Come on Lon, pay attention. Am I dismissing an entire field of science, even though I don't know anything about it?
Like religion? Yeah, I do see that. Oh, you mean 'science.'

And where in that are the assumptions and mere guesses that you accused geochronologists of engaging in?
You don't pay attention to me either, not that either of us owe the other that

Why, because you say so? Do you honestly think anyone is going to take your empty say-so over the long-standing consensus conclusions of the experts who actually work in the field?
Of course not, let's not worry about it and just keep doing court cases the rest of eternity

Again, pay better attention. You claimed that there was a "problem with science books" in that they "indoctrinate" by asserting "evolution did it". Where are your examples of such books doing that?
You just above showed your disdain as well as again illustrated you are not on TOL for intelligent conversation. My example would 'easily' be dismissed, no?

Ok, to be totally honest....that's one of the dumbest things I've ever read. If that's reflective of the extent of your knowledge of biology, then I'll just let that speak for itself.
Like you, I have several fields of study and so you don't rate on my radar either. It is mutual

There is never an excuse for a scientist to even say such a thing (reserving inane vitriol for another time by contrast). See
here While no scientist wants to disagree with Gould, this particular 'evolution expert' says the finches were all the same but the beaks. Well, that is not speciation and so much for your inept assessment here. Nice try, but you make me question your 'science' degree at every turn.

It's no different than someone trying to act like they're an expert on the Bible, but in doing so saying "When Noah took the 10 Commandments to Joseph and broke them on the Ark of the Covenant, Lot's wife got so mad she turned into salt and pepper".
You certainly are not.

Given the level of ignorance of basic biology you displayed above, your opinions on the subject aren't worth a thing.
your inept supposed 'science-expertise' assessment, your input isn't desired anyway :noway:
I didn't see the phrase "evolution did it" anywhere in there.
you don't pay attention, but lest we forget, you are not here for that reason anyway. You are inept.
You're not making any sense at all.
Incredibly better than you are but again, lest any forget, you are here for fun and ridicule, not some noble scientific pursuit, by your own admission.
Yep, and evolution has served as the unifying framework for the life sciences for over a century. It's the basis for the field of comparative genomics, which is how we figure out the functions of genetic sequences. It informs us on things like vaccine development and antibiotic resistant bacteria.
I'd disagree but "something something something stupidest thing I've ever read..." No? You make your own bed here on TOL, Jose. Nobody looks for anything but mockery and 'fun' from you because that is your only stated purpose. I use you to make points regarding your honesty and integrity as well as any scientific prowess you assert you possess. I doubt your capabilities given that is your stated reason for TOL existence.
Over the same period of time, creationism hasn't contributed a single thing to science. Not one thing.
Pure assertion on your part. Creationists were against the fish to man chart long before science admitted it was an incorrect portrayal as well.
So on that basis alone, evolution is clearly superior to creationism, which is utterly useless.
And this falls in line with your fun and mocking purposes on TOL

Again, given the astounding level of ignorance of basic biology you displayed above, your opinions on the subject aren't worth anything.
Way to over-play, over-assert your science prowess :noway:
Pretty much as I think of the piece of paper your degree is written on could produce at this point

No, it was a valid observation. In this thread we have people who obviously don't know the first thing about radiometric dating methods, yet have deemed themselves qualified to critique it. That is a very good illustration of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
I'd disagree for two reasons 1) Dunning-Kruger doesn't apply to laymen websites like this one directly. The expertise for this website is whatever allows for cross-over discussion between science and religion. If you understand this, you are 'half' qualified potentially. 2) The website being laymen, is graced by those with any particular degree. You 'could' be a valued person here. You choose not to be but it is no reason for the disdain that you may possess the degree. It again amounts to your elitist self-love and infatuation disdaining the hoi poi and pretty much the essence of this repost of your's
If someone said, "When Noah took the 10 Commandments to Joseph and broke them on the Ark of the Covenant, Lot's wife got so mad she turned into salt and pepper", would you consider that person to be sufficiently knowledgeable about the Bible to critique it? Would you take that person's assertions about the Bible as unquestioned gospel?
First, I don't think the comparison viable because this wouldn't be said by a cognizant individual trying to assert something. I suppose there is something to how prideful the guy is asserting that which is wrong. I don't think this passes comparison viability, Jose.
No? Now you know how we view your assertions about biology.

lain: You demean your own profession. :Z