ECT Sermon on the Mount- Interplanner's View


Well-known member
But this could not have happened without the God-Man fulfilling all righteousness himself. That 'righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us' is not something that we actually do, but that we appropriate from Christ having done it for us. That is why it no longer plagues us the way it does the Judaistic zealot (which, btw, is very similar to how it plagues the Islamic fundamentalist).

That is why I said originally, there is no better cure for the Judaistic zealot (like Paul) than what Christ did for us in his 33 years.

Right Divider

Body part
You'll have to do better than just use the word physical and non-physical. The antonym of spiritual in the NT is Judaistic, or of the law, or of works, or works of the law. This is true when it says 'kata sarka' as well, 2 Cor 5:16 which is normally 'worldly.' this exists because of things Jesus said in John saying he was from above while they (teachers of the law) were of this world.
Thanks for ONCE AGAIN showing us all that you do NOT have the slightest idea what "spiritual" means.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
re statutes: unless of course a letter from the apostles says that such things were only applicable until the time of the reformation in Christ, as does Hebrews and Colossians.

2P2P is in the habit of treating these chapters in Ezek and Zech 14 as the "real" new testament after the new testament. And really pounding you for not seeing that because they have 'education.'

Which statutes would Ezekiel have been referring to?


Well-known member
Well, one thing we know from today is that D'ists/2P2Ps think it is perfectly normal to have an idiot make a mental health determination on the internet, in public, based on some interpretations, and the D'ists are so spineless that they won't rebuke the person. Not one.

And you wonder why people don't want to become Christians.

It is quite toxic to have the land of Israel as your hope of all hopes, instead of the Gospel of God's grace towards us.