Chapter and verse proving that.
You cannot explicitly show from the Bible who, by name, it was made with.
Mt 26:27+ You will have to use some instinct, which I'm sure is hard for you. That cup was the same mentioned before the betrayal, v42. He was the sacrifice, and it was on behalf of the many who would believe. He is called the covenant in Is 42 for the people, a light to the nations. The same cup of his blood of the covenant is recapped in I Cor 11:23.
In 2 Cor 3:4+, the new covenant brings righteousness to men (Christ's) in its ministry of which Paul and many others and myself have been a part. The veil of the old is only removed in Christ. This ministry is still being talk about in ch 5.
I'm sure in your niggardly way of reading the Bible you will find a 'problem' with all these, ad nauseum. Or now you'll say, but that's only 10 verses or something 'intelligent' like that.
As you can see the land is nowhere in any of the thoughts here; it is all about justification from sins, and that for both Jews and Gentiles.
As for Hebrews, you're talking about the letter where the new covenant has already gone into effect (6:20, 7:16-22, 23-28, 8:1-6, 7-13, 9:1-10, 11-28, 10:1-18, 12:22-24, 13:20-21) to the excitement of the writer and the believers, who are not to be concerned about what might happen to their property in Judea (10:32-34), which was being seized by rebel Judaizers. Because the promise never was about the land on earth anyway (11:13-16), which was a copy or shadow (10:1-4) of the true, unshakeable land. Those who had faith were not thinking of Persia nor Egypt but of God's presence (11:13-16). We already know from Rom 4 that the whole earth, not just Israel was the inheritance (4:13, Heb 11:16, 12:22), as it shall be in the glorious NHNE.
I can't help you past that, I can't help you with your lack of retention or attention. I can't help you read the text 10x until it is speaking for itself instead of for some wacky system called 2P2P, which is unnatural and a fraud.
I have never run into such a stupid group of people who don't know the text well enough to know all these things already and then play chicken, daring the other person to make lists of such obvious knowledge, while for 3 months now you have not listed the so-called Gentile verses of Hebrews.
All of the lessons of faith, about the Gospel, about the new city, etc, in Hebrews which we belong to are for ALL believers. That is also where Israel can be unified--by faith--but there is so much more.