Salvation Through Mary?


New member
Perfect analysis. It just gives me so much pain that that Satan is running most of religion. Yeshua is king. God bless you. May you have strength to follow through with martyrdom and that you receive your white robe.

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Perfect analysis. It just gives me so much pain that that Satan is running most of religion. Yeshua is king. God bless you. May you have strength to follow through with martyrdom and that you receive your white robe.

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thank you for your prayer, brother:)


New member
So you don know that Pope Francis is the false prophet as mentioned in revelations? Of course he is in charge. He is aligned with the Holy Roman Empire that isn't holy and Roman but German-Turkish and unholy. Nothing new under the sun. The fourth Reich. Pope Francis and Merkel are turning the EU into Gog and Magog before your very eyes. Revelations 12 verse. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.

Trump has Israel tunnel vision.

Trump restores power of Israeli ambassador
After years in the Obama wilderness.

Everyday Trump does something pro Israel.

Evidence on Pope Francis being the black Pope. He is the eighth king. You have to study him. I have spent countless hours studying the Popes comments. Did you read his false interpretation of revelations 12 in his encyclical. Saying it is about mother Mary when it is obviously about Israel. Oh and the EU flag conveniently has a crown of twelve stars. You have to do some work on your own. I can't do it all. Maybe I can but you could help by looking for truth.

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Yeah, I don't think so. I don't think the Pope is in charge of other world leaders.

Can you name some of the world's leaders that you think the Pope is supposedly in charge of?



New member
They made Popes kings starting in 1920's

This chart shows how the eighth king is determined.

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Cute chart but only one possible interpretation and probably not the best one. Here's why:

There is a much better interpretation of Revelation 17 and even that depends on reading it literally or figuratively.

Reading it literally, we should notice that the Angel tells John in the first century that five of the kings have already fallen. That is a past event at the time of John's writing.

I think a better interpretation is that the kings represent Roman Emperors who persecuted the early Church.

The five already fallen could be Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Vespasian ,and Titus. Domitian could be the sixth and Nerva the seventh.

I think something like that makes a better interpretation precisely because 5 had already fallen at the time John was hearing this in the 1st century.



New member
Except for the fact that Pope Francis is the false prophet. Study him. You will find many many supportive statements by him that he is the false prophet. I thought Benedict would get shot like in the past by German thugs and they install their own. I was waiting for him to get shot because I knew we were close to it happening because of St Malachi's prophecy. The he stepped down and I knew it was him.

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New member
Pope Francis is from the abyss of hell.

Anything specific that you want to mention that he has done that is so "hell-like"?

Of course God controls the minions as outlined in the book of Job.

Where in the book of Job? I shouldn't have to read the entire book to see if what you are saying is correct.

How about giving me a chapter(s) and verse(s) so I can see if your interpretation is accurate?

The day of the lord lasts through tribulations until his return.


Jesus is king.

Double Amen!

Read the Bible.

I will try to do better at that.

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New member
Except for the fact that Pope Francis is the false prophet. Study him. You will find many many supportive statements by him that he is the false prophet.

Ok. I am curious. Name one.

If there are "many, many" statements proving that he is the false prophet spoken of in Revelation, please tell me one.


I thought Benedict would get shot like in the past by German thugs and they install their own. I was waiting for him to get shot because I knew we were close to it happening because of St Malachi's prophecy.

So really what happened is that you were wrong about Benedict.

It makes me wonder how many other things you believe that you are wrong about.

The he stepped down and I knew it was him.

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New member
Lol. My wife is catholic. I put it in the glove box and she always puts it back on the rear view mirror.

The majority of taxi drivers here have the beads hanging from the rear-view mirror and they cross themselves every time they pass by a church.
A casual tourist might well conclude that the "god" here is Mary.


Francis is a potential candidate for antipope from what I've heard. Some in the Roman magisterium are disagreeing that he is in keeping with the RCC's orthodoxy.

It would be about time- antipopes weren't uncommon for most of history up until the 1500's or so.


New member
Ok. I am curious. Name one.

If there are "many, many" statements proving that he is the false prophet spoken of in Revelation, please tell me one.


So really what happened is that you were wrong about Benedict.

It makes me wonder how many other things you believe that you are wrong about.

The he stepped down and I knew it was him.

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From a historical perspective it was correct thinking that Germany would bring the power back to the real leader of fascism in the world through any means necessary. The Germans have always been aware of the power and money and control they can obtain through religion. But Satan is right there with them and forced him out. Does it really matter how he gained his position as the Bible states that he is from the abyss of hell? The Bible didn't state how either. So that left it open for conjecture. You can do your own studies. That wasn't a wrong interpretation but wrong conjecture. Big difference.,

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Eagles Wings

New member
The majority of taxi drivers here have the beads hanging from the rear-view mirror and they cross themselves every time they pass by a church.
A casual tourist might well conclude that the "god" here is Mary.
I'm a former Catholic and decline and reject most of it's teachings.

That said, the sign of the cross has nothing to do with Mary.

