Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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New member

I think it's that they had people stand at a the base of a wall and then collapsed it on them. Some kind of sophisticated stoning by bulldozer.

A couple of people had suggested something basically along those lines in the stoning thread.

Yeh, the human race can be pretty "advanced" when it comes to creative ways of causing suffering and death :vomit: This is unjustifiable....

anyway, how come on that thread you voted yes?! :chicken:



Well-known member
Yeh, the human race can be pretty "advanced" when it comes to creative ways of causing suffering and death :vomit: This is unjustifiable....

anyway, how come on that thread you voted yes?! :chicken:



Actually, I went in and checked and I did cast the right vote :)


The Dark Knight
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You haven't shown that I was wrong. You must take the whole Law if you are going to use the Law, or else take grace. There is no picking and choosing if you are want to use God's righteousness.
So it's perfectly okay for me to murder someone, and the government shouldn't be allowed to prosecute me, because I've already accepted God's grace?


The Dark Knight
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The bottom line is that Jesus Christ died for our sins, not for our crimes. And though we may be under grace for our sins, and the Mosaic law is not applicable outside of Israel for purposes of a relationship with God, that doesn't mean most of the rules are not good rules to live by for other reasons. Nor does it mean that people, not just Christians, should go ahead and murder, steal, commit perjury, and/or adultery. It also doesn't mean that the law of the land, any land, shouldn't include "Do not murder, do not steal, do not commit perjury, etc." And I think we should all be able to at least agree on that much.

Now, for the "Christians" who are trying to say that sine we are under grace, we can't say that the death penalty should apply, how about we take a look at another quote from the man who wrote, " are not under law but under grace."

" So Paul said, 'I stand at Caesar’s judgment seat, where I ought to be judged. To the Jews I have done no wrong, as you very well know. For if I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying; but if there is nothing in these things of which these men accuse me, no one can deliver me to them. I appeal to Caesar.'"


The Dark Knight
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Well, looky here! csuguy contradicts himself:[emphasis in bold mine]

The Law can be broken into having moral, ceremonial, and cultural laws. Christians are all for the moral laws.

We believe that God is the same as he was way back when he gave Moses the Law. What is good and evil has not changed. Thus, Christians try to follow the moral laws for themselves, with the exception of the punishments for not following them because we believe the price for our sins has been paid.

As for the ceremonial laws, like tithing and or the Feast of Tabernacles, there is nothing wrong with them per say, but neither do we believe that we are subject to them. In fact, one can view ceremonial laws as bad, because while they had a good purpose when instated, after so long it simply becomes tradition. People often sacrifice what is right and good for tradition. You'll find though that various churches and denominations hold onto tradition. Like the Catholic Church.

The cultural laws pertained to the early Jewish culture. For example, not eating pork. Way back when they didn't understand that it had to be cooked to a certain temperature to kill all the germs and stuff that would kill us. Laws like this were put into place for the early cultures protection. I've talked to Jews on the subject and they feel the same way.

Anyways this is how I view it. You'll find that different Christians from different denominations and backgrounds will have differing beliefs. However, I believe the above is the norm.


The Dark Knight
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Hi Pastor Kevin :wave:

Maybe you could help shed some light on what we have been discussing.

Here is a list of capital crimes in the Old Testament. Should we reinstate them all? If no, why not?

Murder (Exodus 21:12, Exodus 21:15)
Kidnapping (Exodus 21:16)
Disobedience to parents (Exodus 21:17, Deuteronomy 21:18)
Juvenile delinquency - incorrigibility (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)
Bestiality (Leviticus 20:15)
Violations of the Sabbath (Exodus 31:15)
Adultery (Leviticus 20:10)
Abominations (Leviticus 20:2)
Blasphemy (Leviticus 24:16)
Incest (Leviticus 20:11)
Homosexuality (Leviticus 20:13)
Witchcraft (Exodus 22:18, Leviticus 20:27)
False prophecy (Deuteronomy 13:5)
Worshipping a false god (Deuteronomy 13:6-10)
Sacrificing to false gods (Exodus 22:20)
Sodomy (Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13)
Sex with a woman betrothed to another (Deuteronomy 22:25)
False witness in a capital crime (Deuteronomy 19:16-20)
Fornication by daughters of priests (Leviticus 21:9)
Failure to abide by a decision of the High Court (Deuteronomy 17:12)
Unchastity (Deuteronomy 22:21-24)
Cursing someone (Leviticus 24:14)
Negligence resulting in death (Exodus 21:29)

I know I'm not PK, but I figured I should give my two cents.



Neither of those are about mere disobedience. We'll return to these when I have more time.

Not what you seem to think it is.:nono:


No. The Sabbath was between God and Israel only.


Care to be more specific?

Again, for Israel only.




Israel only.

Israel only.

Israel only.

Between who?



Levitical Priesthood only. They no longer exist.

There are no Levitical Priests.

That's not about chastity, it's about her lying and therefore committing adultery.

Define cursing.

Would you like a more detailed elaboration, on why yes on some, and no on others? And maybe we can also get into what some of them are referring to, seeing as how the translations are not perfect, and also how the language used in some translastions is also different than the language used today [in regards to English].


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Hey Red
This is why this all seems incredibly unfair, you are saying you have no choice (which I believe) to be attracted to the same sex and as a result are banned from having any sort of sexual life for something which isnt even your fault.....

So assuming that Paul and the author of Leviticus are correct and God really does forbid Homo sex, is God unfair?


