Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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New member
hmm, I know people who claim that they've been gay from a young age with no abuse or any outside stimuli to factor into the equation, to be honest I see no reason why these people would lie about it, when I was a bit younger there was (and still is really) a real stigma attached to it and it isnt something that I can imagine people choosing to be because of the hostility and bullying that could happen as a result, I'm aware that gay people can be sex obsessed and i've known a couple who would fit the description of the lifestyle you give, i've also known others who didnt sleep around and have multiple partners the same as I know many heterosexuals who both do and dont lead promiscuous lives, I dont see this as a black and white issue at all...... :think:

i agree. i know some homosexuals who at least claim to have not had any outside influences in life to create their lifestyle. my best friend in high school was one such lesbian. heck i fit right in with her, im a lesbian i love women so heck yeah lol. anyways jokes aside, she was rediculed and tormented every day. beofre i knew her i would see her name wrote on walls with vulgarities after it. it got so bad that once she got dragged into the bathroom and a bunch of perps wrote slander all over her. that burned me up and i befriended her and watched out for her and what not. now she has changed her sexual preferences, and perhaps at that stage in life she was just confused. however ur right. many do not have any hardship in life until the admit they are homosexual.

i sometimes think homophobs result to violence in an act of what they see as deterance, but in reality is actually hate crimes. if people are scared they wont ever act on or admit their urges. my take on homosexuality is its fine as long as its not forced upon the unwilling. i just happen to be one of the unwilling, but i have nothing against friendship with anyone, regardless their labels.


Formerly Shimei!
Sin is sin in the eyes of God. Intentionally stealing a pen is just as wicked as stealing someone's life. Just because we look at murder as the worse of the two evils, evil is still evil just the same.

So which is worse?? Hating someone or not paying tithes??

Adam and Eve just ate from a tree God told them not to eat from, and spiritually died...we wouldn't see their sin as a big deal, but God did, because any and all sin seperates us from our Creator.

Not considering matters of salvation and separation from God, which is worse? Stealing a pen or murder? You say they are equally bad? Should people who steal pens be put to death?


Formerly Shimei!
God wants you to repent and be saved, but if you continue to violate the sabbath, then you will perish according to God's word.
The penalty for all sin is death. We must turn from all sin or perish according to God's word.

I have repented for my sins and have asked Christ into my heart. I believe He died for us and rose again on the third day. Am I not a Christian? Yes or no?

The penalty for all sin is death. We must turn from all sin or perish according to God's word.
I am not talking about matters of salvation here. Should a man who covets his neighbor's house be arrested for breaking one of the commandments?
Murderers should be arrested, no? Why not someone who covets?

Those verses cover a man having sex with a married man, not homosexuality in general. That is why there are the conditional clauses "as with womankind" and "as he lieth with a woman" in the verses. You should study the Hebrew more closely. Had they been general prohibitions against homosexuality they would have been worded differently and also included women. As they are written, they are covered under the ten commandments, specifically, thou shalt not commit adultery.

It appears to me that you are claiming that homosexuality in general is a death penalty offense, based on an incorrect interpretation of the Mosaic law (for Israel), while you are violating an unambiguous, valid commandment that carries the death penalty, based on an incorrect interpretation that it was only for Israel.

So according to you, two men having sex is not a death penalty offence as long as the men are single. Do you think it is a sin?

As far as mentioning women…
Romans 1:26


Formerly Shimei!
Circumcision was given to Abraham before the law, and it was symbolic of God circumcising ALL believer's hearts (Col 2:11; Rom 2:29). So while flesh circumcision might have been symbolic, all believers are still required to have circumcised hearts. Therefore, even though a law may have had a symbolic meaning, it does not necessarily mean it no longer applies to all believers in some sense.

Galatians 5:2


Formerly Shimei!
No, that's what you all are trying to do. I say stop trying to make our justice system resemble the OT Law.


What should the penalty be for murder? Life in prison?
Does grace = life in prison?

Yes or no?


Formerly Shimei!
According to the OT Law, yes. According to God's righteousness, yes it is a crime. I'm trying to tell you to stop trying to nit pick parts of God's Law. Either take the entire Law or take Grace, and let the poor homo's live.

Is it just a sin or it is a crime? Again, all crimes are sin but not all sins are crime.

Should a person be arrested for being envious?
Please quit trying to dance around the issue...


Formerly Shimei!
:duh: is about right, what a bloodthirsty society that is advocated on here at times, some of you really were born 2000 years too late... Jesus himself saved a woman from the same self righteous hypocrisy and yet there's people here who want to bring in the death penalty for these people and even the same barbaric forms of execution, truly sickening :vomit: Christianity this aint......

Was God wrong for ever having mentioned the death penalty? Was the death penalty ever the correct thing to do in any period of time?


Formerly Shimei!
Silly Christians, the Law is for Jews....

For matters of salvation, yes.

But today, Jew or gentile, we all come to the Lord through grace. But that does not mean that we are not under an administrative law enforced by the government. Christians do not have a license to kill now do they?


New member
Was God wrong for ever having mentioned the death penalty? Was the death penalty ever the correct thing to do in any period of time?

Was God right for sparing a woman from this 'correct' death penalty? Was she just a lucky byproduct of Jesus outsmarting the pharisees in escaping a torturous death? Didnt Jesus himself tell us that we'd heard it of old to hate our enemies but now to love them and to bless those who persecute us or words to this effect? There is no law in the NT - nor is there any record of Jesus condemning homosexuals to death or even talking about them ANYWHERE while in his ministry on earth, that kinda puts a big spoke in the wheel of those who feel obliged to put so much precedence on it as opposed to other more deserving matters warranting attention in this world.....such as suffering, poverty, misery, illness, war, abuse, etc etc etc etc............etc etc .............. :doh:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I guess you can put it that way. The question still stands, how do you decide? Do you use you own moral judgment, or do you have chapter and verse that tells us what sins still deserve the death penalty?
Well, we know the Sabbath was a covenant between God and Israel, so the death penalty for working on a Saturday should not still stand. Nor should the death penalty for being a whore, when you're the daughter of a priest, because the priesthood was of Israel only, and that preisthood isn't even in effect right now. And we can certainly use our own judgment in some cases, such as murder. There is no reason murder should not be illegal, and carry the death penalty. Same goes for rape. So it's a little of both.

I can see executing violent criminal offenders, to protect society. But I don't see how it's any one's business what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.
If they keep it in the privacy of their own bedrooms, they aren't likely to get caught.

However, two people committing adultery are consenting, but that doesn't make it right, and something should be done about it.

Let God decide who deserves to die for carnal sins. I'm sure it would be no problem for a all powerful God to strike them dead if He wanted to. So why don't you just, let go and let God?
He's already decided, and He told us, because He wants the government to do it.

If we ignored that, and just left it for Him to do, we'd have rapists and murderers rampant in this country, and certainly not enough prisons to hold them all.

Real Sorceror

New member
Well, we know the Sabbath was a covenant between God and Israel, so the death penalty for working on a Saturday should not still stand. Nor should the death penalty for being a whore, when you're the daughter of a priest, because the priesthood was of Israel only, and that preisthood isn't even in effect right now. And we can certainly use our own judgment in some cases, such as murder. There is no reason murder should not be illegal, and carry the death penalty. Same goes for rape. So it's a little of both.
If the death penalty for working on the Sabbath hadn't been "repealed", so to speak, would you actually advocate working on Saturday as a capital crime?
If they keep it in the privacy of their own bedrooms, they aren't likely to get caught.

However, two people committing adultery are consenting, but that doesn't make it right, and something should be done about it.
Why should we meddle in someone's private affairs? The faithullness of a stranger's spouse is none of my concern.
He's already decided, and He told us, because He wants the government to do it.

If we ignored that, and just left it for Him to do, we'd have rapists and murderers rampant in this country, and certainly not enough prisons to hold them all.
God is kinda lazy, huh? :rolleyes:


New member
Well, we know the Sabbath was a covenant between God and Israel, so the death penalty for working on a Saturday should not still stand. Nor should the death penalty for being a whore, when you're the daughter of a priest, because the priesthood was of Israel only, and that preisthood isn't even in effect right now. And we can certainly use our own judgment in some cases, such as murder. There is no reason murder should not be illegal, and carry the death penalty. Same goes for rape. So it's a little of both.

