Shooting at SC Church During Bible Study - Suspect still at large



Granite, you had to mention idiocy...and now you've summoned us another idiot.

Why do you believe me to be an idiot? Because I said something that you don't agree with? Well if you don't agree with it, provide some substance that refutes what I have said; instead of merely resorting to name-calling.


New member
Hall of Fame
Why do you believe me to be an idiot? Because I said something that you don't agree with? Well if you don't agree with it, provide some substance that refutes what I have said; instead of merely resorting to name-calling.

What you said's idiotic (to say nothing of insulting and depraved). Calling you an idiot's a pretty safe bet.


New member
Why do you believe me to be an idiot? Because I said something that you don't agree with?

Sorry dude, but so far, you're below my floor for a serious response. And that floor is pretty low.

Well if you don't agree with it, provide some substance that refutes what I have said; instead of merely resorting to name-calling.

There's no substance to the claim that you made, how can there be a substantive response? All you did is project your personal biases onto the news.


What you said's idiotic (to say nothing of insulting and depraved). Calling you an idiot's a pretty safe bet.

Do tell me, pray, how it was idiotic, insulting and depraved? If it was those things, wouldn't it be right for you to let me know how, and why?

There's no substance to the claim that you made, how can there be a substantive response? All you did is project your personal biases onto the news.

Is it a claim or is it the truth? And how can you tell? What personal bias do I have in regard to the news story? What I said was not my own subjective opinion; but rather it was an informed statement based on the knowledge that I've been made aware of. If you cannot accept what I've said, provide a reason why. Or could it be that you are merely slinging mud, and have no actual substance to declare?


New member
Is it a claim or is it the truth?

By default? It's a claim, unless someone can support it.

And how can you tell?

No no, how can you tell?

What personal bias do I have in regard to the news story?

Various and sundry, I would venture.

What I said was not my own subjective opinion; but rather it was an informed statement based on the knowledge that I've been made aware of.

And how were you "made aware of" this "knowledge"?

If you cannot accept what I've said, provide a reason why.

My reason is your lack of reason, if you catch my reasoning.

Or could it be that you are merely slinging mud, and have no actual substance to declare?

You're like so many people, so desperate to see the hand of God moving in the world that you literally imagine it anywhere that suits you. This was not the act of a deity. It was the act of a deranged and embittered young man. You ought to have a rather high burden to show that it was something else.

If this shooting was God's wrath, does that make the shooter God's messenger? God's agent?


New member
Do tell me, pray, how it was idiotic, insulting and depraved? If it was those things, wouldn't it be right for you to let me know how, and why?

Is it a claim or is it the truth? And how can you tell? What personal bias do I have in regard to the news story? What I said was not my own subjective opinion; but rather it was an informed statement based on the knowledge that I've been made aware of. If you cannot accept what I've said, provide a reason why. Or could it be that you are merely slinging mud, and have no actual substance to declare?

All Christians deserve God's wrath, but our sins have been forgiven by the shed blood of Jesus Christ at the Cross. What makes the murdered Christians at the S.C. church special in terms of deserving God's wrath?


New member
Hall of Fame
Do tell me, pray, how it was idiotic, insulting and depraved? If it was those things, wouldn't it be right for you to let me know how, and why?

Is it a claim or is it the truth? And how can you tell? What personal bias do I have in regard to the news story? What I said was not my own subjective opinion; but rather it was an informed statement based on the knowledge that I've been made aware of. If you cannot accept what I've said, provide a reason why. Or could it be that you are merely slinging mud, and have no actual substance to declare?

You're blaming the victims for getting killed. That makes your comments idiotic and disgusting.

And I get the feeling you're trolling.:yawn:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I see this shooting as the wrath/judgment of God.
If you cut yourself shaving do you see it as the minor irritation of God?

Do tell me, pray, how it was idiotic, insulting and depraved? If it was those things, wouldn't it be right for you to let me know how, and why?
Do you know what Christ replied when the Pharisees suggested his miracles were of the devil? Apply it.


You're kidding, right?

Also, whose sock puppet are you?

I couldn't tell you, I'm too lazy to care. I've pretty much given up on the so called examples of 'hate crimes', since just killing someone who isn't the same color as you is deemed such in the media.

And, accusing me of being a sock puppet is a pretty serious accusation. Are you trying to get me banned? Don't hold grudges, please.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why do you believe me to be an idiot? Because I said something that you don't agree with? Well if you don't agree with it, provide some substance that refutes what I have said; instead of merely resorting to name-calling.

Well I suspect it was because you were idiotic enough to suggest that some nutcase shooting people up was a sign of the wrath of God instead of it just being a nutcase going haywire with a gun...



New member
Well I suspect it was because you were idiotic enough to suggest that some nutcase shooting people up was a sign of the wrath of God instead of it just being a nutcase going haywire with a gun...


I wonder sometimes just what kind of god some of these people espouse?


No no, how can you tell?

Reflecting the question I asked back to me - is that because you can't answer the question yourself?

And how were you "made aware of" this "knowledge"?

I was made aware of all this through a website called And if not for revelation (from God); that is, God giving me eyes to see and ears to hear, I wouldn't understand the things taught on that site.

You're like so many people, so desperate to see the hand of God moving in the world that you literally imagine it anywhere that suits you. This was not the act of a deity. It was the act of a deranged and embittered young man.

What you don't know is that God uses men as instruments of His wrath - along with other instruments such as famine and pestilence.

He uses evil to punish evil.

Do you believe that God only sends good, never evil? Is He only a God of goodness, never of severity? Is His wrath nullified because we are now in the 'age of the dispensation of grace', as some believe?

If this shooting was God's wrath, does that make the shooter God's messenger? God's agent?

The shooter was an instrument used by God to deliver His judgment on sinners - in this case, those who take His name in vain. Is it any coincidence that the people who were killed were professing Christians, part of Babylon (the system of false religion)? Babylon, which in the book of Revelation is marked out for destruction:

'Then I heard another voice from heaven shout,

“My people, you must escape from Babylon.
Don’t take part in her sins and share her punishment.
Her sins are piled as high as heaven.
God has remembered the evil she has done.
Treat her as she has treated others.
Make her pay double for what she has done.
Make her drink twice as much
of what she mixed for others.
That woman honored herself with a life of luxury.
Reward her now with suffering and pain...
' (Revelation 18:4-7)

'...And so, in a single day
she will suffer the pain
of sorrow, hunger, and death.
Fire will destroy
her dead body,
because her judge
is the powerful Lord God”'...
(Revelation 18:8)

... This is how the great city
of Babylon
will be thrown down,
never to rise again.
(Revelation 18:21)


All Christians deserve God's wrath, but our sins have been forgiven by the shed blood of Jesus Christ at the Cross. What makes the murdered Christians at the S.C. church special in terms of deserving God's wrath?

They weren't genuine Christians, but professors, taking His name in vain. And God doesn't hold them guitless for doing so. They were punished.


You're blaming the victims for getting killed. That makes your comments idiotic and disgusting.

How was it not their fault? Wasn't their death the result of their sins? The sins which they chose to commit.

'...the soul who sins shall die' (Ezekiel 18:4)

'There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. 2 And he answered them, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? 3 No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. 4 Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? 5 No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” ' (Luke 13:1-6)


Well-known member
How was it not their fault? Wasn't their death the result of their sins? The sins which they chose to commit.

'...the soul who sins shall die' (Ezekiel 18:4)

'There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. 2 And he answered them, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? 3 No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. 4 Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? 5 No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” ' (Luke 13:1-6)

There ya go pal, rip that scripture to shreds