Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Oh, another person who is living under the old covenant. Show me in the NT where we are commanded to stone homo's?
Yes I am amazed.
They forget scriptures like these below.

I give you a new commandment..As I have loved you, so must you love one another
Jn 13:34.
Be merciful even as your father is merciful. Luke 6:36


Well-known member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Oh, another person who is living under the old covenant. Show me in the NT where we are commanded to stone homo's?
When you show me in the New Covenant where it says that we should abandon reason, and toss out the baby with the bath-water.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Evee said:
Yes I am amazed.
They forget scriptures like these below.

I give you a new commandment..As I have loved you, so must you love one another
Jn 13:34.
Be merciful even as your father is merciful. Luke 6:36
The church is full of hate. That scripture that says, because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold is the church. They are so cold hearted that they have murder in their hearts instead of the love of God.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Big Mouth Nana said:
Have you ever seen that old Trix cereal commercial where he says, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat, and he pulls put the Trix rabbit? This is what you have done with this scripture to suit your agenda. If you read the second verse, it says, Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel. On down through that chapter, it is talking about Israel also. Also, Jesus hadn't come yet to fulfill the OT laws in Himself yet. These people were still under the old covenant where the laws were grievious, and no one could obey them.
God is going to destroy the wicked Himself when His wrath hits...John 3:36 ~ He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
I can see just where your problem is. You haven't fully recognized the mercy and grace of God against sinners, that all should come to repentence. You haven't comprehended fully why Jesus save sinners!!! You are still stuck in the old laws wanting to kill the offenders instead of showing an inkling of the mercy that God has. Your whole thing is that you hate the homosexual. Since God is love and doesn't want any to perish..including the homo's, why can't you show just a bit of that love also, or just a wee bit of compassion for those who are going to hell if they do not repent.
1 Tim 1:15 The saying is sure {and} true and worthy of full {and} universal acceptance, that Christ Jesus (the Messiah) came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am foremost.
1 Tim 1:16 But I obtained mercy for the reason that in me, as the foremost [of sinners], Jesus Christ might show forth {and} display all His perfect long-suffering {and} patience for an example to [encourage] those who would thereafter believe on Him for [the gaining of] eternal life.
You aren't a very good role model to the lost. If I was a homo, I would be thinking, is this a God that I want to get to know, because his children are sure hard hearted.

What Jesus did had nothing to do with abolishing the death penalty. I I used the verse of scripture in keeping with the principle conveyed in it. That principle being that God does not want us to execute people who should not be executed and He does not want to keep people alive who should not live.

The principle is clear. It's called JUSTICE. God wants for us to practice justice and if we did so, more people would be saved than otherwise. The purpose of the law is to bring people to Christ and it will do just that if we let it and stop being nicer than God is (i.e. stop being unjust.).

Resting in Him,


Well-known member
Big Mouth Nana said:
I asked you first. Show me.
When you show me in the New Covenant where it says that we should abandon reason, and toss out the baby with the bath-water.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Evee said:
I give you a new commandment..As I have loved you, so must you love one another
Jn 13:34.
Be merciful even as your father is merciful. Luke 6:36
I am not saying homosexuality is not worthy of being judged but we are not worthy to judge now.
I see a big difference in homosexuality and Child murders and pedophile so I do believe in the Death penalty but not for the sexual sin of homosexuality.
This is two people of age that choose to be together.
I do finally believe that homosexuality is a choice even those that say I was always this way.
I do believe Homosexuals could be changed through prayer and fasting.
Why should anyone care what you think Evee? Is your opinion our standard for justice and righteous living now?


Well-known member
Big Mouth Nana said:
The church is full of hate.
Then you need to find a new church.
Big Mouth Nana said:
That scripture that says, because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold is the church. They are so cold hearted that they have murder in their hearts instead of the love of God.
I'm not advocating murder, you are, by allowing the murderers to continue their killing sprees. :duh:


New member
Clete said:
Why should anyone care what you think Evee? Is your opinion our standard for justice and righteous living now?
Why not Clete I am following the new testament to the best of my ability.
I even throw in a few scriptures..
And you don't care. :patrol:


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Evee said:
I give you a new commandment..As I have loved you, so must you love one another
Jn 13:34.

An obvious figure of speech. Do you actually think that this was a brand new commandment?

Be merciful even as your father is merciful. Luke 6:36
You are proposing that we not be merciful as God is merciful but rather to be more merciful! Which is thing you cannot do anyway! Do you really think that people can be more merciful than God?

So what about adulterers what should we do right now with those people?
We should decriminalize the behavior first of all, then once that is done; if anyone is convicted of the crime they should be swiftly and publicly executed in some painful but not torturous manner. If the spouse or other family members of the victim wishes they can both choose the method and perform the execution but that is not required.

