It is not a resurrection, however it does say the dead in Christ shall rise...
When dead people are raised what should we call it if not a resurrection?
It is not a resurrection, however it does say the dead in Christ shall rise...
Meeting Jesus IN THE AIR is NOT His return to EARTH.
It's really a no-brainer.
Nowhere in PROPHECY will you find the CATCHING UP that God gave to Paul by REVELATION (something REVEALED).
When dead people are raised what should we call it if not a resurrection?
That's the best you can do explaining the difference to me? That's the extent of it?
Guess you missed Livelystone's posting of those very scriptures.
If you cannot understand that, you cannot understand anything more.
Paul was given REVELATION that was kept secret SINCE the world began. So it is clearly NOT the SAME revelation that was spoken of SINCE the world began.
It's the key to differences, understands.
Is he the last word on interpretation?
MANY hearty congratulations to the Wrong Divider and to the StekoNot the SAME REVELATION there, poor disturbed one.
You do NOT understand the revelation given to Paul. In fact, you completely ignore it.
If you simply read the various prophetic verses about the return Christ, you will see …
the Bible clearly teaches that believers will be gathered at His second coming …
at the end of the tribulation … and NOT at some secret return before His second coming!
Unfortunately, it would take too many pages to fully quote all of the Scripture references.
It might help you to know that God's wrath is only poured out on the Day of the Lord.The wrath is Jacob's trouble, aka great tribulation as told in Matthew 24.
MANY hearty congratulations to the Wrong Divider and to the Steko
... for you guys always seem to be on the opposite side of spiritual Truth!
Is it because you belong to Satan's minions who stand at the door
of Christian forums just waiting to diss God's spiritual Truth,
which is meant to serve as edificational instruction for God's elect?
(Is that a word?)
But, there is a great blessing to all of this here in the current thread
... we haven't (as yet) had to put up with a whole bunch of emotional
nonsense from several of our most highly esteemed female members!
Praise God.
You are so full of yourself.In today's world we would call that a cop out.
If you know everything there is to know about everything there is to know about pre-trib, you would kindly take the time to explain this idea of a mystery that somehow proves a rapture before tribulation. If that is what you're trying to do. You took off onto this mystery thing and I really have no idea where you're coming from. That's why I asked!
So explain in detail about these mysteries and what you believe they mean. I know just about every in and out with pre-trib and this might be another new fabrication of theirs. So I really gotta know!
More arrogant pride.How can one understand what the other understands if you don't make an attempt to help someone understand? That's why I asked! Are you guys so arrogant that you can't take 5 minutes to explain this 'mystery' to me? I really would like to take 10 minutes to debunk it.
You are so full of yourself.
God gave something to Paul that He NEVER gave to anyone before. You reject this.
The "great tribulation" has nothing to do with the body of Christ. It is the "time of Jacob's trouble", which has to do with Israel and the rest of the Christ rejecting world. It is the time when God pours out His wrath on the UNBELIEF and corruption of the world. And that is EXACTLY why the body of Christ is removed FIRST. God has reconciled those that believe Him in this dispensation of His grace. Therefore WE are not His enemies, but His ambassadors. Before WAR is commenced, He will recall His ambassadors.
It might help you to know that God's wrath is only poured out on the Day of the Lord.
It has nothing to do with Christian persecution or tribulation of the antichrist.
Sorry, but I merely asked if he was one.I warn you to tone down your rhetoric. To accuse another poster of being in "Satan's Minions" is out of line.
We may disagree with one another yet realize that each of us treads our own pathway.
Also "emotional nonsense" is the ability to love even such an one as you....