What was wrong with Falwell? And the first two were nut-jobs. Everyone recognizes that.
He was self-admittedly a staunch opponent of the black civil rights movement, for one thing.
What was wrong with Falwell? And the first two were nut-jobs. Everyone recognizes that.
Refresh my memory of your next-to-the-last question. The last question is the one quoted above.Then how about you go back and answer the last question I asked?
That we know of. If they could speak now they would fill our ears with good, theological reasons for their claim.And yet there is nothing to back up their claim. No "Mt. Sinai experience" as it were.
"Everyone recognizes that" they were "nut jobs"--except their followers.What was wrong with Falwell? And the first two were nut-jobs. Everyone recognizes that.
There certainly was no legitimate standard. The "standards" were arbitrary and relativistic. They were "all over the map" with their "standards." Remember the Crusades?And in the end there was no standard for forcing conversions at the threat of death.
Prove it. Back up your ludicrous statement. Show how this law would require people's privacy to be invaded. If you want, you can use examples from the history of the US, seeing as how it used to be the law here.
Yes. Why?
He was proving a point.
Their methods weren't the biggest issue. There reasons were the main problem. Forcing conversions is wrong, period.
I'm not calling you a liar. In fact, I was never a fan of Falwell, myself. But do you have anything to back that up?He was self-admittedly a staunch opponent of the black civil rights movement, for one thing.
Here is the question: "So how do you love your neighbor? Do you let them continue in self destructive behavior, and "love" them in spite of it?"Refresh my memory of your next-to-the-last question. The last question is the one quoted above.That we know of. If they could speak now they would fill our ears with good, theological reasons for their claim.
Are any of them still alive?"Everyone recognizes that" they were "nut jobs"--except their followers.
I agree with most of what you're saying, because I saw it. But I never heard anything racist from him. Do you have examples? Also, the partisanship is definitely a problem. Especially since most of the laws allowing for the things railed against were passed by Republicans in the first place. Falwell, and most of the "Moral Majority" favored Republicans over God, and now abortion, and homosexuality are legal, and getting more legal as time goes by.I can respect Falwell's call that Christianity should be heard in the public sector, but his Moral Majority proved to be a shallow and niggardly guide to that. It would be nice to have principles instead of an ideology and be active politically rather than cruelly partisan. Now that conservative Christians are allowing poverty, AIDs, the Iraq war, and Darfur as matters of faith and morality, it would have been great to hear that Falwell had opened up to something besides abortion and homo sex. He was racist and often vindictive--as when he called 9/11 God's punishment for feminism and homos.There certainly was no legitimate standard. The "standards" were arbitrary and relativistic. They were "all over the map" with their "standards." Remember the Crusades?
Examples?Oh for crying out loud! How can a law that is set up to kill people for transgressions of their supposedly PRIVATE lives and relationships not be an invasion of privacy??! Get a clue :doh:
Can you provide me with the statistics of adultery in countries where it's not a capital crime vs. countries where it is?:think:You need to seriously grow up then, if you think the taking of another person's life or the violent sexual violation of another person equates as bad as having an affair then I fail to see why I should even expect any kind of logic from you, and dont even bother with any kind of tired 'condoning adultery' argument, I dont, I can just recognise it as being something that doesnt warrant death and would cause more needless distress than it would cure
That was part of it. Also that they were not following Mosaic, or Roman law.Which was? That noone really had the right to cast the stone anyway because of their own hypocritical guilt?
Who said anything about torture?So is torturing people in a modern society LH, it's regarded as barbaric by any civilised standards.....
Can you provide me with the statistics of adultery in countries where it's not a capital crime vs. countries where it is?:think:
That was part of it. Also that they were not following Mosaic, or Roman law.
Who said anything about torture?
Just saying something doesn't make it true. And you have nothing to back up your claims. You haven't even tried. Nobody needs to spy on anyone to report a crime. If you inadvertently catch someone, then you report it. No invasion of privacy required.Oh use your common sense LH! This has been pointed out to you time and time again, remain clueless if you will....
Chicken.What difference would it make if I could? Thankfully in our advanced societies it would be moot anyway as most people with any common sense can differentiate between the private relationships of people and the violent acts of murder and rape
If they were following both laws, yes.So then they would have been quite within their rights to throw stones if they were following either roman or mosaic law? They wouldnt have any reason to be convicted of their own sin and their self righteousness?
And? I'm not supporting doing any such thing.The spanish inquisition was used to make a point of how society for the most part has transcended barbarism and dark age mentality of the likes they employed....
Just saying something doesn't make it true. And you have nothing to back up your claims. You haven't even tried. Nobody needs to spy on anyone to report a crime. If you inadvertently catch someone, then you report it. No invasion of privacy required.
If they were following both laws, yes.
And? I'm not supporting doing any such thing.
Oh for crying out loud! How can a law that is set up to kill people for transgressions of their supposedly PRIVATE lives and relationships not be an invasion of privacy??! Get a clue :doh:
Do you feel this way in an absolute sense?You've just answered your own question, if I inadvertently stumble across two people being intimate then it's none of my business, it's their own private matter and nothing to do with the state, do you understand now?!
Do you feel this way in an absolute sense?
In other words...
Is there any situation where their "private lives" should be your business?
You have absolutely no compassion for the people whose lives are being destroyed by such an affair. You do not care about family.You've just answered your own question, if I inadvertently stumble across two people being intimate then it's none of my business, it's their own private matter and nothing to do with the state, do you understand now?!
You're a coward.What are you on about?
If they had been properly following the law, then they would not have been sinning in what they were doing.so they would have been without sin then? Funny, i recall the words being 'let he who is without sin cast the first stone', I dont recall there being anything about 'it being ok as long as both laws are being followed'....
How so? How am I supporting torture? How am I supporting forced conversion to a religious belief?By supporting the DP for adultery in today's society you are doing exactly that....
So John 7:24 means nothing to you? You actually found some words of Jesus that you won't follow?...I wouldnt be arrogant enough to make it my business and judge them on it either....
You have absolutely no compassion for the people whose lives are being destroyed by such an affair. You do not care about family.
You're a coward.
If they had been properly following the law, then they would not have been sinning in what they were doing.
How so? How am I supporting torture? How am I supporting forced conversion to a religious belief?
So John 7:24 means nothing to you? You actually found some words of Jesus that you won't follow?
You're looking for a verse that talks about standing in judgment?Yeh, I actually started a thread on this verse a while back inviting people to explain just why this meant standing in condemnation and surprisingly I got no responses at allThis verse doesnt say anything about standing in judgement of people......
You're an idiot, if you can't get it through your thick little skull that if someone knows they will be executed for a certain act, they are less likely to commit that act. And, in turn, the family is therefore less likely to fall apart due to adultery, in the first place. Fear of death prevents people from doing certain things. And so fewer people do them. And that leads to less people dying because of that certain thing. Do you seriously not get that? Are you really that dense?You are priceless! :rotfl: You think that executing someone for a fling is somehow compassionate towards the family? Even if the damage could be repaired and the couple can reconcile and the kid might still have a parent!! Will you get this through your head LH, I do not condone adultery, it can cause a great deal of pain for all concerned, executing people for what happens in their private lives though is in no way compassionate for anyone, there will be times where an affair does split up a family and that is tragic, in your system it doesnt even matter, kill the adulterer and the remainder of the family has to suffer whether they had a say in proceedings or not......
You're spineless.What are you on about??!
They were not without sin, in this instance, for they were breaking the Law of Moses. And transgression of the law is sin.This wasnt what Jesus said was it, didnt he say 'let he who is without sin cast the first stone'? Did none of the crowd have sin? Quit playing coy LH, I think you know you've got nothing with this argument if this is all you've got....
You do realize that OT Israel was well before medieval times, don't you? Also, why do you have such a problem with God's command? You go on and on about how it's barbaric, so are you calling God barbaric for commanding it in the first place?You're advocating returning us to a medieval state which has no place in civilised society, thats why.....
You're an idiot, if you can't get it through your thick little skull that if someone knows they will be executed for a certain act, they are less likely to commit that act. And, in turn, the family is therefore less likely to fall apart due to adultery, in the first place. Fear of death prevents people from doing certain things. And so fewer people do them. And that leads to less people dying because of that certain thing. Do you seriously not get that? Are you really that dense?
You're spineless.
They were not without sin, in this instance, for they were breaking the Law of Moses. And transgression of the law is sin.
You do realize that OT Israel was well before medieval times, don't you? Also, why do you have such a problem with God's command? You go on and on about how it's barbaric, so are you calling God barbaric for commanding it in the first place?
Psychologists to review stance on homosexuals
NEW YORK - The American Psychological Association is embarking on the first review of its 10-year-old policy on counseling gays and lesbians, a step that homosexual activists hope will end with a denunciation of any attempt by therapists to change sexual orientation.