Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Well-known member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Thanks!! Have you been getting a lot of flack on here because of your "situation"? You know, I do believe in telling homosexuals, or anyone bound in a sin that they are going to hell if they don't repent and seek the Lords deliverance??? I just believe that we should do it in the Spirit of the Lord, and the love of God, and definitly by prayer. We do our part, God does His :banana:

I have had a lot of flack over my situation, yes.

And I also do believe in telling the unrepentant sinner that they must repent, or they are going to hell.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
lovemeorhateme said:
I have had a lot of flack over my situation, yes.

And I also do believe in telling the unrepentant sinner that they must repent, or they are going to hell.
Thought so from reading some of the ideas of some of the posters. Don't give out your address, lol. If you see men with rifles, wearing camoflage outfits, and riding in off road vehicles screaming, death to the homo's. Run like H*LL!!!!!!!! :D


New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Thought so from reading some of the ideas of some of the posters. Don't give out your address, lol. If you see men with rifles, wearing camoflage outfits, and riding in off road vehicles screaming, death to the homo's. Run like H*LL!!!!!!!! :D
The really sad thing is this really happens.
Thank God and Praise the Lord though very rarely.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Evee said:
The really sad thing is this really happens.
Thank God and Praise the Lord though very rarely.
I was thinking about this verse earlier today after posting on this topic. The bible states this....Matt 24:12 ~ And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. This is the so called Christians, not the world. The world is already cold to the things of Christ. I have never ran across so many cold hearted, blood thirsty people in my life. What sickens me is, they do and say things under the guise of Christianity, or are so far off in their theology from trying to make the Word work according to how thy feel about things. Let's face it, people, even some Christians hate homosexuals. If the truth hurts folks, TUFF.


Well-known member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Thought so from reading some of the ideas of some of the posters. Don't give out your address, lol. If you see men with rifles, wearing camoflage outfits, and riding in off road vehicles screaming, death to the homo's. Run like H*LL!!!!!!!! :D

Handguns, rifles and automatic weapons are banned in this country (the UK) :D


New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
I was thinking about this verse earlier today after posting on this topic. The bible states this....Matt 24:12 ~ And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. This is the so called Christians, not the world. The world is already cold to the things of Christ. I have never ran across so many cold hearted, blood thirsty people in my life. What sickens me is, they do and say things under the guise of Christianity, or are so far off in their theology from trying to make the Word work according to how thy feel about things. Let's face it, people, even some Christians hate homosexuals. If the truth hurts folks, TUFF.
Yeah I noticed that too.
This is one of the reasons I never posted much here until you came.
WHOPPEE for Nana you make me feel safe.
We are supposed to pray for each other not hate and lynch.


Well-known member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Oh, lucky you, lol. They don't allow any kind of guns, like for hunting????

Shotguns are allowed, but must be licensed, and are not allowed to be kept in a built-up area.

I personally am for gun control. I have no desire to own a gun of my own, or to use one. Even the police over here don't carry guns as standard. They just carry pepper spray, CS gas or a stun gun as standard. There are, of course, armed police though, which carry sub-machine guns, hand guns and assault rifles. They are only to be found in airports, or during a crime taking place in which there are guns involved.

Most guns were banned back in 1996. A man walked into a school in the town of Dunblane in Scotland, and shot dead 16 children aged 7 and 8, for no reason at all. He then shot himself.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
lovemeorhateme said:
Shotguns are allowed, but must be licensed, and are not allowed to be kept in a built-up area.

I personally am for gun control. I have no desire to own a gun of my own, or to use one. Even the police over here don't carry guns as standard. They just carry pepper spray, CS gas or a stun gun as standard. There are, of course, armed police though, which carry sub-machine guns, hand guns and assault rifles. They are only to be found in airports, or during a crime taking place in which there are guns involved.

Most guns were banned back in 1996. A man walked into a school in the town of Dunblane in Scotland, and shot dead 16 children aged 7 and 8, for no reason at all. He then shot himself.
That's horrible about those kids!!! I am for gun control also, except for those who like to hunt. Here in California, they have gun faires at the swap meet once a month. Anyone can buy a gun at these as long as they are old enough. It takes 7 days for registration, then you can pick your gun up. They want to see if you are wanted by the police first by doing a background check. Guns are as plentiful here as bubble gum and beer, lol.
Well, I am going to go play in the arcade for awhile, then go comatose for the night. Talk to you all tomorrow. Good night.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Evee said:
Yeah I noticed that too.
This is one of the reasons I never posted much here until you came.
WHOPPEE for Nana you make me feel safe.
We are supposed to pray for each other not hate and lynch.
Eh, these people don't scare me, lol. I have talked to Preterists on CF who were scarier then these folks. Good night Evee my sissie. Love Ya.

Army of One

New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Jesus can say anything that He wants to. Yes, Paul used the word also. We are living in a different time, when people react in different ways. What would you do if someone walked up to you and called you a fool or an idiot??? Be honest now. I personally would knock the caa-caa out of them, and ask questions afterwards. I am not the turn the other cheek sort of gal yet, but working on it.
My point is, there are times when it is appropriate to call someone a fool.

What would I do? If some stranger came out of nowhere and called me that, I'd probably laugh or ask them why they thought I was a fool/idiot. I'm a pretty calm guy.:D

Army of One

New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Have you read the book of Revelation? Jesus is having the angels do all of the administering of the judgments and plagues. The only time that he gets hard core is when he throws the beast and false prophet into the pit.
I was refering to this:

He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. (Rev. 19:13-16)

Like I said, Jesus is hardcore!

Army of One

New member
Evee said:
No I was joking when I made that comment...Dry

Matt. 5:27, “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery’; 28 but I say to you, that everyone who looks on a woman to lust for her has committed adultery with her already in his heart."
1 Cor. 6:18, "Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body."
Col. 3:5, "Therefore consider the members of your earthly body as dead to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, which amounts to idolatry."

So any sexual sin is immoral.
Should we all die then? :think:
At some time we have all sinned even if we look at someone with a sexual thought
You're confusing sin and crime. Not all sin should be criminal. But God has clearly layed out which sins should be punished as a crime (homosexuality and adultery included).

Army of One

New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Clete believes that we should execute the homo's, so believing the way that he does, then adulterers should be executed also.
I pretty sure that Clete would not hesitate to advocate the Death Penalty for Adultery (and neither would I)
Why not just rid all sinners from the planet, and have a mass execution of all who are sinning? When Jesus comes to rid the earth of the wicked, we will have done His job for Him :nono:
Because God never commanded us to execute all sinners! And no one on this site has advocated that we should either. Why make such an absurd statement?

Just Tom

New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
It's hard hearted that I don't believe that we should have our government string homo's up by their "nads" and exterminate them? What you said doesn't even make half way logical sense. According to some on this thread, I would seem like a homo bleeding heart. This thread, and some of it's participants reminds me of a western movie where the lynch mob is waiting outside the jail with rope in hand to string up the prisoner.
If a law was inacted in this nation for homosexuality to be crime, I can see bands of bounty hunters with deer rifles, in camoflage jackets, off road vehicles, and hunting down these sick'os to do their own exterminations. The hatred would be no different then in the south during the civil rights movement, where vigilanties strapped young black men to bumpers of cars and dragged them down the road. It's not justice that is really in mens hearts. The bible even states that mens hearts are evil continually...Gen 6:5 ~ And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Man hasn't changed since creation, that's why God had to destroy them. Guess what? He's going to do it again, but by fire this time. The homosexual will get their reward in the pun intended here :chuckle:

The bible states, by grace ye are saved through faith, and not of yourselves:it is the gift of God...Eph 2:8. Those who accept Christ are saved through grace, not those who haven't, but it's available if they do. Homosexuals are bound to hell, just as we were before we were saved. Hell is hell, and lost is lost. One way for the homosexual and the heterosexual...Jesus!!!

The law is GOOD if used lawfully said Paul.. For the aduterer for the murderer for the pervert.. AND the LAW said WHAT? That they deserve death..

The fact that you can't see the spritual ramifcations of having homos running through our society says alot about your hard heart...

If these men if camo that you describe did kill a homo they would be put to death also..
Homos can change but with people like you they will never need to.. Just keep loving them to hell...

No worries,

I see you are using the same old tired homo cliche that anyone who appose homos must be one. Cause those who are hetero and secure in their sexuality aren't threatened by them.

Here is your thinking on this..

The evidence for them to being a closeted homo is that they are apposed or threatened by homos. The reason they are threatened is that they are insecure about their sexuality or are closeted homos and the evidence for them being a closeted homo is that they are apposed or threatened by homos. The reason they are threatened is that they are insecure about their sexuality or are closeted homos and the evidence for them being a closeted homo is that they are apposed or threatened by homos. The reason they are threatened is that they are insecure about their sexuality or are closeted homos.

Are you noticeing a trend here..

You are thinking like a homo....Circular reasoning...

Have a nice delusion..

No Worries

New member
Just Tom said:
No worries,

I see you are using the same old tired homo cliche that anyone who appose homos must be one. Cause those who are hetero and secure in their sexuality aren't threatened by them.

Here is your thinking on this..

