Titus 3:9 KJV - 1 Timothy 1:4 KJV -
Yes, we know you can’t explain the errors.
Titus 3:9 KJV - 1 Timothy 1:4 KJV -
“admitted satanist” ?
Are you aware that making such a false statement is not what a person who claims to be a Christian should do?
I understand that you cannot explain the errors in the genealogies, but do you really want to compound that inability with such shameful false accusations?
Romans 16:17 KJV -Yes, we know you can’t explain the errors.
No, I'm not. I'm denying it means what you claim it means. Fortunately your lack of understanding does not dictate what the Scripture reveals to the saints.
I know, why don't you start claiming David is Saul's son?opcorn:
1 Samuel 24:16 And it came to pass, when David had made an end of speaking these words unto Saul, that Saul said, Is this thy voice, my son David? And Saul lifted up his voice, and wept.
Why don't you start claiming Jesus is the son of David instead of the Son of God?
So far we have verses that say He is the Son of God, the son of Joseph, the son of Mary and the son of David. What a quandary that must be for you. :sigh:
Matthew 20:31 And the multitude rebuked them, because they should hold their peace: but they cried the more, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou son of David.
So how can Jesus say call no man Father because we all have the same Father spiritually Matt 23:9, Eph 4:6, Acts 17:24 etc.. in regards to that truth you must have been born without a biological father through a physical virgin as well if you believe that's the way the Sons of God John 1:13 (who is Spirit)come into this world of darkness and vanity. Mary/Sarah were types of the Jerusalem which is above, bearing a spiritual mind that has been regenerated from mortal blindness Galatians 4:20-28 explains it if you can hear it, you think you know the scripture but believe in figurines of symbology that are dead letter if taken literally and know not the God of the living or the states of mind these allegories/portrayals represent "spiritually yet you want to keep them in the realm/land of flesh and blood who have no inheritance awareness Galatians 4:1, and still believe in death and sickness Galatians 3:1-5, the word among John 1:14 should be translated in, like it is in other parts of the letter, is the correct way Colossians 1:27, 1Cor 3:16, John 1:9, Matt 11:11 backs that up concerning biological birth verses inward spiritual awakening Eph 5:14, Galatians 1:12.
You know those verses you quoted are not presenting genealogies.
I am sure you know the difference, so you must be frustrated that you cannot explain the errors.
You deny the plain language of Luke 3.Spiritual.
I'm not "redacting" anything. They understood what they were writing....it's YOU that doesn't understand.
The Holy Spirit gives me understanding, as He does all true believers.
Ephesians 1:17-18
17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: 18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,
No, but I am a bit frustrated that a grown man would continue to act like he's stupid.
It has to be an act of some sort. :troll:
Yes, we know you can’t explain the errors.
Yes, I know that you have no answer.Since you did not answer my questions, admitted bible rejector/corrector/agnostic/mystic, and an admitted child of the devil, satanist......
....Neither do I tell you...(Matthew 21:27 KJV, Mark 11:33 KJV, Luke 20:8 KJV).
Your frustration is from the fact that I present the fact that you don’t believe the Bible, while pretending you do.
Sonnet with a bonnet and a bib. :baby:
I am dealing with facts, while you are dealing in insults.
That is because the facts disagree with you and prove you wrong.
Yes, I know that you have no answer.
I am hoping to decide that you should be honest and admit it.
Who do you think was the father of Joseph, Heli or Jacob?
I am embarrassed for you, that you would deny the text while claiming to revere it.You aren't dealing with FACTS, at all. You're harping on one verse that you don't understand, while running like a little girl from this verse that says Jacob BEGAT JOSEPH.
Matt. 1:16 And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.
Are you embarrassed about not knowing what "begat" means?
Are you embarrassed because you can't admit that being a "son" applies to step children and sons in law?
Are you embarrassed that you've been shown for what you are.....a fake and a troll?
Yes, we know you can’t explain the errors.
You might be more comfortable with your own kind: http://www.errancy.com/about/does-the-bible-teach-inerrancy/
At LEAST these are more honest than you: they clearly weigh the answers AND listen to them. Doesn't require a response, just a site you may feel more comfortable with AND learn from your betters who also believe the bible has errors. I don't academically agree with them, but at least they listen to answers instead of 'pretending.' I can't stand dishonest debate, which is why I've bowed out with you. Again, not trying to re-enter this conversation, just show you a place that does it more honestly where you might feel like you have your own crowd.
I am embarrassed for you, that you would deny the text while claiming to revere it.
Yep. Not because you disturb my faith at all. I went to seminary and have been over and over these 'discrepancies.'I understand you find my presence here uncomfortable.
Just stop. Your trying to mind-read is very tiresome and unnecessary. Even if you 'could' win a debate this way, wouldn't it be a hollow victory when the Lord Jesus Christ is the needed goal? In the end, I trust those scriptures, even 'if' they had something supposedly wrong, because they are God's only instructions to us. We have no others. I will never waste my time arguing this much about what seems an error. They were never made for that purpose. I believe John W is right, if you are going about 'correcting' and wasting time overtly 'emphasizing' those corrections, you are pitting yourself above them. I have a fairly high IQ. There is no intellectual integrity lost in assuming differences emphasize, what else? --> Differences. That's it for me and the end. I am just not interested in pursuing what doesn't matter to me. I'd think a fellow like you would be satisfied enough that I can see those differences. Do you truly have to press that such is an error? Why? It makes no logical sense and as John W says, it causes people to lose faith IN those scriptures, right or wrong. I and John W believe they are right and correct. You don't. What do YOU win if you win this argument? Isn't the end result a people that can no longer trust their bible, but for a few of you that don't care? Why is this the debate you must win at all costs? It is, btw, costing you. Nobody is going to like you and you will continue to get 'demon' and 'satan' accusations because your line of questioning is what the serpent in the Garden used "Did God really say?" What is the point? What do you win? For us, we win a bible that people can rely on, even if they don't understand why a difference is there. Many of them, for us, reconcile. I already know they don't and won't for you. So? Where to next? You've entrenched, we on the opposite side, entrenched. You can't win without annihilating your opponent. Was that your intention on TOL? To make enemies? For what reason? For what purpose? You CAN'T win the 'trust in a bible with errors' debate. You can stalemate, but again, why? What is the point?It is never easy to see error in one’s long-held views.
Right. For me, I keep looking until some answer shows itself. For me, the differences have reasons most of the times, and good ones. They have a better spiritual reason than 'just a mistake.' Jacob English for Ja'acob. from Hebrew. Heli is not Hebrew and so could be a Greek name equivalent, etc. You 'can' say a translation error. You 'cannot' say Luke error, however. You'd have no possible way to assert it because "Heli" isn't Jewish. What does that mean? It means you and I are stuck with a puzzle and you cannot go past that, without being incredibly theologically bent (without scripture reason or support). Oh, you'll argue that until you are blue in the face. I simply leave it lie. You don't like 'answers.' Okay. It isn't here to be 'your' answer. It is simply an example of you saying 'not answered' when clearly, you have been answered. You just don't 'like' the answer. Well and good because I don't care if you like it or not, just that you were answered meaningfully, and you were. Because you continue to say the opposite, I can't argue or carry on a conversation with you. I don't want my name dragged through your indoctrination fest however. If I were to make a statement about the thread, it'd look a LOT different than you posturing and would go something like this: "I believe differences in the Bible are legitimate and we shouldn't overlook them, but I don't believe we have the resources to figure out mistakes unless we have sufficient evidence that such is a problem in translation. That said, I believe it best to simply take these at face value and/or leave them for another day and proceed to get what God intends for us in these passages instead. Cobra finds these differently and I believe him wrong and quick to the accusatory rather than being studious. In the end, we both stand before our Maker for what we teach and say and are accountable for any good or ill effect of our words. Thus, I again say one should avoid fights over stuff like this. Scriptures are meant to be authoritative to our lives. Once we start correcting them instead of being molded by them, we are interfering with the Holy Spirit's work and authority in our lives. For this reason, though I believe in inerrancy, I try to avoid a fight with someone who is of a different opinion than mine because it draws out the worst in us, not the best, Imho. So let's leave it that I believe Cobra is wrong and that the default position, for the scriptures, is to believe in them and allow them to make and mold us into His image, such that an argument is, imho, the worst use of our time. He must go his own way, and I will go mine."Thanks for the link. I don’t frequent such sites normally. The errors I have seen were ones that I came across in my personal studies and studies in preparation for teaching a small group or Sunday School class.
Yes. You 'assume' an error. There is no intellectual intelligent way to prove an error exists. Why would you insist on it? You really must listen to this one disagreement: You see a difference but have no way at all to assert it is there because of error. It 'cannot' be done. Pay attention to that. "Cannot" as in 'impossible.' No one with intellectual integrity (providing one is equipped with an intellect) could say anything but simply this: "There is a difference and we have no way of telling why it is there. We can but speculate."Do you have any explanation for the error in the story of the centurion?