Argument from Ignorance-Argumentum ad Ignorantiam.:yawn: Which one? :freak: Eph 4:14each:
As a reminder john w is number 58 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category. :burnlib:
Argument from Ignorance-Argumentum ad Ignorantiam.:yawn: Which one? :freak: Eph 4:14each:
As a reminder john w is number 58 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category. :burnlib:
It's a very complex mixture of rocket science and brain surgery.... it takes about 25 years in college. :think:
Hi and we all know that the GIFT of Tongues /GOLLOSIA / LANGUAGES is BY THE HOLY SPIRIT , GRASSHOPPER and Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:2:17-21 !!
Argument from Ignorance-Argumentum ad Ignorantiam.
Tongues was an indicator to Jews that the messianic age of the mssion of the Gospel was truly here. That's what Paul brings it back to in I Cor 14 in his Isaiah quote.
The Messianic Age is Isaiah 2's; Matthew 12's; and Hebrews 2's "world to come."
You are preaching "another gospel" Gal. 1:6.
One which is neither that Prophesied Messianic Age's gospel, nor this Mystery age's.
How about dealing with the OP?
We are in the messianic age now, as he has come, and is reigning.
It is mad that is another gospel. A gospel that is anti faith.
Mad is nothing but salvation by association. It's all about living in the flesh while clinging to Jesus as an excuse to be spiritually fruitless.
Mad is nothing but salvation by association. It's all about living in the flesh while clinging to Jesus as an excuse to be spiritually fruitless.
And Paul did NOT speak in tongues at Pentecost or maybe he did and I missed it.
Jud 1:20
See:1 John 3:8 (KJV)
1 Jn 3:8 MacArthur
As a reminder SaulToPaul is number 57 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category. :burnlib:
:yawn: Strawman Eph 4:14:chuckle:
Serpentdove, the Protestant Pope...
Holy Ghost Laughter
:yawn: Strawman Eph 4:14
As a reminder SaulToPaul is number 57 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category. :burnlib: