Scriptures that show that Christs death saved a person while in unbelief !


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber

anyone is free to take some time to read what I posted

it was simply a scriptural layout of factual details of how Saul was converted, how he accepted in obedience and faith with a verbal confession, how he spent 3 days blinded while praying to God and how Saul received the baptism of the Spirit, Holy and was baptized in water and went thereafter preaching that Jesus is the Son Of God.
I read it.

What about it?

So you can read the book of Acts. What you're point?


Well-known member

anyone is free to take some time to read what I posted

it was simply a scriptural layout of factual details of how Saul was converted, how he accepted in obedience and faith with a verbal confession, how he spent 3 days blinded while praying to God and how Saul received the baptism of the Spirit, Holy and was baptized in water and went thereafter preaching that Jesus is the Son Of God.
Thanks for the synopsis.
I am glad it was recorded.


Well-known member

anyone is free to take some time to read what I posted

it was simply a scriptural layout of factual details of how Saul was converted, how he accepted in obedience and faith with a verbal confession, how he spent 3 days blinded while praying to God and how Saul received the baptism of the Spirit, Holy and was baptized in water and went thereafter preaching that Jesus is the Son Of God.
Without any other commentary as to why you posted it, it appears to be a poor attempt to support the thread title. Is that what you meant to do?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Reconciliation isn’t salvation. It means the door is now opened for the lost to walk through.

18 Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through oneMan’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life.

It is a gift. You are free to reject the gift.


New member
on the contrary, I was never attempting to provide support for someone being saved " while in unbelief "

the situation with Saul of the New Testament would not be something that would support this.

rather, that Saul is convicted and given a vindicating sign that he cannot deny - nor can he ignore it.

The the Lord Jesus who manifested himself in the form of light and a voice speaks to him and Saul realizes that this is the voice of truth, Saul then begins to prays, he accepts that Jesus, The Anointing - is the son of God and comes to the realization that he is the truth from God

I am not someone who would necessarily make absolute judgment about someone's salvation based upon the condition of the status of their faith or the unbelief in their heart. But I do know that God will save someone according to his will and purpose.

but the fact is that we all know that the unbeliever will not repent and place their trust in the Lord and without
repentance of the heart one does not turn to Jesus, accepting his Spirit, Holy of The Anointing,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
on the contrary, I was never attempting to provide support for someone being saved " while in unbelief "

the situation with Saul of the New Testament would not be something that would support this.

rather, that Saul is convicted and given a vindicating sign that he cannot deny - nor can he ignore it.

The the Lord Jesus who manifested himself in the form of light and a voice speaks to him and Saul realizes that this is the voice of truth, Saul then begins to prays, he accepts that Jesus, The Anointing - is the son of God and comes to the realization that he is the truth from God

I am not someone who would necessarily make absolute judgment about someone's salvation based upon the condition of the status of their faith or the unbelief in their heart. But I do know that God will save someone according to his will and purpose.

but the fact is that we all know that the unbeliever will not repent and place their trust in the Lord and without
repentance of the heart one does not turn to Jesus, accepting his Spirit, Holy of The Anointing,
Meaningless double talk.

Jesus did not force Saul to repent. Had he failed to do so, Jesus would have gone to someone else and we'd, most likely, have never heard of Saul at all.

God CANNOT save ANYONE contrary to that person's will - period. The whole idea is self-contradictory nonsense. God is just, not arbitrary. God is Love, not coercion.


New member
The situation with Saul was somewhat similar to what Jonah experienced when he was commanded to preach to Nineveh ,

Remember that Jonah refused to obey, the Lord intervened and INTERFERED , INPEEDED , HINDERED , OBSTRUCTED his path

Jon 1:3 ... Jonah.... ( refusing to obey ) ... rose up to flee unto Tarshish from the presence of the LORD

the LORD sent out a great wind into the sea,............. , so that the ship was like to be broken. Jonah openly admitted to the men of the ship that he fled from the presence of the LORD, Jonah then said unto them, Take me up, and cast me forth into the sea; so shall the sea be calm unto you.

