You used to be a nice boy.
Still am. Soon as I nailed MAD and saw the link with gnosticism, I have never held back.
I've watched people here (who I respect BTW) crumble and try to find common ground, but I have always kicked mad in the teeth cause I kinow what the spirit is behind it. It stinks of humanism. Mad is a religion of the flesh.
Any tongues audio posted yet? This thread is worthless without it.
Not much to chuckle about.:chuckle:
Not much to chuckle about.
Mad people are .......
Interested in prophecy, but in a way that is favorable to people supposedly of this generation.
Determined to remove all moral restraints in order to allow the flesh to have total freedom to choose whether the person can seek God or not.
Determined to remove everything that challenges faith. Against hope, Abraham believed in hope, but to avoid disappointment, hope is replaced with theory.
Not interested in church, because people are supposed to worship in Spirit, something Madists don't understand.
Spend a lot of time talking about eschatology, because it is all powerless speculation that feeds ego rather than edifies those seeking answers to those with genuine needs.
We carnal evil MADists put ZERO confidence in our flesh.
Our confidence is 100% in Christ.
You are talking more about the John Hagees of the world, than MAD.
Any tongues audio posted yet? This thread is worthless without it.
On the contrary, you boast in Christ because you are all to aware of the weakness of the flesh.
It's a mad case of, "oh may flesh rules my life, hope Jesus understands my misery. He died so that I can live in the flesh and not worry"
Your flesh is just as wicked as mine.
But, my confidence is wholly in the LORD. Is yours?
Audio or it didn't happen.
Sure, but my boasting in the Lord is not to relax the carnal man and allow him to do as he pleases.
You might be surprised at what good moral citizens most of us MAD wackos are in real life.
We might be just as clean of a dirty rat as you.
So why do you not "count it all joy when you fall into various trials"?
You see, your doctrine is designed to theologically manoeuvre you away from trials, and the result is to cause you to pour scorn on those who cling to promises in the word in order to believe for deliverances in the face of a hopeless situation in the natural.
By removing hope found in the word, you remove the character required to win a mighty victory through faith.This is a defeatist mentality, and very sympathetic to the flesh. The Psalmist said, "hope deferred makes the heart sick", but if you remove the hope, there is no fear of possible disappointment.
You can't see that character grows through victories won in faith, because your doctrine removes the promises that requires faith to stand in the face of impossible circumstances in the natural. Mad is so anti faith.
Made up.
Musty is now God?
That's a frightening thought.