Tambora;5032836]You have yet to show that, and indeed cannot.
Sure I can !
Jesus said to "repent".
Luk 13:5
I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
Paul said to repent:
Act 17:30
And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:
MAD teaches that repentance was for Israel I will stay with scripture.
That was indeed an instruction from Jesus to His disciples of the circumcision.
Now that Jesus and what He taught has been marginalized through MAD who exactly do MADist FOLLOW only Paul ?
Perhaps you just forgot, or are ignoring, that the Lord Jesus Christ did not send Paul with that instruction.
Paul was sent to share the Gospel even though he baptized several and he himself was baptized.
Sent to baptize.
Not sent to baptize.
I do not accept the leap made by MAD with an argument from silence. Why do you suppose Paul himself was baptized "if" baptism was set aside ?
Things that differ are not the same.
Things that are the same remain the same even though MAD tries to change the things that are the same.