Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Truth Smacker
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Big Mouth Nana said:
:cow: MOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I'm back. First off Clete, you sweet talking little darlin', I have a scripture for you that you might want to prayerfully consider...James 1:26 ~ If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. Now I have to ask you a question before I answer yours, so I will understand where you are coming from. Which part of the old covenant laws did Jesus not fulfill in Himself when He died?
I feel no obligation whatsoever to answer your question. But before I am even able to answer it, you need to clarify something.

Explain what you think it means to have had Jesus "fulfill the law".

Here's a hint...

It does not mean that the moral law of God was rescinded or repealed or changed in any way whatsoever.

Resting in Him,

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Clete said:
I feel no obligation whatsoever to answer your question. But before I am even able to answer it, you need to clarify something.

Explain what you think it means to have had Jesus "fulfill the law".

Here's a hint...

It does not mean that the moral law of God was rescinded or repealed or changed in any way whatsoever.

Resting in Him,
Fine, then I feel no obligation to answer yours either :p

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Evee said:
Your so witty and smart. :bannana:
What it is, they want to hang onto their hatered of homosexuals. They refuse to recognize that Christ fulfilled all of the OT laws on the cross, and now there is repentence for ALL who are lost. They refuse to see that Jesus said that he came NOT to judge the world, but to save it, but yet they want to judge it themselves. They also refuse to recognize that the only ones in the NT that God killed was Aninias and ever you spell it, for lying to the Holy Ghost. They refuse to see that these homo's along with all of the other sins listed are going to be judged by God on the last day. They refuse to see that God said to obey the laws of the land, which we have a law for death penalty for murderers. All in all, they are blind as a freaking bat!!!
They remind me of the Pharisees who appeared religious on the outside, but outside they were white washed tombs full of dead men's bones...Jesus' own words. Most of these don't even appear religious on the outside...I don't like that word religious, so I'll use Christ like. Hell is going to be so full of those who Jesus says this to, depart from me ye workers of iniquity, for I never knew you!!! They will be right along side of the unrepentant homo's. They don't want salvation for the homosexual, they want death!!!
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New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
What it is, they want to hang onto their hatered of homosexuals. They refuse to recognize that Christ fulfilled all of the OT laws on the cross, and now there is repentence for ALL who are lost. They also refuse to recognize that the only ones in the NT that God killed was Aninias and ever you spell it, for lying to the Holy Ghost. They refuse to see that these homo's along with all of the other sins listed are going to be judged by God on the last day. They refuse to see that God said to obey the laws of the land, which we have a law for death penalty for murderers. All in all, they are blind as a freaking bat!!!
They remind me of the Pharisees who appeared religious on the outside, but outside they were white washed tombs full of dead men's bones...Jesus' own words. Most of these don't even appear religious on the outside...I don't like that word religious, so I'll use Christlike. Hell is going to be so full of those who Jesus says this to, depart from me ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you!!! They don't want salvation for the homosexual, they want death!!!
It certainly appears that way for sure.
Why would someone choose death to someone that is unsaved.
Yes sometimes a murder may just get 10 or 20 years I don't agree but must abide by the Law.
God will do the judging of the homosexual.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Evee said:
It certainly appears that way for sure.
Why would someone choose death to someone that is unsaved.
Yes sometimes a murder may just get 10 or 20 years I don't agree but must abide by the Law.
God will do the judging of the homosexual.
If they took an ounce of that energy that they are using to want homo's executed, and used it for the kingdom of God to get them saved, less homo's would be going to hell. The reason they chose death for someone that isn't saved, is because they are dead inside themselves. No love of God in them. They make me want to puke!!!


New member
How about instead of death, we give them marriage and the right to adopt!

Let's talk about homosexuality and the sanctity of marriage. If gay marriage became law, my dad would still lose every argument he has with my mom, my mom would still win every argument by cheating, and my beer would not take longer to ferment.

Since the divorce rate is highest among evangelicals, it is moot to discuss the sanctity of divorce. If gays were allowed to marry, my uncle would not see less of his daughter, his ex would not receive more late child support payments, and it would not take longer to recover from drinking too much beer.


New member
quantumspirit said:
How about instead of death, we give them marriage and the right to adopt!

Let's talk about homosexuality and the sanctity of marriage. If gay marriage became law, my dad would still lose every argument he has with my mom, my mom would still win every argument by cheating, and my beer would not take longer to ferment.

Since the divorce rate is highest among evangelicals, it is moot to discuss the sanctity of divorce. If gays were allowed to marry, my uncle would not see less of his daughter, his ex would not receive more late child support payments, and it would not take longer to recover from drinking too much beer.
It is getting late here.. I don't understand what you are saying.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
quantumspirit said:
How about instead of death, we give them marriage and the right to adopt!
This I can't go along with. Homosexuals are already screwed up with their gender. Why take an innocent child, and place them in a situation like that to where they grow up to not see anything wrong with it? Marriage is no-no also.

Let's talk about homosexuality and the sanctity of marriage. If gay marriage became law, my dad would still lose every argument he has with my mom, my mom would still win every argument by cheating, and my beer would not take longer to ferment.
Sounds like you have a dysfunctional family life....and a drinking problem.

Since the divorce rate is highest among evangelicals, it is moot to discuss the sanctity of divorce. If gays were allowed to marry, my uncle would not see less of his daughter, his ex would not receive more late child support payments, and it would not take longer to recover from drinking too much beer.
You are correct on Evangelicals having a higher divorce rate...and what about that drinking problem?

Just Tom

New member
Evee said:
Really, you are not serious.
I don't believe you are a homosexual.

That is correct I am not a homosexual, being homophobic doesn't make someone a homosexual.

But if you have followed any of my posts you see that homos want people to believe that those who oppose them publicly are really conflicted about their homosexual desires. WHY would they want this, is the first question you need to ask. Then is it true?

Well with a little research you find out why..

All homos resisited this developmental disorder that they now so proudly proclaim. Thus they need to justify why they did. They blame society. Now if they can get society to buy that being homophobic means a person is homosexual then a person doesn't have the right to resisit this developmental disorder. So they are trapped and they either kill themselves or become homos. Also they can stiffle any oposition by labeling them a homo by default..

So if people were openly homophobic and asserted their right to be that way it would help those who are resisiting the developmental disorder. We need to help them continue the good fight for if they do they will figure out what is causing it and be freed. You must remember that this tendency is NATURALLY UNWANTED thus being homophobic is natural not unnatural or unheathly. Just like a cough is not unhealthy if you have a cold it is just the bodys way of ridding itself of the contaminantes..


New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
This I can't go along with. Homosexuals are already screwed up with their gender. Why take an innocent child, and place them in a situation like that to where they grow up to not see anything wrong with it? Marriage is no-no also.
I have never read Heather Has Two Mommies, but I have heard many reports that children of gay and lesbian couples are very cool kids, and most of them are heterosexual, so there must not be too much homosexual propaganda. Reminding me of propaganda, that is why I do not listen to James Dobson or FAUX News.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Big Mouth Nana said:
What it is, they want to hang onto their hatered of homosexuals. They refuse to recognize that Christ fulfilled all of the OT laws on the cross, and now there is repentence for ALL who are lost.
No one has denied this.

They refuse to see that Jesus said that he came NOT to judge the world, but to save it, but yet they want to judge it themselves.
He commanded us to judge with righteous judgment and to practice justice. When He said that He hadn't come into the world to judge it, He was specifically talking about His specific purpose for having become a man and coming to the Earth in physical form. He was not rescinding His position as the righteous judge of all the Earth, nor was He rescinding the criminal justice system, which was designed to bring people to Christ in the first place.

They also refuse to recognize that the only ones in the NT that God killed was Aninias and ever you spell it, for lying to the Holy Ghost.
God has given the government the authority to kill criminals. Ananias and Sapphira were not killed by God because they were criminals. Had that been the reason why they were killed it would have been left to the government to do it.

They refuse to see that these homo's along with all of the other sins listed are going to be judged by God on the last day.
No one has denied this either. You keep acting as though we want people to go to Hell, we do not. If the law is just, fewer people will be on the hot seat come judgment day than there would be otherwise. What you refuse to see is that you are not more merciful than God is.

They refuse to see that God said to obey the laws of the land, which we have a law for death penalty for murderers.
This comment here is basically a lie. You need to repent.
I have repeatedly stated that no one should ever be executed except by due process of law.
Further, the only thing worse than no death penalty is one that is slow to be carried out and done privately without any pain whatsoever. This country does not have a death penalty that even remotely resembles that which is described in God's word. It is unjust, it is ineffective, and there is some good evidence that it is counter productive. It's no surprise to me that you support this countries pathetic and cruel version of a death penalty.

All in all, they are blind as a freaking bat!!!
Mrs. Pot, meet Mr. Kettle. Yes! She's black too!

They remind me of the Pharisees who appeared religious on the outside, but outside they were white washed tombs full of dead men's bones...Jesus' own words.
You ignore God, you ignore God's word, you ignore justice and think that you are not only more merciful than God but that you are justified in thinking that! You are a fool and doing so much more harm than you can know, both to the society in which you live (i.e. your neighbor) and to your own soul. You disgust me! You are an enemy of the gospel, an enemy of Christ, an enemy of the Kingdom of God and an enemy of me!

Most of these don't even appear religious on the outside...I don't like that word religious, so I'll use Christ like.
That's because you wouldn't know Christ if He knocked you in the head with a Bible!

Hell is going to be so full of those who Jesus says this to, depart from me ye workers of iniquity, for I never knew you!!!
Not from this dispensation there won't be. Have you even read the Bible? You understanding of the Bible is pathetic! Jesus will not say this to anyone that lived during the dispensation of grace. If you believe you are saved. If you do not believe you are not saved. It's a cut and dried as that. Jesus will be saying this to those who will be of the yet future Kingdom of Israel who did all sorts of things but had no faith, no relationship with God. It has no application for today other than to teach us what sort of person God is and what we can expect Him to do in the situation presented, which is why it is important to keep the context of such passages in mind, which you obviously didn't do.

They will be right along side of the unrepentant homo's. They don't want salvation for the homosexual, they want death!!!
On the contrary! This is yet another lie. How many times does a person have to correct you before you must take responsibility for repeating what you know is not true! I've said it what seems like a hundred time now, you are not more merciful than God! There would be far fewer people die in this life and far fewer people go to Hell in the next if we executed homos and adulterers and the like as God has explicitly instructed us to do in His word. Now, had you been at all wise, the question you would have been asking would be how that is so. Instead, you ignore the point and pretend like it hasn't been repeated a thousand times and that really all we want is to see is the death of homos.

Resting in Him,

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Clete said:
No one has denied this.

He commanded us to judge with righteous judgment and to practice justice. When He said that He hadn't come into the world to judge it, He was specifically talking about His specific purpose for having become a man and coming to the Earth in physical form. He was not rescinding His position as the righteous judge of all the Earth, nor was He rescinding the criminal justice system, which was designed to bring people to Christ in the first place.
Watch Clete pull a rabbit out of his hat. No where in that verse does it say that He came not to judge the world because He was a man. Infact, this is exactly what that verse says... John12:46-48 ~ I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.
47 And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. See anywhere in that verse where it says because He was a man??? Quit interjecting something that isn't there Clete.

God has given the government the authority to kill criminals. Ananias and Sapphira were not killed by God because they were criminals. Had that been the reason why they were killed it would have been left to the government to do it.
Maybe, but I doubt it. I think that they would have dealt with it through the church. 1st Cor 6:1-3 ~ Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints? 2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge The World? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?
3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?

No one has denied this either. You keep acting as though we want people to go to Hell, we do not. If the law is just, fewer people will be on the hot seat come judgment day than there would be otherwise. What you refuse to see is that you are not more merciful than God is.
You don't care if homo's go to hell or not. You have a hate agenda, and execution is uppermost on your mind...not them finding Christ. You use this excuse that fewer people will be on the hot seat come judgment day than otherwise, when it is not in your power to judge the homo's, that is God's judgment alone. You aren't helping God whatsoever. If you were, you wouldn't be taking part with these others in their hatred. You would figure out somehow to be "compelling them to come in" instead of "taking them out" :Grizzly: I'm not sure how God see's your heart Clete, but if He is seeing what I am seeing, I see :pureX:

This comment here is basically a lie. You need to repent.
I have repeatedly stated that no one should ever be executed except by due process of law.
I feel no need to repent, and God would certainly tell me that I needed to, He hasn't failed me yet in that arena!!I There is no law executing homo's..nor will there ever be.
This country does not have a death penalty that even remotely resembles that which is described in God's word. It is unjust, it is ineffective, and there is some good evidence that it is counter productive. It's no surprise to me that you support this countries pathetic and cruel version of a death penalty
I'll agree to a certain extent on this. Death row is full of murderers who have received the death penalty, and are still sitting there. The only state that I see following through the most is Texas....where my people come from :thumb: I support the death penalty. At least these murderers are sitting behind bars. They could be roaming the streets looking for their next victims. Having them locked up is better then nothing at all!! As far as the OT laws, NO, those laws were fulfilled through Christ. Now it is called Mercy and grace, for all of those lost to repent. It's a "Grace period" if you will.

