Seraphim, Cherubim, Living Creatures ( Beings)


New member
Amen. The Seraphim have 6 wings. The Seraphim are representative of a family, depicted in the menorah, with Christ as the central shaft/head. The branches are 3 pairs of 2, one pair each for the arms of husband, wife, and child. Two of those 4 do indeed have to die off, the kingdom of G-d is like a child, the father (adamic spirit) and mother (harlot soul) have to be replaced with Father and Mother from above, and the child is caught up to be with Christ forevermore, a child bride of an arranged marriage, arranged before the foundation. A candle set on a hill (false coverings of "father" and "mother" removed) is not easily hid.

Until then, the serpent nature (adamic spirit, principality called sin/root) will always bite with the venom of sin (death) through the woman (harlot soul/fruit) who welcomes it with open arms, because her covering is of a like nature, and every TREE bears fruit after it's own kind. Peace



Well-known member
Amen. The Seraphim have 6 wings. The Seraphim are representative of a family, depicted in the menorah, with Christ as the central shaft/head. The branches are 3 pairs of 2, one pair each for the arms of husband, wife, and child. Two of those 4 do indeed have to die off, the kingdom of G-d is like a child, the father (adamic spirit) and mother (harlot soul) have to be replaced with Father and Mother from above, and the child is caught up to be with Christ forevermore, a child bride of an arranged marriage, arranged before the foundation. A candle set on a hill (false coverings of "father" and "mother" removed) is not easily hid.

Until then, the serpent nature (adamic spirit, principality called sin/root) will always bite with the venom of sin (death) through the woman (harlot soul/fruit) who welcomes it with open arms, because her covering is of a like nature, and every TREE bears fruit after it's own kind. Peace

Hey friend! :)

Matthew 10:34-39
34 Think not that I am come to cast peace upon the land: I came not to bring peace, but a machaira,
[sword of spiritual warfare, Rev 6:4].
35 For I came to sever a man from his father, and the daughter from her mother, and the daughter in law from her mother in law:
36 And the enemies of a man shall be those of his own household
[Mic 7:5-6, Deut 13:5-10].
37 The one loving father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and the one loving son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
38 And the one not taking up his stake and following after me is not worthy of me.
39 The one finding his soul shall destroy her; and the one destroying his soul for my sake shall find her.

"The Spirit" -vs- "the Flesh"
"Sarah-Israel" -vs- "Hagar-Egypt"
"Isaac of the Promise" -vs- "Ishmael of the flesh"
"Jacob (smooth skin)" -vs- "Esau (hairy twin-goat skin)"
"Your heavenly Father" -vs- "Your father the devil"
"Your mother-covenant Jerusalem of above" -vs- "Your mother of harlots of below"
"Your inner son of the seed of the Word" -vs- "Your son of perdition" (Esau man (Judas))

I recall a certain Levite who took a concubine from Bethlehem-Judah; and she played the harlot against him, and then fled away from him back to her father's house in Bethlehem-Judah. And her husband arose, and went after her, speaking kindly to her, to bring her back to him again, (for she was "like unto his own soul", lol). But as things worked out she ended up getting raped and pillaged, and died because of it, and there was war against Benjamin over this, and the whole tribe of Benjamin was nearly wiped out: for the Levite took his beloved soul and divided her up into twelve portions, (for she was dead, having been murdered by Sodomite Benjamites), and he divided and sent the twelve portions of his dead soul to the twelve tribes of Israel ruling over the twelve thrones. :chuckle:

For as you well know, my friend, the kingdom of Elohim is within you. :)


New member
Hey friend! :)

Matthew 10:34-39
34 Think not that I am come to cast peace upon the land: I came not to bring peace, but a machaira,
[sword of spiritual warfare, Rev 6:4].
35 For I came to sever a man from his father, and the daughter from her mother, and the daughter in law from her mother in law:
36 And the enemies of a man shall be those of his own household
[Mic 7:5-6, Deut 13:5-10].
37 The one loving father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and the one loving son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
38 And the one not taking up his stake and following after me is not worthy of me.
39 The one finding his soul shall destroy her; and the one destroying his soul for my sake shall find her.

"The Spirit" -vs- "the Flesh"
"Sarah-Israel" -vs- "Hagar-Egypt"
"Isaac of the Promise" -vs- "Ishmael of the flesh"
"Jacob (smooth skin)" -vs- "Esau (hairy twin-goat skin)"
"Your heavenly Father" -vs- "Your father the devil"
"Your mother-covenant Jerusalem of above" -vs- "Your mother of harlots of below"
"Your inner son of the seed of the Word" -vs- "Your son of perdition" (Esau man (Judas))

I recall a certain Levite who took a concubine from Bethlehem-Judah; and she played the harlot against him, and then fled away from him back to her father's house in Bethlehem-Judah. And her husband arose, and went after her, speaking kindly to her, to bring her back to him again, (for she was "like unto his own soul", lol). But as things worked out she ended up getting raped and pillaged, and died because of it, and there was war against Benjamin over this, and the whole tribe of Benjamin was nearly wiped out: for the Levite took his beloved soul and divided her up into twelve portions, (for she was dead, having been murdered by Sodomite Benjamites), and he divided and sent the twelve portions of his dead soul to the twelve tribes of Israel ruling over the twelve thrones. :chuckle:

For as you well know, my friend, the kingdom of Elohim is within you. :)

Amen, my shining friend. :) Fortunately for them the Master has set some about to gather up TWELVE baskets full of fragments in this hour, that nothing be wasted. ;) Peace


Well-known member
Amen, my shining friend. :) Fortunately for them the Master has set some about to gather up TWELVE baskets full of fragments in this hour, that nothing be wasted. ;) Peace

Hmmm, if five loaves of bread of life and two fish could feed five thousand, I wonder if twelve baskets full of remnant-fragments could feed a hundred and forty-four thousand parthenos-virgins and little ones? :)