Southern Baptist Convention Boots South Carolina Congregation for Affirming Homosexua


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Southern Baptist Convention Boots South Carolina Congregation for Affirming Homosexual Behavior

NASHVILLE — The Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee has voted to remove a South Carolina congregation from fellowship due to its affirmation of homosexual behavior.

The Committee’s decision on Tuesday to remove Augusta Heights Baptist Church in Greenville was based on “public information provided by the church, which amounts to clear evidence of the church’s affirmation and approval of homosexual behavior.”

It was also considered that Greg Dover, who leads the congregation, “sought and acquired approval” from deacons to officiate a same-sex “wedding” in October. Leaders of Augusta Heights Baptist said that because the ceremony was not going to be held at the church, they would not stop Dover from officiating if he believed God wanted him to participate.

According to reports, Dover told the Committee in correspondence that Augusta Heights Baptist “does not have a marriage policy, or any official position or doctrinal statement on issues of homosexuality or same-sex marriage.” He also stated that the congregation “does not wish to end our relationship with the Southern Baptist Convention.”

However, Dover’s actions were found to be contrary to the Southern Baptist Constitution, which states that “churches which act to affirm, approve, or endorse homosexual behavior would be deemed not to be in cooperation with the Convention.”

The congregation was therefore removed from fellowship “until such time as the convention determines that the church has unambiguously demonstrated its friendly cooperation with the convention as defined in the convention constitution.”

Augusta Heights Baptist had already been removed from fellowship with the Greenville Baptist Association and South Carolina Baptist Convention over the matter.

“It is with great sorrow that The Church Relations Committee moves, as instructed by the Constitution and By-laws of the Greenville Baptist Association, that Augusta Heights Church be dismissed as a member of the Greenville Baptist Association unless the church repents and returns to the biblical position on marriage as being between a man and a woman,” the Greenville resolution read, which was agreed upon by 119 representatives of 45 churches in November.

Al Phillips, the director of missions for the Association, told the Baptist Courier that he would like to see the congregation restored to fellowship—but it must be willing to repent.

“Our goal is not to punish Augusta Heights but to hold her accountable,” he said. “Our deepest desire is to see the church repent and return to the biblical position of marriage as being between a man and a woman. But we must speak the truth in love.

“Our attitude is that of Christ. Jesus offered grace, but He required repentance. He confronted sin unflinchingly,” Phillips continued. “He knew we don’t really love sinners if we allow them to continue in harmful, self-destructive behavior without confronting them with the truth. We have tried to follow His example.”

Some good news when a great many churches are compromising on the truth for the world these days. Nice to see a group that isnt.


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Just waiting for a son or daughter of a major SBC official to come out of the closet, preferably not via suicide note at an "ex-gay" concentration camp.

Christian parents tend to change their bigoted tune on this subject once little Jimmy or Jan forces it out of the realm of hypothetical groupthink and into stark reality.

At least loving Christian parents, who care more about their kids than their church's dogma, tend to do so.


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Just waiting for a son or daughter of a major SBC official to come out of the closet, preferably not via suicide note at an "ex-gay" concentration camp.

Christian parents tend to change their bigoted tune on this subject once little Jimmy or Jan forces it out of the realm of hypothetical groupthink and into stark reality.

At least loving Christian parents, who care more about their kids than their church's dogma, tend to do so.

Are you brave enough to call God bigoted on judgement day?


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Are you brave enough to call God bigoted on judgement day?
If He is so, then Christ lied when He said "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father." (John 14:9)
And all our efforts and doctrines are in vain anyway.

Are you brave enough to follow Christ's command to love your neighbor as yourself?
Though with so many of you having been taught to hate your own sexuality, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that so many self-identifying Christians interpret Christ's command to justify bigotry based on sexuality.


Let's be Honest: 'Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner' is Really Just Hate


New member
If He is so, then Christ lied when He said "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father." (John 14:9)
And all our efforts and doctrines are in vain anyway.

Are you brave enough to follow Christ's command to love your neighbor as yourself?
Though with so many of you having been taught to hate your own sexuality, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that so many self-identifying Christians interpret Christ's command to justify bigotry based on sexuality.


Let's be Honest: 'Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner' is Really Just Hate

Follow the logic please. You are calling these parents bigoted for saying homosexual behavior is sinful. God calls it sinful. I'm not sure I follow you but are you saying that Jesus thinks homosexuality is OK or that God never really said those things in the Bible?


If He is so, then Christ lied when He said "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father." (John 14:9)
And all our efforts and doctrines are in vain anyway.

Are you brave enough to follow Christ's command to love your neighbor as yourself?
Though with so many of you having been taught to hate your own sexuality, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that so many self-identifying Christians interpret Christ's command to justify bigotry based on sexuality.


Let's be Honest: 'Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner' is Really Just Hate

You see, that's why Jesus says His followers are not of the world, and do not advocate His followers involved with the politics and the wars. They justify hate by their own definition of sins.


New member
It's wrong to tolerate sin. Push overs and 'nice' people isn't what God is after. He wants those who will stand up for the truth. Gods truth isn't something the world can accept. Homosexuality is sin and i'm not being hateful whatsoever. I rather all gay people repent of their evil ways
Not sure if you agree with this, but same sex attraction is not sin. However lust is a sin. And marriage is between a man and a woman. Gen.2:24.

I think as Christians we need to be careful we are loving and caring to all people. We likely all struggle with different issues, but some sins are just more obvious to others. Too often, we Christians appear hateful of those who have different sin problems than our own.