Despite the protests by the President to the contrary, the current Chief of Staff, Attorney General and senior WH advisors are already on the record stating that this is all part of a deliberate discourage illegal immigration!
What has been left unsaid, but clearly implied, is that the President also intends to make funding for the Wall as the price he intends to extract from congressional Republicans, to make this embarrassment go away before the 2018 Interims!
Practically his entire inept life, life-long financially and politically corrupt Donald Trump has consistently proven himself to be an individual ever oblivious to his own repeated self-destruction, by his own hand.
Ya have to hand it to that Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Magoo - in this, he ever ends up the world's best weapon against him.
Crash and burn once more, Donald...crash and burn.
The sooner, the better we will all be for it - thank you very much.