ECT Speaking in tongues

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
I was blessed with an ability to impersonate voices. I've entertained people for years with that ability. About forty-five years ago I was standing at a phone booth doing an impression of Jimmy Stewart and some people gathered around and one of them said: "It's him." Well, I turned around and to their surprise, I wasn't him. Although I sounding just like him, it wasn't REAL. I faked his voice. I believe that a lot of people FAKE doing tongues. For various reasons. Perhaps, to show others they're in the club, etc.

If they sit under a preacher who pounds it into them that they're not a genuine Christian without it, the peer pressure mounts.


New member
Mind-body excitations given cancer issues (some forms of which are mind-body issues behaving like cancer within an individual); and mind-body excitations over healing and or its lack...

So, your first hand experience is that God cannot heal in these modern times?

I believe God can heal now. No question about it in my mind that He can heal in modern times as much as He did in olden times.

Am not saying you are lying.

Yes, you are.

To do that to you would be to look at your assertions from one sided bias, in contrast to where I'd be better off looking at any assertion from - from objectivity.

What I find is that you obviously lack not only understanding of why there were healings in those parts of Scripture where and when those took place; but are also apparently not well informed in the connection between mind-body issues.

And you and I know each other personally for all our lives and know each other very well. Got it.

The only reason I am is because I have looked into such things, first hand.

Oh, I see. So you were first hand there to see it and can prove that miracles where only for them and not for now.

There are also cases in Medical Science where people diagnosed with multiple personality disorders have manifested advanced stages of Diabetes that completely vanish when one another aspect of their split personality kicks in.

So, unless you see a healing in this day and age approved by medical science, they're not true and you refuse to believe that God can perform miracles today. Interesting?

I am 'assuming' that you do not believe in miracles in these modern times. I wonder what you would do if God performed a miracle in you or someone very dear to you. Maybe you would call the medical science to prove to you that it was God who performed the miracle or maybe it was your mind-body or your dear's one mind-body instead of praising God for the miracle? :think: Just saying.

And no, that is not demon possession, by the way.

I know that.


New member
No such thing as private tongues, and yet you claim not to be a cessationist?

I am not a cessationist. Private tongues was never a concept until the early 1900s AD when Pentecostal missionaries went abroad preaching in their so called tongues expecting people to understand them. When that failed and they returned home with egg on their faces, they persuaded others that they were praying in tongues that could only be understood by God. It was a success! The teaching took off like wildfire and hundreds of thousands were making noises thinking they were praying to God :banana: and the beauty of the teaching is that you don't have to prove a thing, because it's God praying through you and no one is supposed to understand or give interp. wooooo hoooo! Taking verse 2 and reworking it to support the doctrine was a piece of cake. Cessassionism has nothing to do with this. It's just a plain old doctrine of men .... it has worked quite superbly - look at all the people who think they are praying to God while making noises - repetitive noises, just like Jesus said not to do. In fact, He told us how to pray. He never suggested praying was anything more than verbalizing your thoughts in prayer to the Lord and even gave us an example of how to pray. What a concept :idea:


I have this gift. :)

It amuses me to watch the religious nutcases trying to refute from scripture that this gift is not for today.
This is your opportunity to prove that tongues is not for today. Give me your best shot from scripture. Choose your words and scriptures carefully.

Why do you consider it a gift?


New member
If they sit under a preacher who pounds it into them that they're not a genuine Christian without it, the peer pressure mounts.

If that happened it would be something to consider.
In my case, my pastor used me as an example of a testimony whenever we would have meetings with other churches.
I gave my testimony once in a church, and three people wanted to know Christ as a result of hearing my testimony.
At that time I didn't speak in tongues, and didn't think I was meant to, which frustrated the pastor.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Although I believe the sign gifts don't exist today, I do believe if the sick are prayed for and it's God's will, then, that person can be miraculously healed by the "Will of God." However, those mass healings we see on You-Tube and Cable are phony. These "Charlatans" make tons of dough off of Naive and ignorant people. It's a racket.


New member
Hi and we see that Oral Roberts and Cathine Coldman ALL DIED and no one healed them , so I guess DEATH is still ONE AT A TIME still APPLYS !!


Yeah I agree.

Katherine Khulman would be 117 years old now, and Oral Roberts would be 98. I hate it when they don't live for ever.


New member

So do you think that the gentiles who spoke in tongues when Peter preached his gospel, didn't accept that they were speaking in tongues until someone like you verified it?

The Holy Spirit verified it through Paul because of the vision he had. He was in fact an apostle of Christ, directly under His authority and given discernment. That was one of the privileges of being Jesus' apostles back then.


New member
I agree that that would be an impressive miracle.

Can God do it? We both know that he can, yes? I assume you believe that God is all powerful?

There are variables here to take into consideration. My faith, and the faith of the person receiving. Not only that, but if an amputee healing was physically and scientifically verified, this would be a world wide phenomenon. Now, I have faith, and maybe the amputee has faith, but there will be a huge demonic backlash. Remember when Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead? the pharisees wanted to kill both of them.
Now I'm up for praying for an amputee because I believe God can heal such a situation, but am I able to handle the repercussions?

pish posh - your Pentecostal roots are showing now. Faith in healing is not why people are healed. Jesus did not care if there was what you call "demonic" interference [:alien:]. He is God. I know, it's hard to grasp :think:


New member
First of all, I don't believe "Tongues" exist today. However, if they did, there is so much room for fraudulent displays of it. It can be faked, so how would anybody KNOW they were hearing the "Real thing??"

It would have to be interpreted if in an assembly, as Paul says it has to be, and I would add that the interpretation would have to pass for it to be from God.

If it is the kind spoken by Paul in 1 Corinthians 14:2, then I would say that no interpretation is needed or the Holy Spirit would have to be the interpreter if He so wanted the person to know what the person is saying to God.

I agree with you that there is much room for fraudulent displays of it though, but I will never say that speaking in tongues will never or has never happened since the days of the first church and cannot happen in these modern times.


New member
pish posh - your Pentecostal roots are showing now. Faith in healing is not why people are healed.

No one would think that faith in healing leads to healing. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Who is this tweety twit? Never seen him, before.

Jesus did not care if there was what you call "demonic" interference [:alien:]. He is God. I know, it's hard to grasp :think:

Yeah I think you nailed it when you said he is God.
Do you remember when Peter denied Jesus three times, after healing and casting out spirits?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
pish posh - your Pentecostal roots are showing now. Faith in healing is not why people are healed. Jesus did not care if there was what you call "demonic" interference [:alien:]. He is God. I know, it's hard to grasp :think:

During Christ's ministry on earth, He healed many people. Some had faith in Him, perhaps, some did not. He healed them either way I believe. He removed the demons from many folks, I doubt those folks had the ability to have faith in Christ's ability to heal.