chair said:
6days said:
If (death existed before sin) the curse becomes meaningless as does the death and resurrection of Christ. There would have been no need of Jesus going to the cross, if physical death was not the result of sin.
Exactly my point. These Christian doctrines are projected onto a text that doesn't support them.
Chair..... I have no idea what you believe, or if you are a Christian. If you aren't a Christian, there is no point in debating theology with you. If you are a Christian, you seem confused. Which doctrine do you think is being projected on the text? Doctrine of sin? Salvation? The doctrine of Jesus Christ? Scripture? Doctrine of man?
I think every Christian doctrine has its foundation in the first few books of Genesis. But doctrine is not determined solely on just a few verses, but on the entirety of scripture.*
chair said:
So, Adam didn't see animals die?
He would have seen death after sin entered the world. Perhaps the first death he witnessed was when God clothed him and Eve with animal skin. It isn't much of a stretch to see that innocent blood was shed to clothe them in righteousness.*
chair said:
And when God said "you'll die" Adam knew that it meant "spiritual death"?
In post 366 you said "Death in the OT is physical death.". *What are you arguing? Are you saying physical death was not the penalty for sin? Or, are you not making a argument, and merely trying to hit your word quota for today?