holy Spirit.

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New member
We aren't to proudly promote our own selves as saved or recount our experiences as Holy testimony, but are to be tested and affirmed through the written Word.

Only a self-centered person would claim what you have here. Self centered being wholly opposed to the plain teachings of the Christ of GOD and the inclinations and persuasions of the Holy Spirit.

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"But may it never be for me to boast, except in the stake of our Adonay Yah Shua Messiah, through whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world".

You seem to hate the fact that there is a salvation and you equally hate those that have partaken of the grace.


New member
"But may it never be for me to boast, except in the stake of our Adonay Yah Shua Messiah, through whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world".

You seem to hate the fact that there is a salvation and you equally hate those that have partaken of the grace.
False claims of an insubstantiable sort.

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New member
False claims of an insubstantiable sort.

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The fact you follow me around like a puppy snarling at every truth I post sets you in the slippery place.

"It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them."​


New member
Your.... saved.... lost....saved.... lost.... etc. etc. is error.

Get saved and you'll know the difference.

Another Reformed in training with the golden parachute gospel. Jesus said those who are faithful until death will receive a crown of life. Apostasy is a very real danger for every Christian including you.


New member
No, I'm just a Bible believing Christian. Saved by grace through faith, Eph 2:8

That's great but your faith will be tested.

Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. 1Peter 4:12,13


New member
The fact you follow me around like a puppy snarling at every truth I post sets you in the slippery place.

"It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them."​
I don't make threads often because I don't want to be the center of attention.

I comment on your threads initially because of the topic, as they are generally good topics for debate. Then, after your routine degradation, defaming and condemning I generally stick around to insure none believe your evil nonsense.

It's cool though, because my work is generally done for me; by you.


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How can you not love this guy? Look at the threads he creates. They're great.
Answer: because you're too sensitive.

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New member
I don't make threads often because I don't want to be the center of attention.

I comment on your threads initially because of the topic, as they are generally good topics for debate. Then, after your routine degradation, defaming and condemning I generally stick around to insure none believe your evil nonsense.

It's cool though, because my work is generally done for me; by you.


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You bring nothing but abuse and that can be read by others. What a witness!