The evidence for them to being a closeted homo is that they are apposed or threatened by homos. The reason they are threatened is that they are insecure about their sexuality or are closeted homos and the evidence for them being a closeted homo is that they are apposed or threatened by homos. The reason they are threatened is that they are insecure about their sexuality or are closeted homos and the evidence for them being a closeted homo is that they are apposed or threatened by homos. The reason they are threatened is that they are insecure about their sexuality or are closeted homos.

Are you noticeing a trend here..

You are thinking like a homo....Circular reasoning...

Wow you you can think like a homo now! The reason why I think people that protest too much are conflicted is because they have read, or grown up being taught, that it is wrong. Their natural urges are hence wrong and so covered up. Rather than confronting this it is easier to project. They know they can't control their natural urges so their possibility of acting on an urge is distanced by them distancing themselves from homosexuals. Stand me next to a homosexual and I will never get a homosexual urge as I am comfortable with my heterosexuality. Stand a person such as these 'protestors' next to one and all the natural urges come flooding back to the fore.

Its natural if you consider it wrong and have 'tendancies' to want to attack them. Its the Ego addressing the conflict between the Id and Superego. It means you're thinking, not like a homosexual or a heterosexual, but like a human.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Big Mouth Nana said:
Hee-Hee, just knew that I wouldn't be able to stay in the arcade didn't you? I agree that if they know that they have aides, then they are guilty of comitting murder by having sex. It is not only homo's that spread aides, but prostitutes, adulterous relationships where a partner brings it to the marriage bed, and even more sadly, spread to heterosexual pregnant women through a "wandering" relationship. Aids knows no bounds, and is like a chain reaction. I think to just lay the sin at the foot of the homosexual is only part of the problem. If the homo's had stayed in their own arena, it would be just confined to them. Adultry is just as bad, and this is where it has spread to innocent people....husbands, wives and babies.
Which is only one of a long list of excellent reasons why udulterers should be executed.

Clete believes that we should execute the homo's, so believing the way that he does, then adulterers should be executed also. Why not just rid all sinners from the planet, and have a mass execution of all who are sinning? When Jesus comes to rid the earth of the wicked, we will have done His job for Him :nono:
We shouldn't do so because that would be unjust. Do you even know how to think Biblically at all. This is a pathetic post.

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Big Mouth Nana said:
Actually, there is no reason to call anyone a fool.
Jesus called people fools as did the apostle Paul. Have you ever read the Bible? It's sort of an important book for those who like to go around calling themselves Christians.

You can disagree with someone in a more mature way. After-all, we are supposed to be mature Christian adults...well, some of us anyway. You can call me what you want, when you want, if it makes you feel more "Godly".
It is not Godly to suffer fools lightly.

Is it because he is an Agnostic, or because you think that he makes "foolish" comments?
The fool says in his heart, there is no God. Out of the abundence of the heart the mouth speaks. Thus the fools says foolish things and I call them on it. If you don't like it then you don't like Jesus or the apostles either. Jesus had to be tem times more offensive than I know how to be.

Should we round up all of the Agnostics and those who make foolish comments and execute them with the homosexuals also :nananana: :crackup: ?
You've joined ranks with the fools. You are worse than an unbeliever. You're a traitor; a wolf in sheeps clothing. You disgust me more than any pervert could.

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Evee said:
Great Thread Nana I agree what makes the adulterer any different than the homosexual.
Does anyone have any scriptures where we can stone the adulterer?
Leviticus 20:10 ‘The man who commits adultery with another man’s wife, he who commits adultery with his neighbor’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress, shall surely be put to death.​

Don't tell me! You haven't ever read the Bible either, right?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Big Mouth Nana said:
Luke 6:36 ~ Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. We haven't been given the authority to be more merciful, but just as merciful as He is. He is even more merciful then we are..which is evident.
Sure we can be merciful but we are not the government (or shouldn't be). God commands that criminals be punished according to the law WITHOUT MERCY!

This cannot be denied unless you simply haven't read the Bible so you next question, if you have one at all, should be why?

The answer is because the law is as merciful as it is possible to be in a sinful world. You will be doing more harm than good if you do not do things the way God said to do them.

You know that the Bible teaches this stuff. I believe that you know it intuitively. God is smarter than you are. Why can't you trust Him? Are you embarrassed by Him? Is that it? Or maybe you're afraid that God is too offensive for you to be able to keep your friends? It's got to be something! People generally live their lives in pain avoidance mode. They make their decisions based not on what is right and godly but rather on what causes the least amount of pain and discomfort. It's easier for you to water down the law and be nicer than God, isn't it? You can be friends with everyone then and no one will hate you. Don't be a fool. Don't be afraid to let go of that which you cannot keep.

Romans 12:9 Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.​

Resting in Him,