Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Just Tom said:
The poll is SHOULD homosexual be given the death penalty! The answer from any Christian should be YES!

As you use your perception of what Paul meant

So when Paul said to Timothy that the LAW is good if used LAWFULLY he didn't mean that criminals and homos should be punished under the biblical mandate for those crimes. He meant to love them and welcome them into you church.

You are blinded by your foolish perception..
What you are saying to me are there are certain sins that Jesus would not/could not/ did not forgive. Why? He forgave the adultress why would He not forgive the homosexual?

Second, the response from a Christian should not be to recommend the death penalty. The proper response should be to welcome them into your church. When they meet Jesus they will repent of their sins. God does not want people dead, God wants us all in heaven with Him. Jesus preaches a Gospel of life and forgiveness. Your gospel if one of death and vengence.

Real Sorceror

New member
Just Tom said:
The poll is SHOULD homosexual be given the death penalty! The answer from any Christian should be YES!
Like I said, JT, anytime you want to start killin' people, go right ahead. Just don't be surprised when somebody kills you back.


Well-known member
Real Sorceror said:
If the Bible where true, then it wouldn't matter what I believe about it. However, the Bible, at least parts of it, is not true, and therefore I am free to make my moral judgements.

Prove it.



New member
CabinetMaker said:
What you are saying to me are there are certain sins that Jesus would not/could not/ did not forgive. Why? He forgave the adultress why would He not forgive the homosexual?

Second, the response from a Christian should not be to recommend the death penalty. The proper response should be to welcome them into your church. When they meet Jesus they will repent of their sins. God does not want people dead, God wants us all in heaven with Him. Jesus preaches a Gospel of life and forgiveness. Your gospel if one of death and vengence.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to CabinetMaker again.

Real Sorceror

New member
CabinetMaker said:
What you are saying to me are there are certain sins that Jesus would not/could not/ did not forgive. Why? He forgave the adultress why would He not forgive the homosexual?

Second, the response from a Christian should not be to recommend the death penalty. The proper response should be to welcome them into your church. When they meet Jesus they will repent of their sins. God does not want people dead, God wants us all in heaven with Him. Jesus preaches a Gospel of life and forgiveness. Your gospel if one of death and vengence.
Forgive me for puting you in the spotlight, CM, but this is the kinda stuff I want to see in Christians.

Just Tom

New member
CabinetMaker said:
What you are saying to me are there are certain sins that Jesus would not/could not/ did not forgive. Why? He forgave the adultress why would He not forgive the homosexual?

Second, the response from a Christian should not be to recommend the death penalty. The proper response should be to welcome them into your church. When they meet Jesus they will repent of their sins. God does not want people dead, God wants us all in heaven with Him. Jesus preaches a Gospel of life and forgiveness. Your gospel if one of death and vengence.

That is actually incorrect.. Yours is a gospel of death by niceness.. He can forgive them if they repent but this isn't about should we try to get them to repent it is about should the government give homos the death penalty and that CHRISTIAN answer is yes. It is criminal behavior and should be treated as such..

You are correct that God doesn't want people dead that is why he said that HOMOS should be put to death under the LAW that it is GOOD and LAWFUL to do so and that it is CHRISTIAN to do that..

Should you punish you child for smoking dope or just say son Jesus loves you come to church! And then say to the government dope should be legal since Jesus forgave the woman caught in adultery. Your logic is foolish and it will only suceed in you child becoming further entrenched in his sin and rebellion.

The same if true for the homosexual. If it is legal then they have no reason to seek the change that Jesus can offer now do they. And at the same time they will do everything they can to suppress the truth of the Gospel.

You don't get it..


Well-known member
Real Sorceror said:
To you? Thats next to impossible.
Its been sufficiently proven to me, and in the end thats all that matters.

If you are not prepared to even attempt to offer proof, then don't bother stating the claim 'parts of the Bible have been disproved,' without backing it up!

Real Sorceror

New member
lovemeorhateme said:
If you are not prepared to even attempt to offer proof, then don't bother stating the claim 'parts of the Bible have been disproved,' without backing it up!
Alright, we'll dance. But not here. Go to one of the evo vs creation threads or start a new one. We'll talk there.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Just Tom said:
That is actually incorrect.. Yours is a gospel of death by niceness.. He can forgive them if they repent but this isn't about should we try to get them to repent it is about should the government give homos the death penalty and that CHRISTIAN answer is yes. It is criminal behavior and should be treated as such..
No it is not. Just because I don't advocate that people be put to death for being gay does not mean i don't tell them that their are consequences for their sins. They run the risk of an eternal death. I can then ask them if they would like to avoid that and a dialog ensues. Very effective for sharing!