The rosary is believed to be Christ-centered and could be used to help one memorize events in the life of Christ.

While the rosary does not confer salvation, Catholics may believe it merits grace toward justification, whereas historic Protestants believe in justification by faith alone, in Christ alone.
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New member
God bless you. What do you think about the 4 beasts of Daniel? Do you believe it was the first,second,third and fourth Reich or empires. As empires are always heads or heads of beasts or just a beast like the exceedingly dreadful 4th Reich or beast. The first group of martyred saints came out of the first and second Holy Roman empires. Now interestingly enough the currency was the Mark in World war 2. The Germans had the mark and the Jews did not. The Jewish people couldn't buy or sell and they were executed. Some of the executioners were professed Lutherans. The head of the beast or Empire was mortally wounded (division of Germany) and in 1988 the wall came down(wound was healed) and the whole world marveled. Hitler was an antichrist and came into power in a vacuum. The stuff on the Jewish was an extra that added. But one thing is for sure. Angela Merkel is instrumental in turning the EU into Gog and Magog. Pope Francis there egging her on.

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New member
I'm a former Catholic and decline and reject most of it's teachings.

That said, the sign of the cross has nothing to do with Mary.

The rosary is believed to be Christ-centered and could be used to help one memorize the events in the life of Christ.

While the rosary does not confer salvation, Catholics may believe it merits grace toward justification, whereas historic Protestants believe in justification by faith alone, in Christ alone.

Don't get me wrong. All Catholics are not doomed. But we have to keep it biblical. The five virgins that did not have oil in their lamps weren't reading the Bible. You really can't see that Mary was just a vehicle for furthering prophecy and fulfillment of Jesus dying for our sins unless you read it in context. I cant tell you how many times a Catholic has told me " it's our tradition".

Mark 7:8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.

God really is mocking religion. My wife is catholic. She is Philipina. How does accepting religion at the end of a gun become tradition? That's how her grandfather became a catholic. I don't really get that one. Hopefully as the Pope gets stronger and absorbs more religion or her daughters come back(lol) people will see. Yeshua is king. Read the Bible.

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New member
Addendum to the 4 beasts. Third beast is the four headed beast or Germany or leopard. The 4th head is the one emerging in our time. Exceedingly dreadful. I always get confused on that one. Sorry. Good night and God bless. And remember we are here to learn.

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Eagles Wings

New member
Don't get me wrong. All Catholics are not doomed. But we have to keep it biblical. The five virgins that did not have oil in their lamps weren't reading the Bible. You really can't see that Mary was just a vehicle for furthering prophecy and fulfillment of Jesus dying for our sins unless you read it in context. I cant tell you how many times a Catholic has told me " it's our tradition".

Mark 7:8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.

God really is mocking religion. My wife is catholic. She is Philipina. How does accepting religion at the end of a gun become tradition? That's how her grandfather became a catholic. I don't really get that one. Hopefully as the Pope gets stronger and absorbs more religion or her daughters come back(lol) people will see. Yeshua is king. Read the Bible.

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Were you both Catholic when you married?

Are you a new man, in Christ? Eph 4:23-24


Well-known member
The RCC is mentioned in the book of Revelations, right here:

Rev 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

Now folks must try to understand who the Harlots are.


New member
Hey beameup,

No. That doesn't necessarily follow.

Catholics believe in a powerful God and believe that He has the power to preserve one person from the stain of sin if He wants to. That doesn't mean Mary's parents were preserved from the stain of sin...nor did they need to be.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church puts it this way in paragraph 491:

"The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Saviour of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin."

Notice that Mary didn't do anything...God did. He gave her that grace as a gift and He has the power to do so.


Paragraph 491 is a case of inferring is it not? There is no explicit scripture to back this up - so why do so?


New member
Yeah, I don't think so. I don't think the Pope is in charge of other world leaders.

Can you name some of the world's leaders that you think the Pope is supposedly in charge of?


Angela Merkel,Putin as he signed the law against preaching after the Pope met with Krill. Also Krill Russian orthodox head. The head of Salvation Army church. Google his meetings. He takes over all Religion. There is only one valid church. Look that one up.
Edrogan,all Muslim clerics. John Kerry,Clintons,I think Trump is a little rogue but hard to tell. All of the UN. And many more. Duterte of the Philippines. Trump is gonna fulfill Pope Francis wish of destroying each individual's pursuit of wealth as outlined in his encyclical. You can see it materializing with all the back and forth lying wonders between Putin and him. Open your eyes. It's all there. It takes hours and hours of reading and looking at statements. Isis is the creation of government and the Pope. Watch the Pope tell the EU to take more refugees that he created.
And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.

Revelations 12

Pope Francis is the false prophet from the abyss of hell. Is that not a synonym of the serpent or Satan. Woman is Israel.

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New member
God bless. The EU is the new Holy Roman Empire. You have to put many pieces together. Knowledge of history is helpful. That's why God says there is nothing new under the sun. Everything comes back because the old hate is carried down. Just ask George Soros. I forgot about him. Pope Francis and him are on exactly the same Satanic page.

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