ECT Seeking list of Hebrews verses from MADs/D'ists that are allowed for Christians

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You really ought to spend less time playing children's games and watching junk tv, and spend more time
reading the dusty theology books of men.

Am I getting through to you fella?

Clear as mud, Mayor! When you are use to having a daily fix of 2 "Mr. Cookie Bars," to combat my sinkin' spell, and give me a mid day "pick up," and I am cut off, I get a little high spirited. I get that from my mother.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Yes sir. Hasn't Interplanner learned anything by observing the way Bob Rogers ran the bulletin board down at the courthouse?

Well, this Interloper character had better gird his loins, as he has got a fight on his hands, with us Esquirees, Mayor.And according to my statistical crime chart, a TOL wolf-beating will occur soon.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Well, this Interloper character had better gird his loins, as he has got a fight on his hands, with us Esquirees, Mayor.And according to my statistical crime chart, a TOL wolf-beating will occur soon.

Yep, I heard saint john just gave another wolf "what for".

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I thought the lost ten become Gentiles?

Ok. I'll open the TOL file. The word document is called "Tetenstein".

complete lack of acknowledgement that Israel split into two and God divorced 10/12 of all Israelites, and the making all Israelites Jews.

All Jews are Israelites, but not all Israelites are Jews.

The Jews were the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

The House of Israel included every tribe except Judah, Benjamin, and some Levites. (no Jews)

That's not what I am saying.

I am saying that Gentiles become Israel.

It was the fall of Israel in 750BC that made salvation available to the Gentiles.


Well-known member
Hebrews 8:8 KJV
(8) For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:

Jeremiah 31:31 KJV
(31) Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:

Easy peasy.

No, when the passage is interp'd later in ch 10, it is clearly concerned simply with justification and salvation for anyone, as it should be. v10:15+.

You guys bludgeon the Bible with issues that are not there. Read the whole of 10:1-18, about which all of you are chickens. There is absolutely nothing in the interp of what has been said, in these concluding statements (the next section is application) that follow you, sound like you, chop the bible into tribalism, racism, etc. You are a ridiculous set of TV watchers.

The official interp of the passage is here in ch 10 and of the new covenant, not that you did that well on ch 8 either.

So we are back to your real fault: where is your list of verses that apply only to Gentiles, which they are 'allowed' to read and use.


Well-known member
The STP footer has to do with the miserable use of 'euangelizo' in Gal 2, the true grammar of which totally dismisses 2P2P in one word.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
They can't compete with a real writer and grammar scholar...The STP footer has to do with the miserable use of 'euangelizo' in Gal 2, the true grammar of which totally dismisses 2P2P in one word


I'm sure in your niggardly way of reading.. here in ch 10 and of the new covenant, not that you did that well on ch 8 either.

chop the bible into tribalism, racism, etc.

Translated: A "My mind on drugs" promo....


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Hebrews 8:8 KJV
(8) For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:

Jeremiah 31:31 KJV
(31) Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:

Easy peasy.

The new covenant was made with the house of Israel and the house of Judah.
I even highlighted it in red so you couldn't miss it.


Well-known member
Don't you know, saint john, that you have to rely on your gut instinct to interpret the Bible?
Philippians 3:19 (KJV)

Here is a great example of instinct 'helping.' "the fruit of the Spirit is x, y, z, and against such there is no law." 'Against' is often how 'kata' would be used with law, but not the only. If you have followed what Paul is saying (about walking in pace with the Spirit), he is creating innovative images. He's now on how the flesh works and gets paid wages vs the Spirit grows things like a tree does fruit. 'kata' doesn't have to be 'there is no law against love, patience, etc...' It can be the more powerful: 'you don't make laws about these things; the Spirit GROWS them.' That's very close to what he means. It's not about making laws, although some laws need to ground things.

So my instinct that the people who keep drumming 'house of Israel and house of Judah' and NEVER SEEM TO KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE REST OF THE BOOK, OR THE INTERP OF THIS SAME AT THE CONCLUSIONS IN 10:1-18 is pretty much to ignore them, to turn them off like a CD player stuck on one byte of a track. The 'Israel' and 'Judah' mean more than just those tribes or races or divisions. Just like in Rom 9, we meant more than Israel. Because the heart of the rest of Hebrews doesn't care a spit about tribes or races, but rather with all the grand themes that the rest of the NT does.