Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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icilian fenner

New member
I doubt they'd quit. Just like dogfights, and such. But if you have no idea what the death toll is, you have no basis for your argument.
I have casual basis. And I really doubt it is, from the no-betting standpoint. If it was normally a game heavily into betting, maybe it'd be different. NOTE: No one gets executed for that, I'm thinking...

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I dare say it doesn't matter.

I dare say it doesn't matter.
No, but most of them do. Of course, those who leave it behind early enough escape that destiny.
Or have one partner, both clean from STD's. :shock:

You went to public school didn't you? Your grammar is atrocious!

See, I've got this genius idea, I'll ignore the point again with an ad hom.
Show me where and how you have replied to my original point, m'dear?


New member
I was enjoying having a nice mature debate with adults until Light House showed up and went all kindergarten with the name calling.


Well-known member
I don't keep the Sabbath...
Why? Who told you that you get to violate the sabbath, which is a death penalty offense?

If I said that you don't, would that be correct?
No. You would not be correct. Your question doesn't take into consideration my point of view, that I fulfill the entire law. It doesn't matter if happen to only eat clean meats, because I don't do it in obedience to any law. I am not under the old covenant.

You appear to be asking me if I am under the Mosaic law, which was abrogated by the cross...

Eph 2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace;

Col 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;

The book of the law, which includes Leviticus was abolished on the cross. The ten commandments were NOT abolished on the cross. Therefore, you are violating a valid law, punishable by death while questioning me about whether I "keep" an invalid law abolished by the cross.

I am trying to understand why you get to reject the sabbath, while you judge homosexuals.


New member
Another thing to note is that ALL crimes are sin, but not all sins are crimes.

All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others...

I was trying to think of a cool syllogism, but nothing came to me fast enough.

When all else fails, quote George Orwell.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I have casual basis. And I really doubt it is, from the no-betting standpoint. If it was normally a game heavily into betting, maybe it'd be different. NOTE: No one gets executed for that, I'm thinking...
Well, no, they don't get executed. But the bottom line is that people won't stop doing something because it's illegal, even if the penalty is death. They'll just do it more secretively. However, if the execution is swift, painful and public, less people will do them. But they won't stop completely.


I dare say it doesn't matter.

I dare say it doesn't matter.
Then why say it?

Or have one partner, both clean from STD's. :shock:
How often does that happen? And there's suppose to be an "e-d" on the end of that smiley=:shocked:.

See, I've got this genius idea, I'll ignore the point again with an ad hom.
Show me where and how you have replied to my original point, m'dear?
You really need to learn how to use a question mark. And commas.

Anyway, your question was rhetorical, was it not?

icilian fenner

New member
Well, no, they don't get executed. But the bottom line is that people won't stop doing something because it's illegal, even if the penalty is death. They'll just do it more secretively. However, if the execution is swift, painful and public, less people will do them. But they won't stop completely.
...Yes, indeed, the most hardcore of hardcore. I dont think many people feel that way about motorsports.

Then why say it?
Some madness told me you may listen. Then sense got the better of me, and despondency took over.

How often does that happen? And there's suppose to be an "e-d" on the end of that smiley=:shocked:.[/QUOTE]
mmmhmm, i know.
and i dont know.
in the other order.

You really need to learn how to use a question mark. And commas.

I really really really don't care. See, i forsook the commas. Just to pain you.

Anyway, your question was rhetorical, was it not?

Which question.


New member
Hall of Fame
Your a moron, stop calling me names and address why I am wrong. Or is it that you realize that you're wrong and that it crumbles your whole hate theology for the gays?
No, he just enjoys name-calling. And he probably thinks it's productive.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
...Yes, indeed, the most hardcore of hardcore. I dont think many people feel that way about motorsports.
I doubt it.

Some madness told me you may listen. Then sense got the better of me, and despondency took over.
Stop drooling.

mmmhmm, i know.
and i dont know.
in the other order.
Not very often.

I really really really don't care. See, i forsook the commas. Just to pain you.

Which question.
"Have you heck." That question.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Your a moron, stop calling me names and address why I am wrong. Or is it that you realize that you're wrong and that it crumbles your whole hate theology for the gays?
I've already shown you how you're wrong. And I used to think that what I currently believe was wrong. I now know that I was wrong.


New member
Hall of Fame
On the subject of homosexuality I am about to make a confession that is probably going to surprise you. I am not 100% sure that the death penalty for homosexuality was not ordered to set Israel apart from the other nations. I have, however, come to the conclusion that since homosexuality is condemned in both the Old and New Testaments that it would be best to give homosexuals the benifit of the doubt and prevent millions of people from going down that path.
And if you end up being wrong, would executing homosexuals have been murder?


New member
If our justice system were Godly, homosexuals would be put to death. Since our justice system is not Godly, they should not be currently. In either case, homosexuals (and all sinners) need to repent and receive Christ, or they will face the ultimate death penalty of eternity apart from Jesus Christ.