Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Big Mouth Nana

New member
Nazaroo said:
...just how long can you talk about homos anyway, without betraying some kind of unexplained obsession with them?

signed, curious, but not that curious.
Looks like this topic will go on until Jesus splits the sky upon His return. I think that even the OP can't believe how long his topic has gone on :yawn: I've gotten to the point that I would rather watch paint dry...about as interesting now :dead:

Just Tom

New member
Nazaroo said:
...just how long can you talk about homos anyway, without betraying some kind of unexplained obsession with them?

signed, curious, but not that curious.

This is an interesting concept..

It is my contention and I believe that the facts bear this out, that homosexuality is a psychological inversion. Thus for one to overcome it you must think about it otherwise you will be controlled by the pathology that created it. Thus thinking about it would be the only way out. Which is why homosexuals have for so long tried to remove the licenses of those who help homos find their way out of the inversion.

Another myth and deception that has infected our culture..


New member
Hall of Fame
Nazaroo said:
...just how long can you talk about homos anyway, without betraying some kind of unexplained obsession with them?

signed, curious, but not that curious.


Tell me about it.:think:


New member
Originally Posted by karstkid
Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?
Absolutely not! A homosexual should get the death penalty only if he or she committed a crime worthy of death, such as homicide.

N: Does intentionally giving someone AIDS count?

K: When Leviticus 20 was written AIDS was probably nonexistent. But, if you were to move our present time back to Leviticus time, giving someone AIDS, when you knowingly have it, would be called murder.

pedophiles, rapist,...partakers in bestiality

N: I totally agree! They should be put to death.

K: You forgot to include those who curse their Father and Mother. They should be put to death too!


N: Why?

K: Adultery and homosexuality is a type of fornication. It is sex without the commitment and covenant of heterosexual marriage. There are millions of heterosexual couples in the USA alone that are fornicating. They call it cohabitating. Do you think that the God who created marriage would approve of fornication? The Scriptures are loaded with condemnations about fornication. Why would you ask why?

All of these other than homosexual sins are spoken of in one biblical chapter, i.e., Leviticus chapter 20.

N: But not all that you listed called for the death penalty.

K: Which ones?

The boldness and brazenness of some homosexuals gets under our skin and brings us much anger. This anger though can color our reading of Scripture causing us to read into Scripture what is not there. Therefore, saying "the death penalty for all homosexuals" is due to personal anger and not Scripture.

N: God called for their execution. Perhaps one of the reasons is because of the way you point out they act. They aren't only in our faces, but our children's faces too.

K: That is true. But, have you ever cursed, even under your breath, your Father or your Mother? If so, you should be put to death. Have you ever had premarital sex? If so, that is fornication. According to the New Testament fornicators will not go to heaven. Have you ever stolen anything or have you ever been drunk? If so, then you will not go to heaven.

Real Sorceror

New member
Ya, this thread is old. Since none of you are actively seeking to kill homos, I'm just gonna let this thread run its course (it already has..... several times).

Yonas bat'Yah

New member
Turbo said:
Consider: in a roomful of people, all of whom are behaving acceptably in a social setting, you can't whether a person is a murderer unless the person tells you.

Consider: in a roomful of people, all of whom are behaving acceptably in a social setting, you can't tell whether a person is a thief unless the person tells you.

Consider: in a roomful of people, all of whom are behaving acceptably in a social setting, you can't tell whether a person is a child molestor unless the person tells you.

Consider: in a roomful of people, all of whom are behaving acceptably in a social setting, you can't tell whether a person is a rapist unless the person tells you.

Consider: in a roomful of people, all of whom are behaving acceptably in a social setting, you can't tell whether a person is a drug dealer unless the person tells you.

Consider: in a roomful of people, all of whom are behaving acceptably in a social setting, you can't tell whether a person beats his wife unless the person tells you.

Good one. :devil:

Yonas bat'Yah

New member
Rimi said:
Definition of a "bisexual"? A backslidden homo.

Why would a homo want to be a homo? For the attention, of course. Even bad attention is good attention.

:darwinsm: I repeat

Definition of a "bisexual"? A backslidden homo.



Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame

What punishment, if any, do you think murderers should receive?

Real Sorceror

New member
lovemeorhateme said:
The death penalty is ordained by God.

Is the death penalty for homosexual acts ordained by God?
The DP for homosexuals is ordained by the Bible, yes.
Would you like to start killing people now or later?

Just Tom

New member
Real Sorceror said:
The DP for homosexuals is ordained by the Bible, yes.
Would you like to start killing people now or later?

As soon as we can convene the courts lets get it going.. :thumb:

Four O'Clock

New member
Just Tom said:
As soon as we can convene the courts lets get it going.. :thumb:

171 pages on this? Let's execute thieves, people that charge interest, children that bad mouth their parents? Kill 'em all? Right wing fundie revenge seeking Christians?
(watered down "left wing" Christianity is just as bad)

What a misguided "psudo-Christian" mess. So sad.