ECT Social Justice and the Gospel Statement Released


New member
Come back out of your bizzaro world.
The Bible teaches that professing Christians that continue in sin and embrace evil need to be openly rebuked.

1 Timothy 5:20
Those who continue in sin, rebuke in the presence of all, so that the rest also will be fearful of sinning.

Ephesians 5:11
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.

Why are you opposed to true Christian doctrines?


New member
Social Justice is injustice.
No Christian should have any part in it.
All conclusions depend upon presuppositions. I take it as an axiom that the Scriptures are true and define social justice accordingly. Those who let the enemies of God take the high ground and accept their definitions of social justice are free to compromise with the world all they like. I believe their course is a traitorous strategy. I am not willing to betray Jesus Christ by making counterproductive concessions to the enemies of the gospel who distort the meaning of true social justice. As for me and my fellowship, we will serve the Lord.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Reformation21 is sponsoring an ongoing series of commentaries on the SJ&G by those that were directly involved in creating the document. So far the following have been posted:


Imago Dei






Worth a read.


Bump. I have been updating the commentaries on the SJ&G Statement as they appear at Ref21.

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Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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See the latest entry, Sexuality and Marriage.

The source of all of this chaos--chaos that is damaging to human happiness and flourishing? As the Statement puts it, it is a refusal to "honor the image-bearing character of human sexuality as created by God." Our secular age has rejected the Creator and therefore has no room for "image-bearing" or transcendent value or objective truth. The downward spiral only spins more tightly as it descends to disaster. God's Word calls us to the upward spiral of life that is based upon the gospel and God's revelation of His purposes in creation. The Scriptures are clear and compelling in their teaching in this vital area, and we would do well to pay very close attention and heed their admonitions.​​



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I don't have any major concerns with the Statement. I am sure one can read much into the material and find some points of dissent here and there. Some, especially in my conservative Presbyterian camp, will whine about MacArthur's involvement, given his anti-paedobaptistic views and "leaky dispensationalism". But these are not the issues at hand.

I am happy to see a statement like this as I am weary of the More-Woke-Than-Thou crowd in the blogosphere. I am hoping the Statement will do with the topic as did the Chicago Statement on Inerrancy did years ago.

I was particularly pleased to see a firm stance on complementarianism in the document, too. No doubt it will catch the ire of the egalitarians who continue to demonstrate they actually do not understand the topic theologically.

I think the Church militant must begin to recognize the favored political climate that we currently enjoy, pretty much the world round right now, wrt religious liberty. We have an opportunity to go back to that brief period, after the Church was legalized at the beginning of the 4th century, and before it was made the established religion of the Empire. Paganisms are not outlawed, and there is no guarantee that laws will be Christian in nature. If we circle the wagons and unite on the matter of religious freedom, then we will pave the way for our glorious future, which will only come about after we're all long dead. The Church must learn how to live among the pagans, on a level playing field with them all, and slowly but surely consume the whole of humanity, maintaining forever the recognition, affirmation, and protection of the human right of religious liberty.