Well-known member
Kind of a cocky fellow. If this is a sock from a previous username, sorry about this but all the posts in this thread by you need a solid challenge because you are well over your paygrade and ability. This is part of my degree and I'm well aware of why we have a canon and why we believe scriptures are infallible and inspired. You are a relativist (meaning truth is not ultimate and is whatever you decide it is, without the benefit of the entire body, councils, or God because 'nothing is inspired'I was sure you could not resolve the error. I just wanted to see if you would try.
Not like you are thinking. All truths are God's and thus anything He conveys is 'inspired" but there is a collection of Evangelicals that all agree what these terms mean and you, a loner, don't "get" to redefine. Not even with quotes from Origen. I'm well aware of and have read most of the church fathers.Are you aware that early church writers considered many writings outside the canon inspired?
:nono: The pertinent (the quote) IS in scripture. You are kicking against accepted terms and ideas. While you seem to employ a bit of education and understanding, you are one of those guys that thinks your own thoughts on these matters is more important and holds more weight by virtue of your lone (ranger) self. :nono: Some Anglicans and other nominal Christians (yes, and sorry, true, you and they seek to undermine God's authority, cannot be done).
Here Jesus quotes scripture not in the canon.
Not necessarily 'inspired' however. You make a few rookie assumptions.Hawkins, and what of this lost book?
1 Kings 11:41 NRSA
41 Now the rest of the acts of Solomon, all that he did as well as his wisdom, are they not written in the Book of the Acts of Solomon?
You are a naïve hack. Sorry, you are just ignorant to say such a thing. I don't know what they taught you where you went to school, but this is beyond amateur on your part. You studied a little and then managed to pontificate into erroneous error. Look: There are Trinitarians, Urantians, Modalists, and other cults represented in this thread, every-last-one-of-them disagrees with you. You need to listen more, pontificate a LOT less.I have noticed that people sometimes tend to pad the resume of the Bible, imagining it to be infallible and defining every word in it to be the Word of God. The Bible never made those claims for itself.
Yeah, but if you discount His truth, His Word, His revelation, then it is just the Cobra-show with you making it up and pontificating 'what you think' rather than what is true.We are to love and follow the Lord.
:doh: He said it. Are you STILL trying to argue the point as if you are brilliant? What is the point? Do you often have a hidden back-slap in your repertoire for decent debate? Why are you tossing out his thought here? Just to prove your own point and heighten your own platform and supposed prowess? :idunno: Some of this kind of thing never makes sense to me. Why not listen a little before going off half-cocked, and half-learned?Do you still maintain that Jesus quoted the OT in John 7?
Two things to consider:
1) The Greek compound word godbreathed does not necessarily mean that God breathed the words. A compound word is not defined by its two roots. Are you aware that the early church fathers considered many non-canonical writings inspired.Spoiler
2) if you will take a thorough look at the passage from 2 Peter, you will see that it is not about scripture in its entirety. It refers to the prophecies of scripture spoken by people when moved by the Holy Spirit.
It is important to know scripture, and it is also important to recognize what it really says and claims about itself.
The first chapter of Luke provides an excellent example:
Since many have undertaken to set down an orderly account of the events that have been fulfilled among us, 2 just as they were handed on to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word, 3 I too decided, after investigating everything carefully from the very first, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 so that you may know the truth concerning the things about which you have been instructed.
Luke says he decided to write the gospel. It was not a divine revelation—it was the result of his thorough investigation. That is why there are minor, insignificant differences in the details between Luke and the other gospels. If God had breathed every word into Luke’s pen, there would be no factual differences between the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke).
This is really part of the modern 'relativism' philosophy and poor theology. If you want to walk down it, you'll walk it alone or with a few other compromisers of truth. Again, I came from this kind of wishy-washy 'truth is what I make it' liberal mess and admit I hated it. I didn't hate the pastors or people, I hated what they were doing. They were compromising truth for lies. "If" you are a big enough of a man to stand and be corrected, I'll walk through inspiration and canonization AND why it is necessary to understand scriptures as uncompromisingly coming from God infallibly. If not, this is the wall of separation. No Christian who walks in both Spirit and Truth, can walk down that path with you. You'll walk it alone and/or with wishy-washy types who will not listen to God. As for me and my house Joshua 24:14-16
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