Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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"Real men" compensate for troubled childhoods by becoming quasi-legalists who exalt mosaic law- or at least those parts of it that allow them to sip of that most addictive of elixers, unbridled self-righteous hatred in the name of a loving God. The rest of us, secure enough in our sexual identity to allow others to explore their own in peace and privacy, are apparently just poseurs. :rolleyes:


Did God say that homosexuality should be punishable by death? Either a yes or no answer please.

He did. And then He saw that man was incapable of upholding the law. Why he didn't know that before hand, I have no idea. So he sent the perfect sacrifice that freed us from the penalty of the law. Homosexuality is still a sin. It's just not punishable by death.

What DO you think should be done with homosexuals?


New member

Red, did God say that homosexuality should be punishable by death? Either a yes or no answer please.

I guess so, the same as those who ate shrimp, didn't observe the sabbath, were direspectful to parents.....

Oh, hang on, arent' the latter capital crimes as well....????! :shocked:

(Oh, and while we're at it, now that I'm answering your questions you might do me the courtesy of answering mine as to whether it's ok for christians to lie and slander as I've requested a few times on the appropriate thread which we're both aware of.....) :thumb:


New member
"Real men" compensate for troubled childhoods by becoming quasi-legalists who exalt mosaic law- or at least those parts of it that allow them to sip of that most addictive of elixers, unbridled self-righteous hatred in the name of a loving God. The rest of us, secure enough in our sexual identity to allow others to explore their own in peace and privacy, are apparently just poseurs. :rolleyes:

For a few Christians that is the case, but I assure you that Kevin is a wonderful person whom I highly respect. I don't agree with his view of homosexual punishment but he does not thrive on hating people.

Mr. Kevin I'm sorry to say you should expect posts like this. If you want to kill homosexuals this is what they will post and you will get nowhere with them.

And for those of us who are heterosexual Christians don't call us inscure PB. We are perfectly secure in it, we just have a little bit more sense of morality.


New member
Red77 said:
I guess so,

Still not a direct answer, but it will do. So when you mock others who believe that a Godly criminal justice system would enforce the death penalty for capital criminals, you are mocking them for saying something that you yourself know that God said.

Red77 said:
the same as those who ate shrimp, didn't observe the sabbath, were direspectful to parents.....

And you have been shown over and over again the difference between moral and symbolic law. Symbolic laws were given to Israel and Israel only, and you also know that. No murder, no adultery, no homosexuality. Those are NOT symbolic laws.

Red77 said:
Oh, hang on, arent' the latter capital crimes as well....????! :shocked:

Not any longer. And you already knew the answer to that question because you have been given the answer over and over again.

Red77 said:
(Oh, and while we're at it, now that I'm answering your questions you might do me the courtesy of answering mine as to whether it's ok for christians to lie and slander as I've requested a few times on the appropriate thread which we're both aware of.....) :thumb:

I never said it was ok for Christians to lie and slander Red. That doesn't change the fact that as I have told you repeatedly, if you have a problem with someone take it up with that person that you supposedly feel has lied and slandered you. You are only attempting to slander other people when you accuse them of being liars and slanderers. It's a double standard, and it shows your true cowardice because you have repeatedly admitted that I wasn't the person who said those things to you, but instead of showing courage and going to them you continue to badger me about it. It's a lame attempt to gather sympathy for poor Red who has been mistreated on TOL.


New member
Stephen said:
For a few Christians that is the case, but I assure you that Kevin is a wonderful person whom I highly respect. I don't agree with his view of homosexual punishment but he does not thrive on hating people.

It better serves their agenda to misrepresent people than to talk about issues openly and maturely. But thanks for that.

Stephen said:
Mr. Kevin I'm sorry to say you should expect posts like this. If you want to kill homosexuals this is what they will post and you will get nowhere with them.

I don't want to kill homosexuals, so that is a strawman that anyone discussing the issue would be debating.


He did. And then He saw that man was incapable of upholding the law. Why he didn't know that before hand, I have no idea. So he sent the perfect sacrifice that freed us from the penalty of the law. Homosexuality is still a sin. It's just not punishable by death.

What DO you think should be done with homosexuals?

Hello? PastorKevin?


New member
Still not a direct answer, but it will do. So when you mock others who believe that a Godly criminal justice system would enforce the death penalty for capital criminals, you are mocking them for saying something that you yourself know that God said.

You had a direct answer, deal with it....

And you have been shown over and over again the difference between moral and symbolic law. Symbolic laws were given to Israel and Israel only, and you also know that. No murder, no adultery, no homosexuality. Those are NOT symbolic laws.

Um , no! I've been shown what various people DECIDE what should be symbolic and so on and various obfuscating when those 'laws' dont suit the poster....

Not any longer. And you already knew the answer to that question because you have been given the answer over and over again.