If they keep it in the privacy of their own bedrooms, they aren't likely to get caught.

However, two people committing adultery are consenting, but that doesn't make it right, and something should be done about it.

He's already decided, and He told us, because He wants the government to do it.

If we ignored that, and just left it for Him to do, we'd have rapists and murderers rampant in this country, and certainly not enough prisons to hold them all.

:idea: Why not focus on more pressing matters like those who need help - be it with lack of money/ addictions/illness/bereavement/ depression/suffering etc instead of focussing on putting people to death for human sexual weakness?!......why on EARTH does this subject take such priority be it homosexuality or adultery....?! :doh: :rain: :vomit:


Formerly Shimei!
Was God right for sparing a woman from this 'correct' death penalty? Was she just a lucky byproduct of Jesus outsmarting the pharisees in escaping a torturous death? Didnt Jesus himself tell us that we'd heard it of old to hate our enemies but now to love them and to bless those who persecute us or words to this effect? There is no law in the NT - nor is there any record of Jesus condemning homosexuals to death or even talking about them ANYWHERE while in his ministry on earth, that kinda puts a big spoke in the wheel of those who feel obliged to put so much precedence on it as opposed to other more deserving matters warranting attention in this world.....such as suffering, poverty, misery, illness, war, abuse, etc etc etc etc............etc etc .............. :doh:

Great. Want to answer my question now?

Real Sorceror

New member
:idea: Why not focus on more pressing matters like those who need help - be it with lack of money/ addictions/illness/bereavement/ depression/suffering etc instead of focussing on putting people to death for human sexual weakness?!......why on EARTH does this subject take such priority be it homosexuality or adultery....?! :doh: :rain: :vomit:
That would require us to get off our lazy American butts. ;)
However, your point still stands. Why are Christians so often zealotous about the hot topics of the day rather than the more immediate needs of people suffering around the world?


New member
That would require us to get off our lazy American butts. ;)
However, your point still stands. Why are Christians so often zealotous about the hot topics of the day rather than the more immediate needs of people suffering around the world?

and our British ones also......... ;)

fortunately I do know plenty of christians who do actually place more emphasis on the immediate rather than the.................."hot" topic....

Real Sorceror

New member
and our British ones also......... ;)

fortunately I do know plenty of christians who do actually place more emphasis on the immediate rather than the.................."hot" topic....
Good to hear. I knew Gawd had to be good for something. People just need to focus all that zeal and energy on something constructive rather than destructive.


New member
Wow, this thread is still going on?!

(I thought that was Lighthouse walking into that gay bar with a shotgun.....)

Matthew 28
But I say to you, everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Leviticus 20:10
If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.

Shall we bicker?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
If the death penalty for working on the Sabbath hadn't been "repealed", so to speak, would you actually advocate working on Saturday as a capital crime?
It was a religious law. If it hadn't been repealed, none of them would have, and salvation wouldn't be by grace. However, it would still only be for those who followed God, and as a governmental law, it would stand only for Israel. I'm advocating these laws, not because they are from the Bible, but because I truly believe they would make for a better society. Religious laws only make for a more religious society.

Why should we meddle in someone's private affairs? The faithullness of a stranger's spouse is none of my concern.
What about the faithfulness of your own spouse? Or how about you don't join the government, then you wouldn't have to worry about it. The bottom line is that the government should not allow the foundation of society [family] to be undermined. Adultery undermines family.

God is kinda lazy, huh? :rolleyes:
Lazy? He left us instructions, and letting us learn from the consequences of not following His instructions is not lazy. It's the best way to teach a lesson. The problem is people like you, who don't want to listen to the instructor.
:idea: Why not focus on more pressing matters like those who need help - be it with lack of money/ addictions/illness/bereavement/ depression/suffering etc instead of focussing on putting people to death for human sexual weakness?!......why on EARTH does this subject take such priority be it homosexuality or adultery....?! :doh: :rain: :vomit:
Because it should not be the government's job to help the needy. We, as individuals, on a personal level, should do that. Churches should help those in their community, and families should help their other family members. But not at the risk of the person in need, such as to keep them needy and poor, as most governmental social programs currently do in this country.