Mrs. Pot, meet Mr. Kettle. Yes! She's black too!
No, actually I am white :crackup:

You ignore God, you ignore God's word, you ignore justice and think that you are not only more merciful than God but that you are justified in thinking that! You are a fool and doing so much more harm than you can know, both to the society in which you live (i.e. your neighbor) and to your own soul. You disgust me! You are an enemy of the gospel, an enemy of Christ, an enemy of the Kingdom of God and an enemy of me!
Personally, I don't care if I disgust you or I am your enemy or not. If you knew me in person, you would know that to be true. I don't bow to Satan or his children.

That's because you wouldn't know Christ if He knocked you in the head with a Bible![
It's quite evident that is where you have only had the bible...(head knowledge) It needs to drop about 18 - 20 inches...depending how long your "stiff" neck is, down to your heart where God wants it.

Not from this dispensation there won't be. Have you even read the Bible? You understanding of the Bible is pathetic! Jesus will not say this to anyone that lived during the dispensation of grace. If you believe you are saved. If you do not believe you are not saved. It's a cut and dried as that. Jesus will be saying this to those who will be of the yet future Kingdom of Israel who did all sorts of things but had no faith, no relationship with God. It has no application for today other than to teach us what sort of person God is and what we can expect Him to do in the situation presented, which is why it is important to keep the context of such passages in mind, which you obviously didn't do.
WRONGO BUCKO. This is not future Israel!!! What a bible illiterate dufus..and I am being as kind as I can be here. I won't post what I am really thinking. I'll repent for my thoughts in a minute :chuckle: Matt 7:21 -23 ~ Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
The church is going to do these greater works (wonderful works) eventually. Since I require foundation verses, show me where future Israel will be doing these things? The church are the only ones who cast out devils, prophesy, and do wonderful works...some even now. Who are "future Israel" going to be doing these wonderful works on :rotfl: ?????

On the contrary! This is yet another lie. How many times does a person have to correct you before you must take responsibility for repeating what you know is not true!
It's God's truth, so I go with what He says. Take it up with Him...if you dare?
I've said it what seems like a hundred time now, you are not more merciful than God! There would be far fewer people die in this life and far fewer people go to Hell in the next if we executed homos and adulterers and the like as God has explicitly instructed us to do in His word.
Get over to the NT when Jesus came to save the lost.
Instead, you ignore the point and pretend like it hasn't been repeated a thousand times and that really all we want is to see is the death of homos.
I know you do, you murderous Beelzebub. God will give you your hearts desire on the last day. In fact, you better hope that you aren't first so you won't miss it.

Resting in Him,
In who :think:????
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New member
The thing is that one can hate a group of people so bad that they may commit a criminal act.
I am disgusted with the gay pride parades and all that goes with it but I pray for them and pray they will leave their lifestyles.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Evee said:
The thing is that one can hate a group of people so bad that they may commit a criminal act.
I am disgusted with the gay pride parades and all that goes with it but I pray for them and pray they will leave their lifestyles.
It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to figure out that the only basic sin that they are harping on is Homosexuality, with an occasional adultery thrown in. They hate homosexuals. God hates ALL sin. It doesn't matter that this thread is about putting homo's to death, because we have discussed other sins on here also. You can just feel the seething hatred that they have coming through your computer screen. It really makes you wonder if they haven't had some kind of an encounter with a homosexual to warrant such hatred, but are to macho to fess up.
I am sick of watching homo's smooching and holding hands on tv, gay pride parades, hearing about them wanting to marry, and it is totally disgusting, but these people are sick and bound. What it is I think, is the disgusting image that a person get's in their mind regarding a homosexual if you are isn't pretty!!
We have two gay guys that live two doors down from us. One day my husband and I drove by their house, and these two guys were in a "lip lock" in the front seat of their car. My husband, the macho red neck that he is, wanted to stop and beat the :pureX: out of them. I told him that two homosexuals aren't worth going to jail over, so forget it!!! One of the guys used to come over to our house before he came out of the closet. Infact, he had married, and we didn't know that he was bi then. Well, He isn't with her anymore, and now has a live in male lover. My hubby told him to not ever step foot on our property, or he wouldn't be able to accomodate his boyfriend, after he kicked his A** . My hubby says that he is saved, accepted Christ, but he would fit right in with Clete, lol.
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