Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Truth Smacker
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lovemeorhateme said:
Just to answer a quick question of Clete's:

Clete, I am unsure of abortion in cases of rape. I am unsure of whether or not it should be permitted.
You should not consider yourself pro-life until you can figure out that it is wrong to kill a child because their father's a criminal. You are certain that we shouldn't kill the father for being a rapist but not quite sure that we shouldn't kill his child. Pathetic.
Seems I could have safely bet my house after all.

There is only one occasion when I am almost certain to advocate abortion, and that is if the mother is in such danger as she will probably die if she has her baby. But that is more a case of choosing who to save.
You should never ever ever ever advocate abortion – ever!. This scenario virtually never happens to begin with but even if it ever did, you try to save both and if that isn't possible then you save who you can. And it would seem intuitive to me that you opt for the child if possible. Any mother worth her womanhood would choose to die for her child in the first place.

Resting in Him,


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Clete, you just admitted that it may be necessary to abort if it's only possible to save the mother's life. Hedging your bets with "it virtually never happens" doesn't really matter. You do indeed save who you can when you can (and on this we agree), but if it comes down to it and it's the mother's life only you could save, you must go with preservation life in some way or another.


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lovemeorhateme said:
I agree that homosexuals should not be executed. I do not even believe that homosexuality should be illegal - I believe people need to have a personal choice in what they do with their lives.
What if they want to be a child lover like Michael Jackson?
What if they get fed up and the way they decide they want to do with their lives is to blow away their classmates?
What if they want to spend their lives robbing banks and kidnapping blonds for the fun of it?

Your thinking is incredibly evil. This is not the thinking a man who has repented and agreed with God concerning his sin. If you do not repent of it you will go to hell. Of course all the nicer than God Christians like Evee and Nanna will hold your hand and say sweet things to you on your way so as to make you feel better about yourself. As for me, I’m about to throw up so I'm taking a break from this for a while.

Resting in Him,
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Clete said:
What if they want to be a child lover like Michael Jackson?
What if they get fed up and the way they decide they want to do with their lives is to blow away their classmates?
What if they want to spend their lives robbing banks and kidnapping blonds for the fun of it?

Your thinking is incredibly evil. This is not the thinking a man who has repented and agreed with God concerning his sin. If you do not repent of it you will go to hell. Of course all the nicer than God Christians like Evee and Nanna will hold your hand and say sweet things to you one your way so as to make you feel better about yourself. As for me, I’m about to throw up so I'm taking a break from this for a while.

Resting in Him,

Hey wingnut, LMOHM didn't say he advocated bank robbery or pedophilia. Try to keep up.


New member
Granite said:
Hey wingnut, LMOHM didn't say he advocated bank robbery or pedophilia. Try to keep up.

But it's an obvious connection. It's a line of thinking type call on Clete's part. He's pointing out why the idea that everyone can do what they want is ridiculous and wrong. There has to be a moral and a everyday code we can live by, and the one we have now supports pedophilia and child, so put two and two and one together.


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erinmarie said:
But it's an obvious connection. It's a line of thinking type call on Clete's part. He's pointing out why the idea that everyone can do what they want is ridiculous and wrong. There has to be a moral and a everyday code we can live by, and the one we have now supports pedophilia and child, so put two and two and one together.

Ummmm...the code we have now does NOT support pedophilia and in fact stigmatizes it. LMOHM described two gay adults; Clete made the consistent and stupid leap evangelicals make to child abuse (and then threw in some Bonnie and Clyde for good measure). Here's the thing: two adults consenting IS APPLES AND ORANGES in comparison to abusing and manipulating children. Now, why Christians are unable or unwilling to see the difference is beyond me. Personally, I think it's willful stupidity and stubborness.


