Arthur Brain
Well-known member
Another red herring.
Stay on topic.
Says the guy who's last response was a coupla smileys?
Look, I know he's your bud and all and you'll high five him no matter what he says but take your own advice kid.
Another red herring.
Stay on topic.
Says the guy who's last response was a coupla smileys?
Look, I know he's your bud and all and you'll high five him no matter what he says but take your own advice kid.
Another red herring.
Stay on topic.
You ... blablablablabla... by your own words... it stands to reason that you agree that blablablablabla....
Your cowardly....
You really are pathetic...
The Left-Wing SPLC Is Now Policing What Music You Can Listen To On Spotify Left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, which has a reputation for labeling Christian and conservative organizations as “hate groups,” is now policing the world’s largest music streaming service for “hate content.” Spotify announced their partnership with the SPLC on Thursday, as part of a new policy cracking down on “hate content” and “hateful conduct.” Spotify defines “hate content” as content “that expressly and principally promotes, advocates, or incites hatred or violence against a group or individual based on characteristics, including, race, religion, gender identity, sex, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, veteran status, or disability.” But the rules will be enforced subjectively, Spotify conceded, stating, “it’s important to remember that cultural standards and sensitivities vary widely. That means there will always be content that is acceptable in some circumstances but is offensive in others, and we will always look at the entire context.” The SPLC is known for labeling pedestrian conservative organizations as “hate groups” and calling critics of political correctness “extremists.” The liberal group deleted four articles in March and April alone after challenges to their accuracy. |
SPLC Demands Big Tech Silence Conservatives in the Name of Fighting White Supremacist Terror In congressional testimony on Wednesday, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) demanded that big tech, donor-advised funds, and government take action against mainstream conservative and Christian organizations in the name of fighting against white supremacy and the "global terrorist threat" of white nationalism. This testimony may bolster legal claims that the SPLC engages in routine defamation by accusing its ideological opponents of being "hate groups" on par with the Ku Klux Klan. |
Southern Poverty Law Center adds parental rights groups to ‘hate and extremism’ report
Southern Poverty Law Center adds parental rights groups to ‘hate and extremism’ report
“Schools, especially, have been on the receiving end of ramped-up and coordinated hard-right attacks, frequently through the guise of ‘parents’ rights’ groups,” the SPLC’s report argues.…
Many of you will remember this protest from march 2016 at Middlebury college in Vermont - the backstory - Charles Murray, a prominent political scientist, author and columnist, was invited to speak at Middlebury college. Student protests disrupted the event and in the aftermath, Murray and his escort, Middlebury professor Allison Stanger, a diehard liberal, were attacked by protesters and Stanger suffered a neck injury and concussion. This was one of many incidents of left wing violence on college campuses at the time and Middlebury was rightly held up to a huge amount of scrutiny and ridicule.
Murray is introduced at 18:45: