Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Conservative Christian ministries in the US that view homo sex as a treatable disorder may be undergoing a change in attitutde.

The leader of Exodus International, believed to be the nation's largest ministry for former gays, no longer believes the term ex-gay is appropriate to describe members, the Los Angels Times reports:,1,6308935.story?ctrack=5&cset=true

Alan Chambers of Exodus views the term as too neat, adding "By no means would we ever say change can be sudden or complete."

Chambers and other Exocuds leaders who will attend the group's Freedom Conference in California later this month, are now discussing the possibility of a biological basis for homosexualilty. In addition, the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary recently shocked constgituents by writing that there may be a genetic basis for sexual preference:

And last month a Gallup Poll found 42 per cent of adults in America believes that sexual orientation is present at birth:


Well-known member
By realising that we no longer live under mosaic laws and that society has progressed (for the most part) beyond condemnatory barbarism? :think:

There are two parts to the mosaic law.. the moral code and the ceremonial code. Christ fulfilled the cerimonial law. The moral law still stands.


Well-known member
I can't believe that 3 out of every 10 members of this board that have voted would kill a homosexual. Unbelievable.

No, those who said yes would not kill a homosexual. They advocate the government to do so, by bringing in the death penalty for those in the homosexual deathstyle.


Well-known member
We aren't talking about the Bible. We are talking about a secular govt. murdering thousands of people because of a sexual (mis) deed. Keep the Uncle Sam out of the bedroom.

You might be able to keep Uncle Sam out of the bedroom, but you will never be able to keep God out of the bedroom, and it is what He says that matters.. not what you or I or anyone else says. It's about Him, not out self-centredness.

Dopey Gigglz

New member
You might be able to keep Uncle Sam out of the bedroom, but you will never be able to keep God out of the bedroom, and it is what He says that matters.. not what you or I or anyone else says. It's about Him, not out self-centredness.

Fine. Let him kill the gays then and not take it up ourselves.


New member
You might be able to keep Uncle Sam out of the bedroom, but you will never be able to keep God out of the bedroom, and it is what He says that matters.. not what you or I or anyone else says. It's about Him, not out self-centredness.

God doesn't decide what becomes law- men do. As for what God "says", well- we've been on this rock for quite a while and there is still no consensus on that.

Dopey Gigglz

New member
Erm.. let me think now.. oh wait.. I remember.. ''If a man lies with a man as a man lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall both be put to death.. their blood will be on their own heads.''

You do realize that this was a command for the early Israelites, right? Sort of like not-mixing two kinds of material for clothing and not boiling a kid in it's milk?

I suppose you've taken it up on yourself to name all the animals?