New member
Granite said:
Ummmm...the code we have now does NOT support pedophilia and in fact stigmatizes it. LMOHM described two gay adults; Clete made the consistent and stupid leap evangelicals make to child abuse (and then threw in some Bonnie and Clyde for good measure). Here's the thing: two adults consenting IS APPLES AND ORANGES in comparison to abusing and manipulating children. Now, why Christians are unable or unwilling to see the difference is beyond me. Personally, I think it's willful stupidity and stubborness.

Something you're obviously familiar with.

Pedophiliacs may be stimagtized by the general public, but how many 'non-violent' offenders are brought to justice? There's a whole society of "men", an orgnization of child molesters. They have a freaking club, they're rights are protected and they prey on children. And therefore, for the most part, are protected by our legal system.

No Worries

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Granite said:
Ummmm...the code we have now does NOT support pedophilia and in fact stigmatizes it. LMOHM described two gay adults; Clete made the consistent and stupid leap evangelicals make to child abuse (and then threw in some Bonnie and Clyde for good measure). Here's the thing: two adults consenting IS APPLES AND ORANGES in comparison to abusing and manipulating children. Now, why Christians are unable or unwilling to see the difference is beyond me. Personally, I think it's willful stupidity and stubborness.

I agree. There's a world of difference between two consenting adults, even if you do consider it wrong, and an adult preying on a minor.
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erinmarie said:
Something you're obviously familiar with.

Pedophiliacs may be stimagtized by the general public, but how many 'non-violent' offenders are brought to justice? There's a whole society of "men", an orgnization of child molesters. They have a freaking club, they're rights are protected and they prey on children. And therefore, for the most part, are protected by our legal system.

Erin: lighten up.

Pedophiles are jailed, reviled, and aren't really popular in ANY neck of the woods. It's not as though somebody joins NAMBLA openly, for crying out loud. Child abuse is sickening and our culture recognizes it as such. And what exactly do you mean by a "non-violent" offender?


New member
Granite said:
Erin: lighten up.

Pedophiles are jailed, reviled, and aren't really popular in ANY neck of the woods. It's not as though somebody joins NAMBLA openly, for crying out loud. Child abuse is sickening and our culture recognizes it as such. And what exactly do you mean by a "non-violent" offender?

You're telling ME to lighten up? interesting turn of events.

By 'non violent' I mean that there's no beating, or torture, or murder...not that a child's spirit wouldn't endure all of those things after they went through this type of abuse.
And I think there are 'open' members of NAMBLA. Look it up, don't they have a website?


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erinmarie said:
You're telling ME to lighten up? interesting turn of events.

By 'non violent' I mean that there's no beating, or torture, or murder...not that a child's spirit wouldn't endure all of those things after they went through this type of abuse.
And I think there are 'open' members of NAMBLA. Look it up, don't they have a website?

They do but that I am aware they do not publicize their members's identities.


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Army of One said:
I pretty sure that Clete would not hesitate to advocate the Death Penalty for Adultery (and neither would I)

Because God never commanded us to execute all sinners! And no one on this site has advocated that we should either. Why make such an absurd statement?
They make such statements in order to discredit God. They think they are discrediting me but they know that the Bible teaches this stuff, it's undeniable. They therefore must make it look absurd so that they don't feel so bad about rejecting it. They won't take God's side for fear of upsetting someone so they insult the Bible and God instead. I can't think of anything more foolish, can you?

Resting in Him,

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Just Tom said:
Here is your thinking on this..
Oh Lord!!! Please don't think for me. This is the worst case of rambling that I have ever read. Ever hear Abbot and Costello's, Who's On First"?
The evidence for them to being a closeted homo is that they are apposed or threatened by homos. The reason they are threatened is that they are insecure about their sexuality or are closeted homos and the evidence for them being a closeted homo is that they are apposed or threatened by homos. The reason they are threatened is that they are insecure about their sexuality or are closeted homos and the evidence for them being a closeted homo is that they are apposed or threatened by homos. The reason they are threatened is that they are insecure about their sexuality or are closeted homos.

Are you noticeing a trend here..

You are thinking like a homo....Circular reasoning.
There is a big difference between having compassion for those who are sick and bound, then thinking like a homo...but you wouldn't know the difference.

