Well-known member
Made up, about us.
Slander is a gift of the spirit he's actually received.
Made up, about us.
Slander is a gift of the spirit he's actually received.
We're obeying God by attempting to test all things.
You claim to speak for God when you boast -- and it was a boast -- that you speak in tongues.
YOU want US to believe you.
We're required to test you.
You could let us test you, so that we will believe you if you're telling the truth.
You refuse to let us.
We're in no wise in the wrong here. You are.
You could prove us wrong very simply.
You know how. It's very simple to do.
Ok Musty
Lets give you the heir test.
1 Corinthians 14:2 For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries.
When a person speaks in a tongue, who understands him? A. Musty B. Paul C. Elephants D. God
When a person Speaks in a tongue, who does he speak to? A. Musty B. Unbelievers C. Aliens D. God
If you keep falling back on one verse to prove your point, of course you are going to come up with an answer that fits your doctrine.
The entire chapter of 1 Cor 14 is about speaking so that all can understand what is said so the assembly/gathering/church is edified. That is what Paul said to strive for
- not mumbling under your breath and claim that it's "speaking to God in mysteries". Those "mysteries" simply mean what is hidden aka not understood if not interpreted, and if they are not interpreted one is to be silent - that means, do not speak - verse 28 - which more fully interprets verse 2.
Is anyone going to present a scriptural debate against the gift of tongues being available today?
Come on maddies, youtube videos just don't cut it.
:idunno: They don't overcome (Job 1:6–22).You can't see that character grows through victories won in faith, because your doctrine removes the promises that requires faith to stand in the face of impossible circumstances in the natural...
As the old saying goes - put up or .....
The Scriptural proof, you reject. So what good does that do. It is obvious that what is called "tongues" today has no similarity to the Biblical record. There are just millions who keep making sounds and calling it the "tongues of angels" [pffft]. It feels good and so holy - so it has to be God. Been there, done that. It's just hype and holler to prove that one is more spiritual and "right with God".
Well it depends. If Paul said that no one understands the tongue except God, it maybe possible that no one understands the tongue except God?
I know that's radical to cessationsists, but there you go.
From and assembly perspective, that would be wisdom.
Ever hear of the word "debate"?
Present your case or clear off. Of course I'm going to disagree with cessationism. This forum is about debating.
It is you who rejects scripture, but if you disagree, give it your best shot.
There is one way to "clear the deck" - prove it - the internet is a beautiful thing.
You know how I can tell that your doctrine is erroneous? Because you keep quoting only verse 2. Having said that, I know where you are heading next. I can hardly wait ...:dog: Don't trip over your self to get there :hammer:
Well, if there was a verse that said, "God called the light day", we'd all be naive to accept that the light was day, wouldn't we?![]()
It's an incomplete thought based on the whole of chapt 14.
I am not a cessationist. If you were really speaking in tongues, I would be giving God the glory.
That is the entire and only perspective of Paul - starting in Chapt 12.
Avoiding proves nothing.
Tests of faith (Gen. 12:1, 2, 2 Cor. 11:21–33). You won't find the hypergracer[Job 1:6–22] What in the world?
That's a new one.
Avoiding proves nothing.