ECT Sermon on the Mount- Interplanner's View


New member
Remember, all you dispy wacko's:



john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I didn't know, saint john, that you knew The Spanish.
You never cease to amaze.

Look, Orville-You're way too literal, as the days of literalism are over. Capishe?And you cannot compete with a real Espan yola expert, such as me. Dig, ombre?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Look, Orville-You're way too literal, as the days of literalism are over. Capishe?And you cannot compete with a real Espan yola expert, such as me. Dig, ombre?

I think you're right, Francis.

Gen 1:1 (KJV)

In the beginning, God created the new covenant?


Well-known member
Why are 90% of D'ists unware of the 2500 uses of the OT by the NT, the adaptions or changes the NT makes, the new reality since Christ, the coming mission to the nations found in the OT prophets, etc?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Why are 90% of D'ists unware of the 2500 uses of the OT by the NT, the adaptions or changes the NT makes, the new reality since Christ, the coming mission to the nations found in the OT prophets, etc?

Remember, dispy wackos, "The Mission"...


....and cease from your fracturization.