The men of the ship tried their very best to save the life of Jonah down to the very last moment just before their lives would be lost - So they took up Jonah, and cast him forth into the sea: and the sea ceased from her raging. BUT..... the Lord is INTERFERING , INPEEDEDING, HINDERING, and OBSTRUCTING his path forcing Jonah to obey Jon 1:17 Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. - he then, after all of this - decides to obey,

so it was _ with Saul of Tarshish. Although Saul was truly a believer who believed in the Lord of his fore - fathers,
Saul in his heart believed that God wanted him to defend Israel against the Romans who were demanding that the followers of the resurrected Lord Yahashua be hunted down and killed and his movement be eradicated

Saul believed he was doing the right thing but God - INTERFERED , INPEEDED , HINDERED , OBSTRUCTED his path

It is saving grace how that the Lord INTERVENED in the life of Saul and he was given vindication, evidence and struck blind by the wisdom of the Lord, Saul accepted and obeyed unto salvation and faith upon the Lord Yahashua saving his soul and leading sinners to believe upon The Anointing, The Eternal Spirit Of The Holy - the only born son of God

although - the Lord INTERFERED , INPEEDED , HINDERED , OBSTRUCTED the path of Jonah whom was sent to deliver revelation

Saul however, was given revelation upon the INTERFERENCE , INPEEDED , HINDERENCE , OBSTRUCTION of his path

the Lord INTERFERED , INPEEDED , HINDERED , OBSTRUCTED the path of Jonah to deliver revelation and bring salvation to Nineveh.,


Just imagine if the Lord had allowed the Trinitarians to produce a Bible TRANSLATION into a modern language before the late 1400s - the entirety of all scripture translated would have resulted into absolute perversity - the Lord INTERFERED , INPEEDED , HINDERED , OBSTRUCTED the path of Trinitarians preventing them from translating his holy word for nearly 2000 years.


New member
they like to pretend and revel in the lie that their mistranslations are exclusively orbited around the trinity alone


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Saul of Tarshish
Jonah whom was sent to deliver revelation
to produce a Bible TRANSLATION into a modern language

Why not just stick to haranguing people in your own language (which clearly is not English)? Nobody owes it to you to spend time trying to decode your illiterate ravings, as you sit there raging in your self-righteous hatred against God.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Just imagine if the Lord had allowed the Trinitarians to produce a Bible TRANSLATION into a modern language before the late 1400s - the entirety of all scripture translated would have resulted into absolute perversity - the Lord INTERFERED , INPEEDED , HINDERED , OBSTRUCTED the path of Trinitarians preventing them from translating his holy word for nearly 2000 years.
"Those dang Trinitarians! I didn't see that Gutenberg Bible coming! I kept those pesky trinitarians at bay for almost 15 centuries and now look! It's going to ruin everything!"- borntosurf's "god"

(The Gutenberg Bible is the only bible produced in the late 1400s so I have to assume that's the "translation" he's referring to. Maybe he was refering to the Bishop's Bible in the late 1500s ???)
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Well-known member
Meaningless double talk.

Jesus did not force Saul to repent. Had he failed to do so, Jesus would have gone to someone else and we'd, most likely, have never heard of Saul at all.

God CANNOT save ANYONE contrary to that person's will - period. The whole idea is self-contradictory nonsense. God is just, not arbitrary. God is Love, not coercion.
Your response is unwarranted...I think.
It looks like you and "borntosurf" are on the same page !


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It seems internet theology forums are something of a magnet for cultists.

Just what exactly does "INPEEDEDING" mean, anyway?

Ha! I hadn't even noticed that one. I had only noticed "INPEEDED", which is hilarious enough as it is. It's even funnier with "ING" suffixed to it!😂

I refuse to be lectured by Bible-despising heretics who have the gall to try to use English (my own, native tongue) to harangue me while they are hardly even conversant in it:
