New member
And now you are taking a fairly rare, specific thing and simply attributing it to something else.
Ultimately, your argument is being falsely persuasive in trying to abused children and non-abused children synonymous in a setting where physical discipline goes.
You're going to sit there and talk about God, but Godly wisdom is not sparing the rod. But pick and choose what to believe in the Bible like so many of you do- it's because of the lack of discipline that there are so many delinquents today.
That is, your notion has been proven ineffective in many circumstances.
Anyone who beats a child with a rod is an abuser. But then, that is how false parenting goes wonky and cults of abuse like Michael Pearl and his followers [eg: the Duggers] get sucked into it.
I am not against discipline. I am against the physical means by which parents think they are training a child. Patience and perseverance and guidance are a lot more effective than teaching a child that hitting another human being is righteous.
Perhaps, the verse "spare the rod and spoil the child" means something not quite so literal.