Just Tom said:
You are correct that God doesn't want people dead that is why he said that HOMOS should be put to death under the LAW that it is GOOD and LAWFUL to do so and that it is CHRISTIAN to do that..
Did you read that sentence before you posted it? You just said God doesn't want peole dead so that is why He wants us to kill them. :dizzy: That one hurst to think about! If we kill people before they have a chance to hear the gospel, what is their chance of spending eternity with God? Do you think good will be pleased with a shoot first, ask questions later policy?

Just Tom said:
Should you punish you child for smoking dope or just say son Jesus loves you come to church! And then say to the government dope should be legal since Jesus forgave the woman caught in adultery. Your logic is foolish and it will only suceed in you child becoming further entrenched in his sin and rebellion.
I find talking to my children about the dangers of drugs and immoral sex (i.e. AIDS, STD's, etc.) to be far more effective than punishing them for doing something they were never educated on. They are firmly biased against smoking right now! They also understand that a baby is a baby and Daddy will not support certain choices. They know where they stand because they have been taught. Same applies to other sinners. Educate them so that they see their sinful ways and repent. All we can do is share the Gospel of Jesus. The Holy Spirit must convict them of their sins, not us.

Just Tom said:
The same if true for the homosexual. If it is legal then they have no reason to seek the change that Jesus can offer now do they. And at the same time they will do everything they can to suppress the truth of the Gospel.
If they know they will be killed, all that will happen is that they will go underground. It will not change their hearts, just their actions. But then that might be all you really want, get them out of the headlilnes. At least that way you can claim victory without ever helping a single lost soul.

You don't get it..[/QUOTE]

I don't get why you insist on singling out one sexual immoral act for the death penalty. The Law that you so dearly love clearly advocates the death penalty for adultery as well. Fornication too.

I also noted that you failed to respond to a couple of things I would like your opinion on:
CabinetMaker said:
I never read in any of the Gospels where Jesus started witnessing to a sinner by saying, "I love you so much I want you dead." He alsways said go and sin no more. He never said go and present yourself to authorities so that you may be, lovingly, exicuted.

The Apostles never went to the their churches saying that sinners under the law needed to be exicuted. They taught that sins were forgiven.

Have you been succesful witnessing to people be starting out with something like, "You should be exicuted because your are gay." Are people real open to the gospel when start out with God wants you dead?


New member
Just Tom said:
That is actually incorrect.. Yours is a gospel of death by niceness.. He can forgive them if they repent but this isn't about should we try to get them to repent it is about should the government give homos the death penalty and that CHRISTIAN answer is yes. It is criminal behavior and should be treated as such..

You are correct that God doesn't want people dead that is why he said that HOMOS should be put to death under the LAW that it is GOOD and LAWFUL to do so and that it is CHRISTIAN to do that..

Should you punish you child for smoking dope or just say son Jesus loves you come to church! And then say to the government dope should be legal since Jesus forgave the woman caught in adultery. Your logic is foolish and it will only suceed in you child becoming further entrenched in his sin and rebellion.

The same if true for the homosexual. If it is legal then they have no reason to seek the change that Jesus can offer now do they. And at the same time they will do everything they can to suppress the truth of the Gospel.

You don't get it..
Hey, if your son smokes dope, don't even talk to him. Take him out in the yard and shoot him between the eyes. That'll stop that dope smokin'. :bang:

Just Tom

New member
CabinetMaker said:
No it is not. Just because I don't advocate that people be put to death for being gay does not mean i don't tell them that their are consequences for their sins. They run the risk of an eternal death. I can then ask them if they would like to avoid that and a dialog ensues. Very effective for sharing!

Did you read that sentence before you posted it? You just said God doesn't want peole dead so that is why He wants us to kill them. :dizzy: That one hurst to think about! If we kill people before they have a chance to hear the gospel, what is their chance of spending eternity with God? Do you think good will be pleased with a shoot first, ask questions later policy?

I find talking to my children about the dangers of drugs and immoral sex (i.e. AIDS, STD's, etc.) to be far more effective than punishing them for doing something they were never educated on. They are firmly biased against smoking right now! They also understand that a baby is a baby and Daddy will not support certain choices. They know where they stand because they have been taught. Same applies to other sinners. Educate them so that they see their sinful ways and repent. All we can do is share the Gospel of Jesus. The Holy Spirit must convict them of their sins, not us.

If they know they will be killed, all that will happen is that they will go underground. It will not change their hearts, just their actions. But then that might be all you really want, get them out of the headlilnes. At least that way you can claim victory without ever helping a single lost soul.

You don't get it..

Before we go any further and I won't be able to answer over the weekend as I will be at work..

What do you really know about homosexuality any way. Apart from what the bible says..?

I hate to debate with ignorance, especially ignorance that has already made up its mind..

That GODS righteous decrees is that they deserve DEATH...He said this so that people could have life....


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Just Tom said:
Before we go any further and I won't be able to answer over the weekend as I will be at work..

What do you really know about homosexuality any way. Apart from what the bible says..?

I hate to debate with ignorance, especially ignorance that has already made up its mind..

That GODS righteous decrees is that they deserve DEATH...He said this so that people could have life....
I worked with a guy was homosexual. He was a nice guy and not efemenant at all. I liked him and we got along fine with no hint of sexual overtones. It was entertaining to listen to him rant about women drivers though. No big deal.

My wifes cousin grew up in SanFran. He was propositioned frequently as a young man. He said that experiance taught him how to respect a woman and how not to treat her when he decided to ask her out. He is now married with two young daughters.

Aside from that, homosexuals do not impact my daily life.

Gods righteous decrees ALSO demand the death penalty for adulterers. Your stance on homosexuals is fake because you are not demanding the same penalty for other sexual immorality. Revelations says that the sexually immoral will not inheret the earth so I suggest you take a solid stance on sexual immorality and demand the death penalty for all of the sexually immoral acts.

If you subject yourself to one part of the law then immedeately become subject to the entire law. Make sure you make your moral stands consistant with all laws. Also, you need to make sure that you require the death penalty for every case that requires it including unruley children. When I see you start a lobbying group to advocate the death penalty for all infractions listed as requiring it in the OT, then I will believe you are more than just somebody who hates gays.

Finally, you still havent addressed why neither Jesus nor the Apostles required that all sinners submit themselves to the authorities for execution. If they were truely following Gods righteous decrees then, forgiven or not, Jesus and the Apostles would be required to have sinners exicuted.


New member
The Berean said:
Well, if homosexuality is genetic then it is possible that a DNA screening test could be given to a fetus. Then the parents could have an abortion if they don't want to have a "gay" baby, right? :rolleyes:

Hmm a right wing Christian who has found a reason to support abortion...


New member
Morpheus said:
Hey, if your son smokes dope, don't even talk to him. Take him out in the yard and shoot him between the eyes. That'll stop that dope smokin'. :bang:

First his parents have to tell him not to smoke dope.. then and only then we can take him to the city limits and stone him to death because then he disobeyed his parents which the punishment is death

Just Tom

New member
CabinetMaker said:
I worked with a guy was homosexual. He was a nice guy and not efemenant at all. I liked him and we got along fine with no hint of sexual overtones. It was entertaining to listen to him rant about women drivers though. No big deal.

My wifes cousin grew up in SanFran. He was propositioned frequently as a young man. He said that experiance taught him how to respect a woman and how not to treat her when he decided to ask her out. He is now married with two young daughters.

Aside from that, homosexuals do not impact my daily life.

Gods righteous decrees ALSO demand the death penalty for adulterers. Your stance on homosexuals is fake because you are not demanding the same penalty for other sexual immorality. Revelations says that the sexually immoral will not inheret the earth so I suggest you take a solid stance on sexual immorality and demand the death penalty for all of the sexually immoral acts.

If you subject yourself to one part of the law then immedeately become subject to the entire law. Make sure you make your moral stands consistant with all laws. Also, you need to make sure that you require the death penalty for every case that requires it including unruley children. When I see you start a lobbying group to advocate the death penalty for all infractions listed as requiring it in the OT, then I will believe you are more than just somebody who hates gays.

Finally, you still havent addressed why neither Jesus nor the Apostles required that all sinners submit themselves to the authorities for execution. If they were truely following Gods righteous decrees then, forgiven or not, Jesus and the Apostles would be required to have sinners exicuted.

Last post,,
I do favor execution for adultery and kidnapping. Not fornication though because God doesn't... Yes I am subject to the moral criminal law not the symbolic laws.. You are so biblically immature...

So you admit that you know nothing about homosexuality.. I knew a guy isn't an answer..

Paul said to be subject to the governing authorities. Under your statement I could say you can't punish me cause I am not a Christian and if you Kill me I would never have a chance to repent. .... Thus you undermine the Gospel and the government since the death penalty is at the heart of the Gospel and at the heart of a government criminal justice system..

I will talk again on Sunday Late night..

Have a Good and GODLY weekend TELL A HOMO TO REPENT....