Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Big Mouth Nana

New member
Aimiel said:
Glibly thinking that one is righteous because they follow their limited knowledge of The Word of God, even the New Testament, isn't enough.
Do you even know what righteous means??? It means in right standing with God. As long as a person has accepted Jesus as their Saviour, God see's them as righteous. You might want to travel over to the NT. Jesus called believers the righteous!!


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Evee said:
I think you are wrong!
I don't care what you think. I care about what God said.

So kill the homosexuals eveyone of them and our problems are over?
I think Not, then who you crazy radicals going to try and kill next?
Nom it would not solve every one of our problems, just a very large number of them, most of which you don’t even realize are related to homoism.
And only those which we have been commanded in God's word to execute should ever be executed.

The old people, defenseless people in comas or vegetative conditions.
You say this to discredit me and in reality you discredit God and His word. God is the one who said to execute homos not me. My opinion has precisely nothing to do with it. Is this what you intend to say to God when He asks you why you so eagerly jumped to the defense of His enemies against Him? Do you think calling God a crazy radical who wants to kill defenseless old people is going to get you much mileage on judgment day?

I would like to ask you or anyone else what we should do with thieves?
Thieves should be made to pay back what they stole and pay restitution. In effect it should be done unto them as they sought to do to their neighbor. So, for example, if a person steals $200.00 from someone, the thief should be made to pay $400 to his victim (not to the government - fines create a conflict of interest for the government and lead to injustice and corruption). If he cannot pay what he owes then he should be made to work off his debt for a term to be decided by the judge but not to exceed seven years.

Oh I will keep my mouth shut when I feel I am wrong it is not your place to tell me this.
Oh yes it is! You are not only on a public forum in which I have as much right to respond to what you say as you have to say it but you are going around pretending to represent the God I serve. I will defend the honor of my God whether anyone joins me or not and whether you like it or not.

Resting in Him,


New member
I would be willing to bet there are many of you now using computers at work without your boss's knowledge.
To you that are you are stealing.
Should you be stoned like the homosexual? :cheers:


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Evee said:
I would be willing to bet there are many of you now using computers at work without your boss's knowledge.
To you that are you are stealing.
Should you be stoned like the homosexual? :cheers:
Again, an example of someone attempting to discredit God and His word. Nowhere in God's word does it ever authorize the execution of a thief.

I'm beginning to believe that you guys really do believe yourselves to be more merciful than God is. You can't even know anything about the sort of person God is and say this blasphemous nonsense.

Resting in Him,

No Worries

New member
Clete said:
So you support killing then. Hypocrite.

No I don't I clearly identified they should be punished if they kill. Punishment by killing is hypocritical.

One person is already dead. Why does supporting life mean making two people dead instead of one.

You can't change one person from being dead but you can prevent two.


Well-known member
Big Mouth Nana said:
It is common sense that He does not want people executed who do not deserve it.
Big Mouth Nana said:
I want to see in the NT where He said to execute homosexuals.
When you show me where He said not to execute them.
Big Mouth Nana said:
I am for the death penalty for certain crimes. Homosexuality is not a crime.
Only because of liberals, who de-criminalized it, bringing the crisis we have today: queers teaching kindergartners, in too many public schools.
Big Mouth Nana said:
It is a sin of the flesh.
So is rape and murder.
Big Mouth Nana said:
He Himself will take care of the evil on the last day.
That's true, and with liberals like yourself, we'll wish for that day all the more.
Big Mouth Nana said:
I'm starting to sound like a tape recorder, but that is what the bible states.
I am for justice also, but my whole thing with you is, it is all about kill them off.
We ought to obey God rather than men.
Big Mouth Nana said:
Not show them the love of Christ by example.
If they don't choose Christ and being obedient to The Word of God before they become queer, they've thrown out the example.
Big Mouth Nana said:
Do you believe that Christ died for the homo also?
Of course He did.
Big Mouth Nana said:
If you do, then why don't you have His heart regarding them, or anyone else who is lost?
It is precisely that heart, the heart of love for the lost, that I am for capital punishment. If capital crimes were prosecuted and punished properly, the lost wouldn't be so great in number, they'd have a whole lot less examples to follow.
Big Mouth Nana said:
Isn't His Spirit living on the inside of you, or is it buried under your hate for the homo?
I don't hate queers, I just don't see that they deserve to be appeased, simply because Hollywood makes them out to be great in number or righteous; they're neither. They're few in number, but if Hollywood continues their scam they will soon be the majority. They're also deserving of death, and that is according to The Word of God, but I guess you know better than He does, right? If I hated them, I'd allow them to live, call them gay or homo (because calling them what they are: queer, is offensive) and soon they'd lead more and more into hell with them. You hate them, and want them to multiply (hey, that's funny, you want to enable them, by your inability to discern The Word of God, to be able to do spiritually what nature won't even allow them to do naturally).