Have a nice delusion..
I think that you are already having one. How old are you, and does dementia run in your family :rolleyes:

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Clete said:
They make such statements in order to discredit God. They think they are discrediting me but they know that the Bible teaches this stuff, it's undeniable. They therefore must make it look absurd so that they don't feel so bad about rejecting it. They won't take God's side for fear of upsetting someone so they insult the Bible and God instead. I can't think of anything more foolish, can you?
I just love those who think that they are another Dr. Phil. Do you have a PHD in Psychology? If you do, tear it up and start over again. No one is descrediting God or what His Word says. You are picking and chosing what you want from the OT, and it is apparent that you have no "love of God" for the homosexual. You don't harp on our government executing adulterers, child molesters, rapists, thieves etc...just the homosexual. I think that you are homophobic. Christ came to save the sinner..IE:homosexual, but you want them executed before they get a chance to repent. Did one of them come onto your "sweet self" one time, and it disgusted you so much that you want them wiped out? There is an underlying reason why you have such disgust for these people, and I don't think that it is all about God and scripture..and I don't have a PHD, just observation from your own mouth.

No Worries

New member
Nana takes the hammer to the nail.

Incidentally the poll is now at 36%+ . I am right in thinking this isn't representational of US aren't I? Please God don't let it be so.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Clete said:
Jesus called people fools as did the apostle Paul. Have you ever read the Bible? It's sort of an important book for those who like to go around calling themselves Christians.
Yes, and it's important also to understand what you are reading, not pick and choose, and not set yourself up as judge, jury, and executioner. God has already judged the homosexual if they do not repent. Your concept of justice to is kill them off before they get a chance to repent.

It is not Godly to suffer fools lightly.
I won't suffer you lightly then.

The fool says in his heart, there is no God. Out of the abundence of the heart the mouth speaks. Thus the fools says foolish things and I call them on it. If you don't like it then you don't like Jesus or the apostles either. Jesus had to be tem times more offensive than I know how to be.
I don't like Jesus...I love Him. Uh, I never read anywhere where Jesus wanted the government to execute the sinners in the NT. It says to obey the laws of the land. So far there are no laws in my state to execute homosexuals. He has already judged them if they do not repent, and I can agree with Him on this 100%.

You've joined ranks with the fools. You are worse than an unbeliever. You're a traitor; a wolf in sheeps clothing. You disgust me more than any pervert could.
Your lack of Christianity is showing big time. You are a hate monger. Repent, or you will be joining all of those homosexuals that you hate so much in hell. A homosexual has more love in their hearts then you do....and God DOES look at the heart, and yours is bared for all to see.


New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
I just love those who think that they are another Dr. Phil. Do you have a PHD in Psychology? If you do, tear it up and start over again. No one is descrediting God or what His Word says. You are picking and chosing what you want from the OT, and it is apparent that you have no "love of God" for the homosexual. You don't harp on our government executing adulterers, child molesters, rapists, thieves etc...just the homosexual. I think that you are homophobic. Christ came to save the sinner..IE:homosexual, but you want them executed before they get a chance to repent. Did one of them come onto your "sweet self" one time, and it disgusted you so much that you want them wiped out? There is an underlying reason why you have such disgust for these people, and I don't think that it is all about God and scripture..and I don't have a PHD, just observation from your own mouth.

I think Clete supports the execution of all people that the Law says should be executed. Thieves are not included in the group.

The idea behind criminalization of homosexuality, I think (though I am not an expert, to be sure) is that it would serve as a deterrent, keep them "off the streets" and, properly show disapproval at a societal level. Such disapproval is called for by Paul in Romans 1:

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, F3 wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, F4 unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.


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No Worries said:
Nana takes the hammer to the nail.

Incidentally the poll is now at 36%+ . I am right in thinking this isn't representational of US aren't I? Please God don't let it be so.

No. TOL is not representative of America, thank the gods.