Which books are reliant on the NT as history instead of as MAD theology.
Why don't you just read the short one by Hengel and realize what good historical work is? It is basically an analysis of how many people could have possibly been involved in 'cleansing the temple' given the fact that the Antonia had X # of troups garrisoned there for response, and did not.
Why does Hengel talk about that? Because response to the zealots and their messianic madness spelled out in Mt 24A etc was what we would today call overwhelming force.
If you'd just get rid of that MAD crap, you might be able to enjoy and interact with history in and out of the NT.
What is your hang up about just opening the Bible and comparing verse with verse within its own overall scope and context?
Not within the context that history sees it play out, but within its own "things of God"?
Case in point, within my own immediate family we use certain words that even our extended family does not use in that way.
Their use, their sense, is derived from, is based on, our interaction within our own, immediate family.
Sure I could go out read up on Roman Military battle wear where I might want to know what "having you feet shod" might be a reference to.
I'm well aware Paul said that through an example from every day 1st Century life his intended readers were already familiar with, but I find I don't really need that.
That everyday, Early Basic Elementary School Reading Comprehension 101 will get me there without it. Via the simple principle "well how are these words being used, where they are in the passage, by whom, in relation to what, as to whom?" and so on.
I'm well aware that when the KJV translates 1 Cor. 13: 12 as "through a glass darkly" it is based on Early Modern English such as was used by Louis Carroll in his "Alice Through The Looking Glass."
But I am also well aware I don't really need to know that. That All I have to do is apply Basic Reading Comprehension 101.
Its why you will hardly ever find me asking the often asked on forums "what did you mean?"
It can't be I am special - we are all taught those principles in first through third or fourth grade elementary.
You think you have some advanced leg up by your much learning.
Books "about the Bible" impress you to no end.
I understand that. I've known many like you.
To you, you actually believe you are being "Bible based" and that you "know about" this, that, that other "about the Bible."
You have fooled yourself by all that.
What you know is "about" things.
Get in the Book without all that and you will know It, not "about" It.
So much so that you have yet realized, this Danoh appears well read; its in his vocabulary.
All you see is what you have blinded yourself into thinking you are seeing - "about" a thing, rather than the thing itself through its own eyes.
Ooooo - Brandon et al. Guess what? What's his name - Reza whatever, runs circles around these heroes of yours, lol.
Know what also? Big deal.
I have something you and all of them combined do not want.
I have the assurance from The Book, that all I need is The Book, 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
That out of the way, how's that scripts and books business going for you? Is it working for you? Well, I hope.