Originally posted by flogger
It seems to me that idiotic Christians who think the world began 6000 years ago are writing their own scriptures-nowhere in the Bible does it say that the world began 6000 years or 6 billion years or 100 billion years ago. The Bible simply says that "in the beginning when God created the universe, the earth was without form!"
Thus, one must rely on science-which comes from the Latin word for knowledge!!!
It is a lie that a person
must rely upon science to know the truth regarding the origination of the universe.
It seems to me to be logic 101 that a material universe could not arise in a material manner. Thus one has to believe that the universe is eternal, or that it arose in a non-material or "non-natural" manner.
Most people call a non-natural manner "supernatural".
Scripture says that God is a spirit and if this is true then it implies there is a spiritual world. Human beings are said to have been made in the "image" of God. This means that humans were created to have a spiritual component so that even though we have a physical, or animal body if you wish, we may be more than the mere animals which we superficially resemble from a materialistic point of view.
But scripture says that something very dreadful happened in those early days and we no longer fellowshipdirectly with God. perhaps we have a damaged "image" these days.
But God provided a cure for our fallen condition. He arranged for His son to come to Earth in the physical form of a man. Since His son was actually equal to the Father in the Godhead, the son's sacrifice was sufficient to pay for all the sins of humankind, something that would of course been impossible for an ordinary human being.
The Bible tells this story in many different places in scripture in many different ways. If one says the story is false then it follows logically that this would mean that all the books of the entire Bible, OT and new, are false. This is why those who try to find compromises between the lie of "uphill" evolution and the truth of scripture are doomed to gradually slide further and further into scriptural disbelief, as Bishop Spong has done.
But all of this is nonsense to a person who blindly follows the materialism of our age.
Compromisers claim that they believe in the supernatural birth of God in human form. But they gag when told that God supernaturally created the universe and first life in multiple types not that long ago.
The truth is that they are trying to serve two masters, God and Evolution, and we Christians know what Jesus had to say about such folly.
The joke is that "uphill" evolution isn't even scientific.