Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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New member
If a man wants to have sex with a sheep in private.. I guess we should just ignore it.

What if a 14-year old and a 39-year old are having sex, as was the case of someone I knew when I was younger, and that 14-year old, as far as he was concerned, was consenting. Should that have been none of my business, as it was done in private?

Did I or I did I not state between consenting adults? A sheep is not a consenting adult ( do sheep even live to be 18?), a 14-year old is not a consenting adult. Stop trying to sidestep the issue.


Well-known member
Did I or I did I not state between consenting adults? A sheep is not a consenting adult ( do sheep even live to be 18?), a 14-year old is not a consenting adult. Stop trying to sidestep the issue.

No, you are making it clear that the issue as far as you are concerned is consent.


This may have been posted already but,

One cannot get rid of the death penalty. If you think you can and you think you did, you only end up killing and destroying way more than if the death penalty were in full effect, i.e. swift, unmerciful and brutal.

The law does not break, people break.


New member
Except that the disease is contagious.

So we should also kill heterosexuals who have STD's? What about lepers? Folks with tuberculosis? If they are spreading it through consenting adult sex than it is still none of your beeswax! That doesn't even begin to adress the fact that not all, or even most, homosexuals have AIDS or the fact that straight people get it too.


So we should also kill heterosexuals who have STD's? What about lepers? Folks with tuberculosis? If they are spreading it through consenting adult sex than it is still none of your beeswax! That doesn't even begin to adress the fact that not all, or even most, homosexuals have AIDS or the fact that straight people get it too.
Yeah, it is called second hand AIDS and who is responsible, anyone? Or is there no responsibility when someone gets AIDS, when millions have died from it including innocent people? If someone knows they have tuberculosis and are flying all over the world and people contract it from him then he is responsible. If someone is being irresponsible to the point of negligence then they should be punished even if no one gets hurt, like catching a drunk driver before the accident. People who participate in destructive and negligent behavior should be punished.
It really shows your stupidity and ignorance when you say that the spreading of a deadly disease is none of my beeswax!


New member
can someone elighten me on the many definitions of murder? i could have swore it is an act of violence to end a life.


can someone elighten me on the many definitions of murder? i could have swore it is an act of violence to end a life.
You cannot be a Christian and kill or murder anyone. Jesus was clear on that. So to run away from their own hypocrisy over war, violence and the death penalty, some believers have began to re-interpret words such as "killing" and/or "murder." If the Ten Commandments mandates that one "shalt not kill," you"d better start splitting hairs and protecting yourself from contradictions by totally "re-defining" basic words so that they do not mean what they mean within a certain context.