Well-known member
Big Mouth Nana said:
I proved my point.
You haven't done squat, because you're pathetic and clueless. You've proven that you don't know what you're talking about, that's what you've proven.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Clete said:
Oh yes it is! You are not only on a public forum in which I have as much right to respond to what you say as you have to say it but you are going around pretending to represent the God I serve. I will defend the honor of my God whether anyone joins me or not and whether you like it or not.
Uh Clete, yes, you have the right to respond, but pull your under shorts out of your crack before responding. It's making you "testy" :D


New member
[Quote Clete]
You say this to discredit me and in reality you discredit God and His word. God is the one who said to execute homos not me. My opinion has precisely nothing to do with it. Is this what you intend to say to God when He asks you why you so eagerly jumped to the defense of His enemies against Him? Do you think calling God a crazy radical who wants to kill defenseless old people is going to get you much mileage on judgment day?

[Quote Evee]
I don't even know you, why would I try discredit you?
Why would you think I could?
Please don't twist my words I never called God a crazy radical that likes to kill old people. :rolleyes:

I would think you will have much to answer for as I will too.
I am trying to get the point that I go by is a new covenant.


Well-known member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Do you even know what righteous means?
Are you Squeaky?
Big Mouth Nana said:
It means in right standing with God.
No, it means God's way of doing and being right.
Big Mouth Nana said:
As long as a person has accepted Jesus as their Saviour, God see's them as righteous.
Doesn't make them righteous, nor does it disallow the jurisdiction that this world's courts may have over their un-righteousnesses.
Big Mouth Nana said:
You might want to travel over to the NT. Jesus called believers the righteous!
You might want to buy a clue. We're not talking about believers, we're talking about queers, who deserve the death penalty, not believers, who used to be queer.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Aimiel said:
You haven't done squat, because you're pathetic and clueless. You've proven that you don't know what you're talking about, that's what you've proven.
Somehow your avatar and this remark don't go together....I could prove another, but God has it handled.


Well-known member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Somehow your avatar and this remark don't go together....I could prove another, but God has it handled.
Well, I believe your avatar and your theology are a perfect match.

And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Big Mouth Nana said:
Do you even know what righteous means??? It means in right standing with God. As long as a person has accepted Jesus as their Saviour, God see's them as righteous. You might want to travel over to the NT. Jesus called believers the righteous!!
This is so but it does not mean that you do not perform unrighteous actions and say unrighteous things when you start ignoring God and living in your flesh, which is exactly what you are doing, assuming that you are even saved. Going by what I've seen so far in this thread, I see no evidence to suggest that you even know who God is, never mind trust in Him to pay the just penalty for your sins. Had it ever accoured to you that by saying that the death penatly is unjust you undermine the very gospel message itself, which is centered around the death penalty?

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
No Worries said:
No I don't I clearly identified they should be punished if they kill. Punishment by killing is hypocritical.

One person is already dead. Why does supporting life mean making two people dead instead of one.

You can't change one person from being dead but you can prevent two.
Unfortunately for you, you don't get to decide such things, God does. God said that murderers should be made to pay life for life. And such a policy would end up with fewer people dead, nor more. Like I keep saying today, you are not more merciful than God is.

Resting in Him,


Well-known member
Clete said:
God said that murderers should be made to pay life for life. And such a policy would end up with fewer people dead, (not) more. Like I keep saying today, you are not more merciful than God is.
Amen. :thumb:

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Clete said:
This is so but it does not mean that you do not perform unrighteous actions and say unrighteous things when you start ignoring God and living in your flesh, which is exactly what you are doing, assuming that you are even saved.
LOL, who is living in their flesh??!! You are the one who wants homo's murdered, and it has nothing to do with God, but your own hatred. Jesus I do know, as He came to save the sinner....ALL OF THEM.
Going by what I've seen so far in this thread, I see no evidence to suggest that you even know who God is, never mind trust in Him to pay the just penalty for your sins.
Oh, now it's homo's. Next you will be judging Christians. Are you going to be one of those who the bible states that if they kill you, they think that they will be doing God a service?
Had it ever accoured to you that by saying that the death penatly is unjust you undermine the very gospel message itself, which is centered around the death penalty?
I never said that I didn't believe in the death penalty. I said that homosexuality is not a crime. It is a sin of the flesh.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Aimiel said:
Well, I believe your avatar and your theology are a perfect match.

And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
Good one Aimiel :BRAVO: To bad that you aren't as good in the Word as you are a comedian.