Resting in Him,


Well-known member
Evee said:
Yes I am amazed.
They forget scriptures like these below.
I give you a new commandment..As I have loved you, so must you love one another
Jn 13:34.
Be merciful even as your father is merciful. Luke 6:36
You forget these:

Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

... and...

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: for he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

No, I don't believe Jesus wants us to own or carry a sword, since they're illegal, but a gun, yes.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Evee said:
Why not Clete I am following the new testament to the best of my ability.
I even throw in a few scriptures..
And you don't care. :patrol:
You ignore God's law and do so intentionally and you know it. Nothing in the New Testament says a word about abolishing the death penalty for capital crimes. And it sure doesn't say anything whatsoever about it being okay to commit abominations as long as both parties are concenting adults. You are unjust, you are cruel, and you are foolish. Stop trying to be Mr. Nice Guy to the homos and get on the same page that God is on or just please go away and keep your mouth shut! You are doing more harm to the homos you're trying to engraciate than you could possibly know and you are sinning in the doing of it.

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Big Mouth Nana said:
The church is full of hate. That scripture that says, because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold is the church. They are so cold hearted that they have murder in their hearts instead of the love of God.
This is blasphemy! How many times do I have to remind you that it was God who said to execute the homo and the adulterer? And now you have the nerve to call such action murder! God is no murderer Big Mouth! You need to pay closer attention to what you say. There will come a day when you will give an account for every idle word.

Resting in Him,

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Clete said:
What Jesus did had nothing to do with abolishing the death penalty. I I used the verse of scripture in keeping with the principle conveyed in it. That principle being that God does not want us to execute people who should not be executed and He does not want to keep people alive who should not live.
It is common sense that He does not want people executed who do not deserve it. I want to see in the NT where He said to execute homosexuals. I am for the death penalty for certain crimes. Homosexuality is not a crime. It is a sin of the flesh. He Himself will take care of the evil on the last day. I'm starting to sound like a tape recorder, but that is what the bible states.
The principle is clear. It's called JUSTICE. God wants for us to practice justice and if we did so, more people would be saved than otherwise. The purpose of the law is to bring people to Christ and it will do just that if we let it and stop being nicer than God is (i.e. stop being unjust.).
I am for justice also, but my whole thing with you is, it is all about kill them off. Not show them the love of Christ by example. Do you believe that Christ died for the homo also? If you do, then why don't you have His heart regarding them, or anyone else who is lost? Isn't His Spirit living on the inside of you, or is it buried under your hate for the homo?


Well-known member
Evee said:
Why not Clete I am following the new testament to the best of my ability.
I even throw in a few scriptures..
And you don't care. :patrol:
Glibly thinking that one is righteous because they follow their limited knowledge of The Word of God, even the New Testament, isn't enough. God requires perfection, and no one is perfect. We need to follow every Word which is from God, not just the parts that fit our little theology. He gave us His Word so we could profit from It, not throw away the parts we don't like or don't understand. You need to read The Old Testament, and re-read It until you understand It. 'Throwing' Scriptures around isn't what God designed His Word for. He wants us to use His Word to find Him with, not beat other people over the head with it.


New member
Clete said:
You ignore God's law and do so intentionally and you know it. Nothing in the New Testament says a word about abolishing the death penalty for capital crimes. And it sure doesn't say anything whatsoever about it being okay to commit abominations as long as both parties are concenting adults. You are unjust, you are cruel, and you are foolish. Stop trying to be Mr. Nice Guy to the homos and get on the same page that God is on or just please go away and keep your mouth shut! You are doing more harm to the homos you're trying to engraciate than you could possibly know and you are sinning in the doing of it.

Resting in Him,
I think you are wrong!
So kill the homosexuals eveyone of them and our problems are over?
I think Not, then who you crazy radicals going to try and kill next?
The old people, defenseless people in comas or vegetative conditions.
I would like to ask you or anyone else what we should do with thieves?

Oh I will keep my mouth shut when I feel I am wrong it is not your place to tell me this.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Evee said:
I think you are wrong!
So kill the homosexuals eveyone of them and our problems are over?
I think Not, then who you crazy radicals going to try and kill next?
The old people, defenseless people in comas or vegetative conditions.
I would like to ask you or anyone else what we should do with thieves?

Oh I will keep my mouth shut when I feel I am wrong it is not your place to tell me this.
:banana: Alright Evee!!! Sound like you are getting a bit of the BMN in ya, lol.


New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
I proved my point. You can't!!
Right you did.
I am waiting to see what we should do with adulterers and thieves and such as.
I think some has an agenda to kill the homosexuals then why not other people that do wrong?