Did you know that murder is not defined by the type of weapon that is used but by the motive of criminal commuting the act. People murder using poison, knives, trucks, drowning, chain saws, trophies, and even their bare hands. Maybe the problem doesn't isn't an inanimate object but is instead a problem with people. A problem with society.As I have already said (please read the thread if you wish to interject) the US government should have amended the second amendment after there was no longer a threat from the British, and I will clarify this further by adding that more amendments could have and should have been made to reflect the changing threats to the country and to the individuals within the country but instead the US have gone on for over 300 years with the same stock ruling which is just madness and that's why there are 85+ murders a day compared to 0.01 per day in the UK.
Stats show that countries that allow the general public to have guns increases the murder rate dramatically. It's very simple.