Oh yes, the general answer that pretty much evades everything and pretends that its said something in effect when it actually hasn't, PK - you would have made a great politician..... :D

I never said it was ok for Christians to lie and slander Red. That doesn't change the fact that as I have told you repeatedly, if you have a problem with someone take it up with that person that you supposedly feel has lied and slandered you. You are only attempting to slander other people when you accuse them of being liars and slanderers. It's a double standard, and it shows your true cowardice because you have repeatedly admitted that I wasn't the person who said those things to you, but instead of showing courage and going to them you continue to badger me about it. It's a lame attempt to gather sympathy for poor Red who has been mistreated on TOL.

Um, no, I just asked you to admit that that lying and slandering are in no way edifying, that was all, I have said to you repeatedly that neither of us are part of the equation as I was concerned with the behaviour, and I have said publicly on the threads that I didn't say you induldged in such either - rather that you didn't do much about it which I hoped you would have......


New member
You don't want to enforce the death penalty for homosexuals?

It's not my job or my place to enforce the death penalty for homosexuals.

Further we don't have a law in our country right now that says people should be put to death for committing the crime of homosexuality.

Many of us believe that it should be a law, and we base that view on what the Bible says. But instead of having a reasoned and Biblical debate on here about the topic, what ends up happening is false accusations, misrepresentations and the like. So must of us who hold that position are fed up with going round and round with people like Red, because they already know our position and continually misrepresent us over and over again.


New member
It's not my job or my place to enforce the death penalty for homosexuals.

Further we don't have a law in our country right now that says people should be put to death for committing the crime of homosexuality.

Many of us believe that it should be a law, and we base that view on what the Bible says. But instead of having a reasoned and Biblical debate on here about the topic, what ends up happening is false accusations, misrepresentations and the like. So must of us who hold that position are fed up with going round and round with people like Red, because they already know our position and continually misrepresent us over and over again.

Would you support a law that sentenced homosexuals to death?


New member
He did. And then He saw that man was incapable of upholding the law. Why he didn't know that before hand, I have no idea. So he sent the perfect sacrifice that freed us from the penalty of the law. Homosexuality is still a sin. It's just not punishable by death.

What DO you think should be done with homosexuals?

Christ freed us from the penalty of the law in the sense that He paid that penalty for us. But that doesn't give a Christian the right to walk into a supermarket and shoplift. While Christ paid for that Christian's sin of stealing, he would still have to face the legal ramifications of that.

Do you suppose that a Christian who is broke has the right to go out and commit armed robbery in order to have money to eat without facing the consequences legally for his actions in this life?

I believe that murder, adultery, and homosexuality are still morally wrong, because those truths are what is known as horizontal truths that apply to all people for all time periods.

Were you aware that there are things that have never changed, and that those truths are called horizontal truths? God is still good and always has been good, holy, righteous, etc...

There are also verticle instructions that are given by God to specific people and at specific times that were only instructions given to those people!


If this poll can't get above 30% on a forum that is notorious for having some of the most conservative elements on the face of America (other than fascists, though for some the similarity is simply invisible), I think it's safe to conclude the idea is dead. As it should be.


I notice you said "You seem to believe". But the reality is that God Himself decreed it as deserving of death. Whether you agree with whether or not it should be something punishable by death today or not, why do you ignore the fact that God said it, and pretend that anyone who says that is not agreeing with God?

Reaching into the Old Testament to pick out elements of the law for contemporary use is not only impractical, but unnecessary. Jesus is the saving grace because our sins are no longer held to the punishments. It's determined by faith. Secularism and Christianity are not opposed.

This all being based on the assumption the entire Bible can be taken for truth, which, I'm not sorry to say, is absolutely ridiculous. Fools have gone their entire lives trying to prove the Bible is infallible. They're usually found in the young earth crowd.

Plus, if we execute all the homosexuals, there wouldn't be a Republican Party. :rotfl:


New member
For a few Christians that is the case, but I assure you that Kevin is a wonderful person whom I highly respect. I don't agree with his view of homosexual punishment but he does not thrive on hating people.
Super duper- I, however, don't have any respect for anyone who advocates putting people to death for consensual sex acts between adults based on a combination of native loathing and ancient laws.
Mr. Kevin I'm sorry to say you should expect posts like this. If you want to kill homosexuals this is what they will post and you will get nowhere with them.
Very true. Although most of them deny wanting to kill homosexuals by making the dubious distinction that they want them executed, which is just as fatal.
And for those of us who are heterosexual Christians don't call us inscure PB. We are perfectly secure in it, we just have a little bit more sense of morality.
Oh really? From where I'm standing it certainly likes you THINK you are more moral, but I haven't seen anything to convince me of that. Interfering in the lives of rational adults in order to enforce your morals isn't being moral, it's being a tyrant.


New member
I'm not in favor of murdering homosexual's, actually. Execution and murder are two different things. And as you can see in Roman's, homosexual's are deserving of the death penalty.

God has given the power of execution to the government. He has explained righteous ways to keep the system pure. The problem comes when humans fall to selfish desires.

The judgment of God will come, but if we fail to do our duty that God has laid out for us, and just keep saying, "It's up to God, leave it to God. Leave it to God." Nothing will get done, and that's not taking responsibility.

Well put ShadowMaid! :up: