Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Just Tom said:
Thats right I am out of the closet and proud. I will not let the ignorance and ridicule and social stigma silence me. I was silent about my homophobia to long and now I must speak out..
Really, you are not serious.
I don't believe you are a homosexual.


The Dark Knight
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Evee said:
The Real question is Homosexuals here why don't you ask yourself if they deserve the same as a murder or adulterer or fornicator or homicidal maniacs.
I thought you was a little smarter than some but now I believe you are dumber than most.
Fornicators do not get the death penalty.:nono:

God said homsexuals deserve the death penalty. Who are you to disagree? To paraphrase Kutless, How could you ever think to be more than the One who created you?


The Dark Knight
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Big Mouth Nana said:
No, it's not the end of the story. Jesus fulfilled all of the OT laws within Himself on the cross, and I think that is where your hang up is. Now those who do not repent have already been judged by God unless they do repent. He will judge them on the last day when He destroys the wicked. He said to obey the laws of the land, which evidently He didn't see any reason to have homo executions, or we would be having them. He did see to it that we have executions of murderers to a slight degree. I believe that was changed by mans thinking on the "thou shalt not kill" verse. That doesn't mean murderers and those who commit violent crimes.
Now come back and say something rude to me like you did Evee. I just get so excited seeing the love of Christ exuding from you :crackup:
So you think murderers should not get the death penalty either?


New member
Lighthouse said:
You're one of the perverts, Evee.
Coming from you I take that as a compliment.
I was over in another thread and you said your dad is an X homosexual.
Just think if someone had not prayed.
Prayer and God can change the homosexual.
Do you hate the homosexual because one of your daddy's boyfriends put the make on you? :shocked:


New member
Hall of Fame
Evee said:
Coming from you I take that as a compliment.
I was over in another thread and you said your dad is an X homosexual.
Just think if someone had not prayed.
Prayer and God can change the homosexual.
Do you hate the homosexual because one of your daddy's boyfriends put the make on you? :shocked:
oh wow :noid:


No Worries

New member
Evee said:
I was over in another thread and you said your dad is an X homosexual.
Just think if someone had not prayed.
Prayer and God can change the homosexual.

Ok lets bring this a bit closer to home. If (and I stress the if) it is right what Evee is saying there must have been a time when your dad was a practicing homosexual. Had your way been the legal way then your dad would have been executed. Question is would you rather have your dad alive or exected to maintain your principles? If he was able to change given time then why is it right to deny others the same time for reflection?

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Clete said:
This has been done numerous times already and you know it. The Bible speaks about executing homos and adulterers within a handful of verses of where it says to put murderers to death.

Leviticus 20:13 If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.​

Then maybe a page later...

Exodus 21:12 He who strikes a man so that he dies shall surely be put to death.​

On what basis do you uphold the one and ignore the other?

Resting in Him,
:cow: MOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I'm back. First off Clete, you sweet talking little darlin', I have a scripture for you that you might want to prayerfully consider...James 1:26 ~ If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. Now I have to ask you a question before I answer yours, so I will understand where you are coming from. Which part of the old covenant laws did Jesus not fulfill in Himself when He died?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
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Evee said:
Coming from you I take that as a compliment.
I was over in another thread and you said your dad is an X homosexual.
Just think if someone had not prayed.
Prayer and God can change the homosexual.
Do you hate the homosexual because one of your daddy's boyfriends put the make on you? :shocked:
1] I didn't know about his perversion until he had left it behind.
2] I didn't feel the same way about homosexuals that I now do, until about last year.
3] And I never said we shouldn't pray for homosexuals to repent.:nono:


New member
No Worries said:
Ok lets bring this a bit closer to home. If (and I stress the if) it is right what Evee is saying there must have been a time when your dad was a practicing homosexual. Had your way been the legal way then your dad would have been executed. Question is would you rather have your dad alive or exected to maintain your principles? If he was able to change given time then why is it right to deny others the same time for reflection?
It is true,It is in the Gay sucess thread.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
No Worries said:
Ok lets bring this a bit closer to home. If (and I stress the if) it is right what Evee is saying there must have been a time when your dad was a practicing homosexual. Had your way been the legal way then your dad would have been executed. Question is would you rather have your dad alive or exected to maintain your principles? If he was able to change given time then why is it right to deny others the same time for reflection?
If that had been the law, my dad may not have engaged in the criminal behavior. And if he had, and had been caught, he would have had the opportunity to get right with Christ. Also, if the laws I'd like to see in place had all been in place, he may not have even had ssa to begin with.


New member
Lighthouse said:
1] I didn't know about his perversion until he had left it behind.
2] I didn't feel the same way about homosexuals that I now do, until about last year.
3] And I never said we shouldn't pray for homosexuals to repent.:nono:
Well it is a perversion but it was not your fault.
Just Thank God he left that lifestyle behind.


New member
No Worries said:
Ok lets bring this a bit closer to home. If (and I stress the if) it is right what Evee is saying there must have been a time when your dad was a practicing homosexual. Had your way been the legal way then your dad would have been executed. Question is would you rather have your dad alive or exected to maintain your principles? If he was able to change given time then why is it right to deny others the same time for reflection?
That's right!


New member
Lighthouse said:
Why did you feel it necessary to tell me it wasn't my fault?
Because I am a very sympathetic person and I believe you feel bad about this.
That was why.
We can't beat ourselves up what someone else does.
I am not saying you do, but that is why I said this.