Socialism does not mean that everything is equal

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

Acts 2 KJV

44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common; 45 and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.

Acts 4 KJV

32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.


Socialism means waiting for 6 months for a dr. appointment when you need help NOW.

Kinda like the VA.

Bankruptcies resulting from unpaid medical bills will affect nearly 2 million people this year—making health care the No. 1 cause

"A lot of Americans are struggling with medical bills," said NerdWallet Health Vice President Christina LaMontagne.

NerdWallet estimates that households containing 1.7 million people will file for bankruptcy protection this year.

Even outside of bankruptcy, about 56 million adults—more than 20 percent of the population between the ages of 19 and 64—will still struggle with health-care-related bills this year, according to NerdWallet Health.

And if you think only Americans without health insurance face financial troubles, think again. NerdWallet estimates nearly 10 million adults with year-round health-insurance coverage will still accumulate medical bills that they can't pay off this year.

High-deductible insurance plans requiring consumers to pay more out-of-pocket costs are a challenge for many households.

"With an average American family bringing home $50,000 in income, a high medical bill and a high-deductible insurance plan can quickly become something they are unable to pay," LaMontagne said. "If you have an out-of-pocket maximum of $5,000 or $10,000, that's really tough," he said.
- health care the No. 1 cause of personal bankruptcy in the US

- estimates that households containing 1.7 million people will file for bankruptcy protection this year.

- about 56 million adults—more than 20 percent of the population between the ages of 19 and 64—will still struggle with health-care-related bills this year

- estimates nearly 10 million adults with year-round health-insurance coverage will still accumulate medical bills that they can't pay off this year

- high-deductible insurance plans requiring consumers to pay more out-of-pocket costs are a challenge for many households

- with an average American family bringing home $50,000 in income, a high medical bill and a high-deductible insurance plan can quickly become something they are unable to pay

"Capitalism" means personal bankruptcy and/or waiting "forever," leading to a premature death for those with pre-existing conditions, unable to afford medical care or pay the high-deductable costs!

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
What it means is that a select few control the masses.

I thought that was listening to your "priest," reverend, nun, pastor, TV "preacher/teacher," Professor Nicodemas/Judas, with 15 titles before/after his/her name, "bishop," pope, cardinal, monsignor,....................................?


"This country has socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the poor."

- Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

That's the way it has been since the beginning of civilization.

That is why Jesus is the champion of the poor before being a counselor to the rich.

The Horn

Robert Pate, in today's supposedly capitalistic and free market America, a tiny handful already DO control the masses - the CEOs of the big corporations, right-wing congressmen and senators in the pay of these big CEOs and Fox (faux) News .
We're becoming a greedy capitalistic oligarchy where big business and the tiny few who control them have all the power and the government is their puppet .
There is no "free market " any more . No equality . No freedom. You don't need communists and Marxists to take your freedom away in America . There aren't even any of these here any more, just a tiny handful of utterly powerless clowns calling themselves Marxists and communists .

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Robert Pate, in today's supposedly capitalistic and free market America, a tiny handful already DO control the masses - the CEOs of the big corporations, right-wing congressmen and senators in the pay of these big CEOs and Fox (faux) News .
We're becoming a greedy capitalistic oligarchy where big business and the tiny few who control them have all the power and the government is their puppet .
There is no "free market " any more . No equality . No freedom. You don't need communists and Marxists to take your freedom away in America . There aren't even any of these here any more, just a tiny handful of utterly powerless clowns calling themselves Marxists and communists .
I though that was....



New member

--We have Socialized Medicine and Government supported Hospitals.

-- That way everyone gets treated no matter how little money they have.

-- We do NOT Need private INSURANCE.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

--We have Socialized Medicine and Government supported Hospitals.

-- That way everyone gets treated no matter how little money they have.

-- We do NOT Need private INSURANCE.

And holidays every week. I knew that most hockey players were commies. That's how they afford all those dental bills.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
"This country has socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the poor."

- Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

Leave it a leftist to say stupid, self-contradictory nonsense and for mindless morons to buy into it and repeat it.

I mean seriously! Liberalism has got to be some sort of a disease of the mind!


Leave it a leftist to say stupid, self-contradictory nonsense and for mindless morons to buy into it and repeat it.

I mean seriously! Liberalism has got to be some sort of a disease of the mind!
Given that it was the Supreme Court, with a majority of Republican appointed justices, who not only validated Obamacare but supported same-sex marriage, I will leave it to the readers in this forum to come to their own conclusions as to who are the true "mindless morons!"
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