Hey Red

So assuming that Paul and the author of Leviticus are correct and God really does forbid Homo sex, is God unfair?

Certainly. But even as an atheist, I can scarcely see why God should be expected to be fair. "Fairness" is an impossible standard to uphold, and an undesirable one at that (a truly fair world is no world in which I would wish to dwell).

Justice, however, is an entirely different matter in which I find the God of the bible wholly and unforgivably lacking, though that bears little relevance to this discussion. I merely wished to note the existence of a firm difference between the qualities of justice and fairness.


Formerly Shimei!
Would you like a more detailed elaboration, on why yes on some, and no on others? And maybe we can also get into what some of them are referring to, seeing as how the translations are not perfect, and also how the language used in some translastions is also different than the language used today [in regards to English].

It should also be known that crimes like murder and homosexuality and other sexual sins were wrong BEFORE the Law of Moses was given. A good sign that they are NOT symbolic.


New member
Would you like a more detailed elaboration, on why yes on some, and no on others? And maybe we can also get into what some of them are referring to, seeing as how the translations are not perfect, and also how the language used in some translastions is also different than the language used today [in regards to English].

If you feel like elaborating, go ahead. But all I really want to know is how you decide what sins still deserve the death penalty.


New member
ok, like we can all debate whether or not homosexuals are criminals till we turn blue. its a debate of personal morals and not a matter of state. you guys can go and outlaw it, but what is to stop homosexuals from moving to canada, where gay marriage is legal. or asia where homosexuality is often celebrated. perhaps i am the one that always takes the humanist/world perspective on most things but there are larger pieces to the puzzle here than what exist in the U.S.

its a desire that exist in almost all cultures other than fanatical muslim countries. its strictly prohibited and according to actual muslims i know something wrong. but to say homosexuality is something punishable, is to deny the very foundation of our country. this country was founded on religious tolerance and freedom. not limited tolerance, but tolerance. our forefathers knew that to get people to come here equal rights were necessity. same as equal opportunity workforce laws. u arent gonna get a a diverse crew picking christian americans.

the problem is, sadly most of you guys debating this don't know how it feels to be a minority. all you know is what u see and are surrounded by. ive lived in cities where i am the minority for being what u guys see as a majority. makes u rethink how u think and if reality is anything other than what u create. i just think that if u cant agree with someone go ur seperate ways. my mother always taught me if you dont have something nice to say, shut your fool trap son.


New member
People born homosexual, say local school officials
The Montgomery County Board of Education in Maryland has accomplished what science and medicine have been unable to confirm, simply declaring in its newly approved school curriculum for children that some babies are born homosexual.

Activists are appealing the decision and former homosexuals are claiming discrimination due to the decision by the school board to pilot a controversial new sex education curriculum – against the advice of hundreds of practicing physicians in the county.

Developed by its own staff, the educational materials were given a test run in six schools in the county district at the 8th and 10th grade levels. Now they are supposed to be implemented in all schools soon.


Well-known member
OK... so if I assume that your reply would be the reply of those here who advocate the death penalty (as none of them are answering the question), this would mean that anyone who had turned from homosexual activity (such as LMOHM and myself) would still be a target for arrest and prosecution and would be put to death, because we would have willingly have committed the crime (as it would be a crime).

I'm especially interested in the opinions of Shimei and LMOHM on this point.

Firstly, I agree with the post kmoney made on the matter.. regardless of repentance, the punishment still stands. That is the answer I would give. However, I didn't think about how it may apply to you or I.

I would say that if the death penalty were hypothetically implemented during or before the time in which we either of us lived a homosexual lifestyle, then if it were found out by authorities that we had committed such a crime, and they could prove it beyond reasonable doubt, then yes, we would both deserve the death penalty.

However, as it stands, I do not believe that either of us deserve the death penalty.. for God has forgiven both of us, and we do not apply the death penalty for this in our society.

Also, if the death penalty for homosexuality were to be brought in now, it should not apply for our past crimes, which happened before it was brought in.


Well-known member
People born homosexual, say local school officials
The Montgomery County Board of Education in Maryland has accomplished what science and medicine have been unable to confirm, simply declaring in its newly approved school curriculum for children that some babies are born homosexual.

Activists are appealing the decision and former homosexuals are claiming discrimination due to the decision by the school board to pilot a controversial new sex education curriculum – against the advice of hundreds of practicing physicians in the county.

Developed by its own staff, the educational materials were given a test run in six schools in the county district at the 8th and 10th grade levels. Now they are supposed to be implemented in all schools soon.


Stop brainwashing our kids!


Well-known member
Maybe, but I'm yet to hear a rational description of what you would call someone who is attracted to their own gender if not homosexual, according to the dictionary mere same sex attraction is enough to warrant this description the same as heterosexual applies to those who find the opposite sex desirable, if people claim that the homosexual lifestyle is a 'choice' then it has to be one that is possible to make, for me it would be impossible as I have no desire whatsoever for my own gender before even the thought of any sexual activity could occur.....

The ''homosexual lifestyle'' is a choice. Absolutely a choice. Homosexual attraction is not a choice, that is one thing. However, to live a 'homosexual lifestyle' is completely down to choice, and one which I will never make again.


New member
The ''homosexual lifestyle'' is a choice. Absolutely a choice. Homosexual attraction is not a choice, that is one thing. However, to live a 'homosexual lifestyle' is completely down to choice, and one which I will never make again.

Can I ask you what you think causes homosexuality then? If you believe the attraction isnt a choice then what causes people to be gay?