Spammers wasteland

Spammers wasteland

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Grosnick Marowbe

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You believe them superstitiously.

No need for a so called scholar of a language I neither read, speak or study to determine the meaning of PLAIN ENGLISH!

Anyone who does not bother to investigate the original languages of Holy Scripture, do not love Holy Scriptures, nor do they hunger and thirst for Truth.

Learning more about the written words of God is to learn more about the Word (Logos) of God, Jesus Christ.


Yes. But will regenerated Christians refuse to learn and grow by refusing to expose themselves to the original languages . . no.

Wrong. Regeneration precedes faith and faith precedes active obedience. The dead sinner must first be brought to life and given new spiritual capacities (new heart, mind, eyes, and ears) to respond to the Gospel message. Spiritually dead people hear the Gospel all the time, and do not respond in faith, because they have never first been raised to new life by God.[/QUOTE]

Well then Nang, you must be a genius like PPS. There's now two geniuses aboard the USS TOL.

john w

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"Every time you or any other MAD has misapplied a scripture in ignorance of word meaning and I've corrected it, you lambast and assault ME for your own ignorance and arrogance. Every time anyone corrects your false interpretations and definitions, it becomes a dust storm of typical MAD bulldozing……MADs are especially oblivious and beligerent about this in their ignorant and arrogance heretical false doctrines…Arrogant(666 times on TOL)… There's no greater egomania that you're exhibiting….If you understood ONE basic grammar issue,….. No. None of you do.And 6th Grade English is much too advanced for you toddlers.You could too, if you weren't so puffed up…..Nice try, novice.. No, it's a response that exposes a false question from idiots who don't know the truth.”-Pneumonias

Observe, the arrogant, hypocritical, puffed up Jeremiah, TOL's resident Professor Demas, after a few puffs , from his bong, as he transcends into his mysticism, and astral projecting......

=you arrogant little toddlers, as you are not as smart as me.....

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
How can you believe, what you omit or refuse to apply to yourself? How can you actually believe, if you do not understand, and how will you ever understand, if you will not search further into the original languages? How can you know if there is transliteration, bad translation, or misinterpretation of the scriptures, if you do not understand or search out the original inspired texts?

Are you in possession of the original texts?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Musterion was complaining that PPS never makes application of the distinctions between noun and verbs and I corrected, and said he has and maybe a thread should be started on the subject.

If such a thread began, would you join in, and share what you know about nouns and verbs and how such language tools can help us all better understand repentance? That would be really nice . . .

Would creating a thread about nouns and verbs make YOU really nice? Somehow I doubt it?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Stops who cold from doing what?

It is not necessary to possess Moses' Pentateuch or the original NT manuscripts to learn from the original Hebrew and Greek languages, is it?
I know I didn't have Moses' Pentateuch when I leaned Greek and Hebrew.
Have you learned them?


TOL Subscriber
The dichotomy is presented here, between unconsciousness and deliberation. The Church teaches that regardless, we are "collaborators with God's will," which is the same as saying that we are, as Luther said, like horses or beasts.

The Church does not strand us here though, which is unlike, I find, what Luther does in his Bondage of the Will; but the Church encourages us and points us toward our true freedom, which is through conscious, deliberate, intentional "co-working." This we can achieve, and fully mature, evolve even, into fully cognizant and thinking human beings.

With, of course, His grace.

It is still works righteousness, of course.

What I have never heard, is the idea that unregenerate, unrepentant sinners, can unconsciously collaborate with God. How could that be achieved? Or are you describing a "puppetry" that is more extensive than what Calvinists get accused of teaching?

And can you cite Luther referring to "horses and beasts?" I have never come across that, either. I would be interested in seeing his context for using such language.
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